

If children don't get the extra help they need early, they will fall further behind

There's a lot of talk about Australian students falling behind academically – that they either don't understand what's being taught or they're just bored and tune out.

At the same time, there are steadily increasing rates of depression and anxiety among students. Doctors are seeing children and young adults with mental health issues or behavioural difficulties that, on further questioning, are associated with undiagnosed learning difficulties. 

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Imagine this – a teacher has referred Susie, aged 10 years, for medical assessment as she has poor concentration in the classroom. Susie is a delightful girl who can hold her own in an adult conversation. She has an above average IQ but admits to struggling at school. She had a year of "reading recovery" in Year 1 but now receives no intervention. When I write down some letters and ask her to give me the sounds, I am shocked. While she knows the common ones (t, s, c, a), she is unable to tell me the sounds made by w, y, b and d. How is it that this bright young girl in Year 5 at a Sydney school, is unable to recognise single letter sounds? 

Our education system is failing our kids. Our teachers are under increasing pressure to teach children more information with increasingly limited time in the classroom. There is more paperwork, more testing, resulting in less time to get to know the children. 

It is expected that our children will start school with an assumed level of knowledge or at least, ready to learn. Single letter sounds are learnt within the first 10 weeks of kindergarten. Then the curriculum demands that children progress to sight words and reading. But what if your child hasn't quite grasped the basic concepts? Unfortunately, your child is expected to "keep up".

As children learn, each new skill is a brick. The bricks are placed from the ground up to build a wall of knowledge. But some children don't get all the bricks. There is no time to slow down. As they build the wall, there are holes instead of bricks. As the wall gets bigger, the holes create instability until the wall collapses. Children can continue to learn to a point, but then it all comes crashing down.


It might surprise you that up to 10 per cent of children in schools are affected by specific learning difficulties in reading, writing or maths. If recognised early, intervention can be provided so that they can continue to learn. But if unrecognised, as in Susie's case, there comes a time when the wall cannot get any taller before it crashes.

This situation means the private tutoring business is booming - market research firm Global Industry Analysts predicts the global private tutoring market will surpass $103 billion by 2018. 

These children require explicit, direct and systematic instruction in reading, writing and maths. Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) tutors are trained to assist children to learn using hands-on techniques and problem-solving skills. 

As parents, we need to be aware and take action early. If you think your child may have a learning difficulty, seek early intervention. Talk to your school and ask them if they can provide an MSL tutor or evidence-based program for your child. 

If your child is not interested in doing homework, let them play. Children learn so much through building, creating and exploring. They can learn maths while shopping, reading through street signs and science through playing with a bucket of water

Play board games together. Family time is extra fun and reinforces your child's self-esteem. Snakes and ladders to learn maths, scrabble to reinforce spelling and chess to develop tactical thinking.

Focus on your child's strengths to build their confidence. That confidence will flow through to other areas. If they know their strengths, they will be less inclined to worry about their weaknesses.

Dr Annemarie Christie is a practising GP, child health educator and mother of four.