
Journalism in the Public Interest

Deutsche Bank Remains Trump’s Biggest Conflict of Interest Despite Settlements

Trump’s largest lender is undergoing scrutiny by the Justice Department and other federal regulators. And it’s being overseen by independent monitors, making conflicts of interest inescapable.
Labor Department Hire Could Presage Collision Between Trump and Construction Unions
When the Government Really Did Fear a Bowling Green Massacre — From a White Supremacist

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After Officials Sign Off, Cleveland Clinic Doctor Secretly Returns Home

Suha Abushamma had been forced to leave the United States after President Donald Trump’s travel ban. She sued, and high-level discussions led to her return yesterday.

Despite Judge’s Order, a Cleveland Clinic Doctor Still Can’t Come Back to U.S.

A federal judge’s order has allowed many people with visas to come to the U.S. But Dr. Suha Abushamma isn’t one of them. She was forced to give up her visa. And now she’s suing.

Claims of ‘Homosexual Agenda’ Help Kill Hate Crimes Laws in 5 States

Some Christian groups have no problem protecting people from crimes driven by racial or religious hatred. They just draw the line at sexual orientation.

The Breakthrough: What American Journalists Can Learn From Reporting Under Putin

Podcast: Russian journalist and editor Elizaveta Osetinskaya published hard-hitting stories about the Kremlin. And it cost her her job.

Can the Democrats Be as Stubborn as Mitch McConnell?

If Chuck Schumer and his Senate Democrats choose a path of obstructing President Trump’s agenda, they will have learned from the best.

Ivanka Trump Also Promised to Resign From Family Business, And Hasn’t Filed Paperwork

President Trump’s eldest daughter said she’d give up management of her businesses. We checked.

Reader Questions Answered on Trump’s Travel Ban

After the weekend’s chaos surrounding President Donald Trump’s executive order banning refugees and visitors from seven majority Muslim countries, we received lots of questions. Here are some answers.

Will Trump’s Ban Cause Foreign-Born Doctors to Look Elsewhere?

The U.S. has long depended on foreign-born physicians to shore up its ranks and work in rural and blighted urban areas. Now Trump’s ban makes coming to America a risk.

A New State Department Order to Revoke Visas Could Have Far-Reaching Effects

Immigration lawyers are scrambling to understand the meaning of a letter first disclosed late Tuesday.

Cleveland Clinic Medical Trainee Sues to Come Back to U.S.

Dr. Suha Abushamma was denied entry to this country Saturday, hours after President Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning visitors from seven countries.

After NY Cop Salutes Violence Against Anti-Trump Protester, His Online Post Comes Under Review

An anti-Trump marcher got punched in the face. A Port Authority cop posted “Grow up bitches and get a job.” The department’s inspector general gets a referral.

HHS Nominee Tom Price Targeted Panel That Urged Fewer Cancer Screenings

After a task force of experts said evidence didn’t support some cancer screenings, it became the target of lawmakers, including Price and others with health industry ties. Now the critics are in power.

Federal Court May Decide If Employers Can Reject Older Job Seekers to Protect ‘Image’

A major bias case against the Texas Roadhouse chain stems from an aggressive government strategy that may not survive the Trump administration.

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Gov. Cuomo's New Affordable Housing Proposal Would Make Some Rents Less Affordable

Gov. Cuomo's New Affordable Housing Proposal Would Make Some Rents Less Affordable

The governor’s initiative would water down a longstanding requirement that developers who receive a $1.4 billion-a-year tax break must cap rent increases in new apartment buildings.

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After Officials Sign Off, Cleveland Clinic Doctor Secretly Returns Home

After Officials Sign Off, Cleveland Clinic Doctor Secretly Returns Home

Suha Abushamma had been forced to leave the United States after President Donald Trump’s travel ban. She sued, and high-level discussions led to her return yesterday.

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Can the Democrats Be as Stubborn as Mitch McConnell?

Can the Democrats Be as Stubborn as Mitch McConnell?

If Chuck Schumer and his Senate Democrats choose a path of obstructing President Trump’s agenda, they will have learned from the best.

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ProPublica is covering access to the ballot and problems that prevent people from exercising their right to vote during the 2016 election.

8 Stories in the Series. Latest:

N.C. Governor Loses Re-Election Bid, Attempts to Hold Power by Claiming Voter Fraud

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Machine Bias

We’re investigating algorithmic injustice and the formulas that increasingly influence our lives.

24 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Bias in Criminal Risk Scores Is Mathematically Inevitable, Researchers Say

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Reliving Agent Orange

ProPublica and The Virginian-Pilot are exploring the effects of the chemical mixture Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans and their families, as well as their fight for benefits.

28 Stories in the Series. Latest:

ProPublica Files Lawsuit Seeking VA Correspondence Related to Agent Orange

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Hell and High Water

Houston is the fourth-largest city in the country. It’s home to the nation’s largest refining and petrochemical complex, where billions of gallons of oil and dangerous chemicals are stored. And it’s a sitting duck for the next big hurricane. Why isn’t Texas ready?

9 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Obama Signs Bill That May Boost Texas Hurricane Protection Study

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Tens of thousands of people every year are sent to jail based on the results of a $2 roadside drug test. Widespread evidence shows that these tests routinely produce false positives. Why are police departments and prosecutors still using them?

12 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Texas Panel on Wrongful Convictions Calls for Ending Use of Unverified Drug Field Tests

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