Did the Saskatchewan Roughriders work out Jonny Manziel?

From Sportsnet

The Saskatchewan Roughriders find themselves at the centre of yet another controversy after a report from 3Down Nation alleged the team worked out former college and NFL star Johnny Manziel in January prior to the Senior Bowl.

Since Manziel is on the Hamilton Tiger-Cats’ negotiation list, a workout with the Riders would be a violation of CFL rules.

“We are investigating,” the league’s director of communications Paulo Senra said in a statement provided to Sportsnet. “The Riders tell us that they did not work out Manziel. So at this point, it appears the report is false. Should other evidence come to light, we will deal with it accordingly.”

Chris Jones, Saskatchewan’s head coach, GM and VP of football operations, denied the allegations with the following statement: “The Saskatchewan Roughriders have not held or attended a workout involving Johnny Manziel. With that, I will not be commenting further on the report.”

f the report turns out to be true, it’s unclear at this point what the possible punishment will be but this wouldn’t the first time the Riders have broken league rules. The team was fined and had its salary cap reduced during the 2016 season for practising with ineligible players.

I am going to believe Chris Jones on this but if it comes out the Riders did work out Manziel, I am not going to be surprised. 

The NDP’s headlong rush to irrelevance

From Michael Den Tandt in the National Post

Not so long ago, Thomas Mulcair’s New Democrats campaigned on a broadly centrist platform, buttressed by a common-sense pledge: A federal NDP government would provide responsible, competent public administration.

It was hardly a call to arms by Che Guevara, or Ed Broadbent for that matter. But it was a handy tagline for a party wishing to trade protest for power. Reassurance, solidity and dependability were the watchwords as Mulcair, cast by his team as a battle-tested Obi-Wan in contrast to the inexperienced Justin Trudeau and the dour Stephen Harper, set his sights on the big job.

Heading into the 78-day campaign, still aglow from Rachel Notley’s victory for the NDP in Alberta a few months prior, Mulcair held the lead, narrowly. Anything was possible.

Today, no one is running for a leadership convention that is scheduled for October.

Maybe there’s more that brings us together than you think

I love this

It’s easy to put people in boxes. There’s us and there’s them. The high-earners and those just getting by. Those we trust and those we try to avoid. There’s the new Danes and those who’ve always been here. The people from the countryside and those who’ve never seen a cow. The religious and the self-confident. There are those we share something with and those we don’t share anything with.

And then suddenly, there’s us. We who believe in life after death, we who’ve seen UFOs, and all of us who love to dance. We who’ve been bullied and we who’ve bullied others.

U.S. Visitors May Have to Hand Over Social Media Passwords: DHS

If this becomes policy, I may never visit the United States again.

People who want to visit the United States could be asked to hand over their social-media passwords to officials as part of enhanced security checks, the country’s top domestic security chief said.

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told Congress on Tuesday the measure was one of several being considered to vet refugees and visa applicants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“We want to get on their social media, with passwords: What do you do, what do you say?” he told the House Homeland Security Committee. “If they don’t want to cooperate then you don’t come in.

I don’t have a lot of private conversations on Twitter but there are some that I don’t want some border guard to have access to.  I use Facebook only to access the FB account at work.  I’ll be honest, if a Homeland Security guard would handle the Facebook messages I get, I’d be happy to turn that over but there is a principle at stake here.

What’s next, cell phone call records?  Home phone call logs?  Of course as soon as the Department of Homeland Security demands this, users will use cheap throwaway accounts with no connection to them or use new services.  If you get WhatsApp account info, then they use Kik or something else.  I understand why DHS wants this info but the likelihood of it providing any leads is almost nothing.  Plus, you don’t need the passwords to see what stupid things I write here or who I am connected with on Twitter.  At the expense of the U.S. economy, this policy would provide very little good information.

CBS News: “It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality”

Today President Trump told a U.S. military audience there gave been terrorist attacks that no one knows about because the media choose not to report them. It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality. Mr. Trump said this morning that any polls, that show disapproval of his immigration ban are fake.

He singled out a federal judge for ridicule after the judge suspended his ban and Mr. Trump said that the ruling now means that anyone can enter the country.

The President’s fictitious claims whether imaginary or fabricated are now worrying even his backers, particularly after he insisted that millions of people voted illegally giving Hillary Clinton her popular vote victory. There’s not one state election official—Democrat or Republican—who supports that claim.

For Naval Aviation Nerds, This is a Sad Day

From New Atlas,

For Naval Aviation Nerds, This is a Sad Day

After almost 55 years of active service, the USS Enterprise has been decommissioned. No, we’re not talking about a certain starship, but the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which was commissioned in the US Navy in 1961 and now bears the distinction of being the first nuclear carrier to be decommissioned. The eighth US Naval vessel to bear the name, the Enterprise was removed from the Navy list today as Captain Todd Beltz relinquished his command in a ceremony in the ship’s hangar bay.

The keel of USS Enterprise was laid down in 1958 at the Newport News Shipbuilding Co. and the ship was christened on September 24, 1960 by Mrs. Bertha Irene Franke, wife of former Secretary of the Navy William B. Franke, before being commissioned on November 25, 1961. Enterprise was the first and only one of its class and was unique for the time by being powered by eight Westinghouse A2W nuclear reactors – six more than later carrier designs. This gave Enterprise an unlimited range and it required refueling only every 20 to 25 years.

Displacing 93,284 tons (84,626 tonnes), Enterprise carried a complement of 5,828, including an air crew of 1,300 to maintain and fly the 60 to 90 aircraft aboard. During its career, the US Navy says the Enterprise steamed for over one million nautical miles and at decommissioning was the third oldest ship in the Navy.

For Naval Aviation Nerds, This is a Sad Day

“The Big E,” as it was nicknamed, was involved in almost every major US Naval engagement since the Cuban Missile Crisis with the exception of the 1991 Gulf War, when it was laid up for a major overhaul. In April 1983, it also played host to actor George Takei, who portrayed Helmsman Sulu on the science fiction space-going version of the Enterprise. Unfortunately, on that occasion, the real carrier ran aground on a sandbar off San Francisco.

Most young Vancouver residents would rather leave than live elsewhere in BC

But 87 per cent of those surveyed would stay in the region if money wasn’t an issue


For Vancouver-area residents under 35, the only place in British Columbia in which they want to live is the Lower Mainland, and most would rather move to another province than live in another part of BC.

According to survey conducted by Insights West for real estate adviser firm Resonance Consultancy, 87 per cent of those asked where they would choose to live if money were no object would choose to stay in the region. Moving outside of British Columbia came in a distant second at 14 per cent, followed by 11 per cent who said they would like to move to the Kelowna and Thompson Okanagan region.

For young residents across the province, 68 per cent said they would choose to live in Greater Vancouver, and 18 per cent said their top choice was in Victoria and other parts of southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. This was followed by Kelowna and Thompson Okanagan at 15 per cent.

Seventy per cent of those surveyed across B.C. said they are likely to move in the next five years, with 76 per cent saying they will be moving within their current regions. As well, 19 per cent say they will likely move to Greater Vancouver, and 38 per cent say they plan to leave the province.

“There is a tremendous challenge ahead for policy-makers and politicians to make Greater Vancouver affordable and welcoming for Millennials who clearly want to live and work in the region,” said Chris Fair, president of Resonance Consultancy, for which Insights West conducted the study.

Interesting study but it would interested to see it compared to other Canadian cities like Regina where I am sure 98% would prefer to live somewhere else.  On a more serious note, it goes to show how high rent has gotten for many cities and it’s impact on being livable.  If you can’t afford to enjoy the city, all of the amenities in the world won’t make you want to work there.

After Locals Kept Covering Anti-Homeless Spikes With Cushions, This Building Just Gave Up

Kindness wins out over deliberately harsh urban design tactics.

Anti-homeless spikes have been removed in Manchester, England, after locals kept covering them with cushions. The spikes, intended to stop homeless people from sleeping on flat, raised surfaces, had been installed on a ramp outside the Pall Mall Court office building at the end of January.

After seeing the spikes featured in the Manchester Evening News (MEN), local resident Jennie Platt took her kids down to the building to cover the spikes with cushions; they also brought sandwiches and snacks for the homeless, who total around 78 on a given night in Manchester. “I thought it was really mean and a Scroogey thing to do, it is really unnecessary,” she told the MEN. “It’s a spot where people can keep warm and sheltered, people don’t need to be that mean.”

Platt isn’t the only person to attack anti-homeless spikes, which might be the most hostile incarnation of urban design that cities can implement. Back in 2015, activists covered up spikes in London’s gentrified Curtain Road with mattresses, and added shelf full of books for good measure.

Wild bison roam Banff National Park for first time in more than century

From the CBC.  This is story that makes me happy.

The first wild bison to roam Banff National Park in more than a century have been airlifted into a remote valley in a “historic homecoming” aimed at re-establishing a thriving herd, Parks Canada said Monday.

The 16 bison — primarily pregnant two year olds — were loaded onto shipping containers on trucks in Elk Island National Park, about 35 kilometres east of Edmonton, and transported to the park in the past week.Wild bison roam Banff National Park for first time in more than century

The shipping containers were ferried by helicopter over the slopes and lowered into an enclosed pasture in Panther Valley near Sundre on the eastern slopes of the park.

The bison were let out into the pasture, where they’ll stay for 16 months while being closely monitored by Parks Canada using radio collars.

Wild bison roam Banff National Park for first time in more than century

Eventually, in the summer of 2018, they’ll be released into a 1,200-square-kilometre area on the eastern slopes of the park, where they can interact with other native species, forage for food and integrate into the ecosystem.

One of my goals this summer is to head to Buffalo Pound Provincial Park and Grasslands National Park and take some photos of the bison.

Who cares?

I am not sure I do.

The Conservatives on Monday abruptly put an end to questions about the Liberal government’s ethical woes after it was revealed interim leader Rona Ambrose vacationed in the Caribbean on a billionaire’s yacht at the same time she was blasting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his own lavish holiday.

Ms. Ambrose and her caucus have been harsh critics of Mr. Trudeau for vacationing with his family and Liberal friends over the holidays on a private island in the Bahamas owned by the billionaire Ismaili leader, the Aga Khan. Mr. Trudeau is currently under investigation by the Ethics Commissioner, who will determine whether he broke the federal Conflict Of Interest Act, possibly for taking a private helicopter, although Mr. Trudeau denies wrongdoing.

“Justin Trudeau knew what he did was against the law. All he had to do was say no, but he couldn’t resist the billionaire lifestyle,” Ms. Ambrose tweeted on Jan. 12.

But it turns out Ms. Ambrose was embracing that same billionaire lifestyle – possibly in that very moment.

Ms. Ambrose’s spokesman, Mike Storeshaw, confirmed a report first published by news website iPolitics last week that the acting leader and her partner, J.P. Veitch, vacationed on energy mogul Murray Edwards’s yacht around the islands of St. Barths and Saint Martin.

Mr. Storeshaw said Ms. Ambrose travelled between Jan. 3 and 14, but only checked in with the Office of the Ethics Commissioner on Jan. 12 – six days after Mr. Trudeau’s trip was first revealed by the National Post, and on the same day she sent her “billionaire lifestyle” tweet. Ms. Ambrose also tweeted a copy of Conservative MP Blaine Calkins’s letter to the Ethics Commissioner on Jan. 11.

Okay.  I agree Justin Trudeau broke the rules when he went to Khan’s private island . It seemed to be the kind of thing that should have been declared to the ethics commissioner before he went.  Someone in the PMO should have said, “Umm Justin, we are going to have a problem”.  I think they knew that before he went based on the non-disclosure of his itinerary.

That being said, I really don’t have a problem with politicians having rich friends.  Of course attacking one side for living the billionaire lifestyle while you are on a private yacht… that just seems to invite some mocking.

Melania Trump sues Mail Online for $150 million because she can no longer profit from the Presidency

I know we are all tired of Donald Trump but…

Melania Trump, the First Lady of the United States, is seeking $150 million (£121.2 million) in damages in a defamation case against Mail Online, claiming the publication has undermined a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to “launch a broad-based commercial brand.”

Trump filed a suit against the Mail last September but refiled the case in New York on Monday.

The First Lady’s suit says she is seeking damages for a false report on the website last August that she worked as an “elite escort” during her time as a model in New York in the 1990s.

Her lawyers argue that the report, which was later retracted, has meant that Melania Trump’s “brand has lost significant value, and major business opportunities that were otherwise available to her have been lost and/or significantly impacted.”

The case says Melania Trump: “had the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model, brand spokesperson and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multi-million dollar business relationships for a multi-year term during which Plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world.”

It adds that “these product categories would have included, among other things, apparel, accessories, shoes, jewellery, cosmetics, hair care, skin care, and fragrance.”

Her lawyers conclude that the Mail’s report, which spread across social media and blogs, “caused tremendous harm to [Melania Trump’s] personal and professional reputation, for which she seeks compensatory and punitive damages of $150 million.”

The Washington Post has this.

Richard Painter, a White House ethics counsel under President George W. Bush and a critic of President Trump’s decision to retain ownership of his real estate and branding empire while in office, said Monday that he was troubled by the suggestion in the new suit that Melania Trump intended to profit from her public role.

“There has never been a first lady of the United States who insinuated that she intended to make a lot of money because of the ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity of being first lady,” said Painter, who is participating in a lawsuit claiming that President Trump’s relationship with his company violates a constitutional provision barring presidents from taking money or gifts from foreign governments.

I guess the political strategy makes sense, Melania Trump defends herself against the mainstream media but at the same time, it seems to be a strategy that hurts her credibility as well.  In defending her against one false claim, they open her up to a claim that her team started that she is looking to enrich herself from the Presidency.  By doing that, even if she wins, her reputation suffers but maybe if you have $150 million in the bank, you no longer care.

In the end, I wonder if this is just her lawyer overreaching in his statements.

Isolation and Trump

I was thinking about this article in the New York Times which suggests that Donald Trump is alone and isolated in the White House.  I have been really hard on Trump in the past, I don’t see anything in common with him but I hate to see anyone working like this.

Usually around 6:30 p.m., or sometimes later, Mr. Trump retires upstairs to the residence to recharge, vent and intermittently use Twitter. With his wife, Melania, and young son, Barron, staying in New York, he is almost always by himself, sometimes in the protective presence of his imposing longtime aide and former security chief, Keith Schiller. When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone reaching out to old campaign hands and advisers, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home.

I wonder how healthy it is for the President of the United States to be without friends, allies or family in Washington.  From what I remember or have read, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan had long time friends and political staff (who had become friends) come with them to Washington to help keep them grounded.  Others became close because of shared interests like George W. Bush and Condi Rice’s love of sports.

For Trump, there seems to be no one.  Those he does call friends often repudiate it or give the impression it is a very casual friendship.  It just seems like a very lonely high stress existence.  Not the best picture of the guy with the nuclear codes and who seems obsessed with conspiracy theories.

On Being a Sell Out

On the topic of selling out.  For the first time ever on this site, you will notice an ad on the right side of the page.  If you click on it, I get money which goes towards hosting costs and that kind of stuff for the site.

I have always resisted putting ads on the site but I have spent thousands of dollars into it over the years and have gotten very little back from it other the grief and sadness.  So here you go.

A blog about urbanism, technology & culture.