Call to reduce electricity usage on Friday 10 February 2017

The extreme hot weather conditions have resulted in record electricity demand predicted across NSW on Friday 10 February 2017. This, combined with constraints on the availability of black coal generation capacity in NSW, has the potential to give rise to minor supply shortfalls in the ACT.

There are many simple steps Canberrans’ can take to help reduce electricity use, while still ensuring they remain cool for their own safety and comfort.

Tips for residents to reduce electricity include:

  • turn off electrical appliances if not in use during the day
  • turn off unnecessary residential lighting
  • restrict use of air conditioning (set temperature to 26oC or higher)
  • minimise use of cooking equipment
  • consolidate refrigeration and turn off unnecessary fridges
  • avoid use of dishwashers, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners & second TV
  • turn off domestic pool pumping and heating operation for the day
  • avoid use of TVs or computers for game purposes

Tips for businesses to reduce electricity include:

  • limit the use of air conditioners to occupied spaces only and setting the thermostat to no less than 26°C
  • turn off unnecessary interior lighting, particularly in unoccupied spaces
  • turn off advertising lighting and any unnecessary exterior lighting
  • turn off heating appliances for swimming pools or spas
  • turn  off appliances usually left in standby mode – including TVs, DVDs,  videos, stereos, computers, microwave ovens, battery chargers and  portable power supplies
  • turn  off computer hard drives and screens and only using 50 per cent or one  of each type of other compliance, such as phones and faxes
  • turn off water heating systems and urns during the hours of 6 am – 11 pm, except for food and beverage preparation and cleaning.

The ACT Government will continue to work closely with ActewAGL and our NSW counterparts and assess and monitor the situation.

Updates will be provided as more information comes to hand. Updates will be provided on

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