Trump’s Muslim Ban Inspires An Incredibly Satisfying Viral Comic

Lady Justice to the rescue!

02/08/2017 01:25 pm ET

This comic has courted quite a bit of attention online.

Last week, when a federal judge put a nationwide block on President Donald Trump’s executive order that banned refugees and citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, a doodling duo from Miami found creative inspiration.

Cynthia “Thea” Sousa Machado and Sam Machado, a husband-and-wife comic team, published this cartoon:

Sousa & Machado
"I Got This."

The image, called “I Got This,” features Lady Justice stepping in to defend Lady Liberty against Trump. The comic resonated with many after Sam tweeted the image, earning over 27,000 likes and 17,000 retweets as of publication, along with some glowing reviews:

“This was largely Thea’s idea,” Sam told the Huffington Post. “The image came to her when the president’s executive order first encountered difficulty. But we waited to see what the national implications would be.”

When it looked like the judicial branch was going to continue to serve as a check, the couple decided to start drawing it up.

These cartoons help us process all this as much as anything else." Sam Machado

”Thea loved the idea of Justice holding back President Trump,” said Sam. “As we talked and passed it back and forth, the narrative began to evolve. These cartoons help us process all this as much as anything else.”

The couple, whose comics have dealt with social issues in the past, began producing more political images after the election. One of those shows Trump as a caveman dragging Lady Liberty by her hair into a cave.

"Cave Trump"

“This is image of Liberty under assault was how a lot of Americans felt on so many levels,” Sam told HuffPost.

He also noted that Lady Liberty has been a reoccurring theme for the couple, since Cynthia hails from New York City and the statue reminds her of home.

"Liberty's Hijab"

It’s the very concept of Lady Liberty in stark contrast to the travel ban that sparked the couple’s stunning comic, “I Got This.”

“It hits us in our hearts,” Sam said of the ban. “My father came from Cuba and built two businesses in this country. Thea’s family is Puerto Rican by way of Portugal. We don’t have family from any of the banned countries, but our hearts go to those that do.”

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