- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 16591132
Avión is a municipality in the Spanish province of Ourense. It has a population of 2053 (2014) and an area of 121 km².
Coordinates: 42°23′18″N 8°15′22″W / 42.38833°N 8.25611°W / 42.38833; -8.25611
Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies, which originally aired on 31 May 2004, and is distributed by E1 Kids. To date, four series have been aired. It went on a hiatus for 2 years and 2 months before re-premiering on 14 February 2015. It is shown in 180 countries.
Peppa Pig is a children's television programme broadcasting on Channel 5 and Nick Jr. in the UK, Nickelodeon/Nick Jr. in the USA, ABC 4 Kids and Nick Jr. in Australia and Discovery Kids in Latin America, including Brazil. Each episode is approximately 5 minutes long. The show revolves around Peppa, an anthropomorphic female pig, and her family and friends. Each of her friends is a different species of mammal. Peppa's friends are the same age as she is, and Peppa's younger brother George's friends are the same age as him. Episodes tend to feature everyday activities such as attending playgroup, going swimming, visiting their grandparents, cousins, going to the playground or riding their bikes.
Minerva "Minnie" Mouse is a funny animal cartoon character created by Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney. She was first drawn by Iwerks in 1928, as was Mickey Mouse. The comic strip story "The Gleam" (published January 19–May 2, 1942) by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson first gave her full name as Minerva Mouse, although this is seldom used.
The comic strip story "Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers" (published September 22–December 26, 1930) introduced her father Marcus Mouse and her unnamed mother, both farmers. The same story featured photographs of Minnie's uncle Milton Mouse with his family and her grandparents Marshal Mouse and Matilda Mouse. Her best known relatives, however, remain her uncle Mortimer Mouse and her twin nieces, Millie and Melody Mouse, though most often a single niece, Melody, appears. In many appearances, Minnie is presented as the girlfriend of Mickey Mouse, a close friend of Daisy Duck, and a friend to Clarabelle Cow.
In 1928, Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks created Mickey Mouse to act as a replacement to his previous star Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. But Mickey could not fill the void alone. Among the few consistent character traits Oswald had developed before moving on to Universal Studios was his near-constant pursuit of potential sweethearts. So for Mickey to have a chance to emulate his predecessor at flirting, someone had to replace Oswald's many love interests. This replacement to Miss Rabbit, Miss Cottontail, Fanny and an uncertain number of unnamed nurses and dancers was to become Minnie Mouse.
As a first name, Minnie is a diminutive of Minerva, Winifred, Wilhelmina, Hermione, Mary, or Amelia. It may refer to:
Mickey Mouse is a funny animal cartoon character and the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company. He was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks at the Walt Disney Studios in 1928. An anthropomorphic mouse who typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes, and white gloves, Mickey has become the most recognizable cartoon character in the world.
Mickey first was seen in a single test screening (Plane Crazy). Mickey officially debuted in the short film Steamboat Willie (1928), one of the first sound cartoons. He went on to appear in over 130 films, including The Band Concert (1935), Brave Little Tailor (1938), and Fantasia (1940). Mickey appeared primarily in short films, but also occasionally in feature-length films. Ten of Mickey's cartoons were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, one of which, Lend a Paw, won the award in 1942. In 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Beginning in 1930, Mickey has also been featured extensively as a comic strip character. His self-titled newspaper strip, drawn primarily by Floyd Gottfredson, ran for 45 years. Mickey has also appeared in comic books and in television series such as The Mickey Mouse Club (1955–1996) and others. He also appears in other media such as video games as well as merchandising, and is a meetable character at the Disney parks.
Peppa Pig y Toda su Familia Viajan en Avión Juguetes de Peppa Pig
Increíble despegue en vertical de un avión comercial Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
TuTiTu Avión
Cómo hacer un AVIÓN DE PAPEL diferente - EL AVIÓN MÁGICO (Experimentos para niños)
Minnie Avión de Minnie Polka Dot Jet - Juguetes de Minnie
Muy buenos días | Características del avión ruso que llegará a Chile
Viaje en Avión | Chavo Animado
10 Peores Accidentes de Avión Captados en Cámara
Hola amiguitos, aquí os traigo el segundo vídeo de la aventura de Peppa Pig y su Familia. En el primer video Peppa con George, Papa Pig y Mama Pig se montaron en el coche y se dirigieron hacia el aeropuerto y a lo largo del camino Peppa y George jugaban a descubrir los animales que veían. En este vídeo Peppa y toda su familia subirán en avión y volaran muy alto hacia su destino. Van a ver muchísimas cosas mientras vuelan en avión. Espero que os guste este video, besitossss. ★ Primer vídeo de la aventura: Caja Sopresa con Juguetes de Peppa Pig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96LIk5rI4aA Segundo vídeo de la aventura: Comienza la Aventura de la Familia Pig | Juguetes de Peppa Pig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf1IlCarg1w Más vídeos de juguetes de Peppa pig: Maletin de peluqueria de ce...
Fíjate en este vídeo de este espectacular despegue del Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. Te dejará con la boca abierta. Cada día los vuelos comerciales nos sorprenden con nuevos avances en sus características y cualidades. En este caso es la compañía Boeing. Sin embargo la compañía nos ha dicho que este tipo de vuelos no es para vuelos comerciales. ¿Se imaginan?, cuando tu vuelo despega, ¿qué se ponga en vertical tal solo comenzar el vuelo?, pensaríamos que el piloto ha bebido alguna bebida isotónica :) En este vuelo podemos ver como despega desde el aeropuerto de Washington, donde la compañía tiene su sede, y colocarse en vertical en pocos segundos. La compañía indica, que este tipo de vuelos no son comerciales. Por lo tanto, que no cause pánico, no tendremos uno de estos vuelos. New Boeing 78...
¡Ver ahora!: "TuTiTu en Español | Top 30 más populares | 70 minutos!" ➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_qSSxcWZcc -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Juegos TuTiTu GRATIS: http://www.tutitu.tv/index.php/games Dibujos TuTiTu para colorear GRATIS en: http://www.tutitu.tv/index.php/coloring Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TuTiTuTV Camisetas TuTiTu: http://www.zazzle.com/TuTiTu?rf=238778092083495163 TuTiTu -- "Los juguetes cobran vida" es un programa de televisión animado en 3D dirigido a un público de 2-3 años. TuTiTu estimulará la imaginación y creatividad de los niños a través de coloridas formas. En cada episodio las formas de TuTiTu se convertirán en un nuevo y emocionante juguete. En esta entrega las formas de TuTiTu se convertirán en un avión. Production & Animation: Twist Animation Ltd. Product...
Experimentos Caseros para niños | Hoy os vamos a enseñar una divertida manualidad que todo el mundo en casa puede hacer. Solo necesitamos un par de cartulinas, un palito de brocheta y algo para fijar :D Más información en: http://www.experimentoscaseros.info Los más vistos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZJGbA6tSvY&list;=PUZm99IRWDIG1fxAgtkykAVA Experimentos con globos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgMABevgpKY&list;=PLeGtgci936iHSr9HdbZDHWqWiP0zXG3Mt Experimentos con huevos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps_is7MiHRA&list;=PLeGtgci936iGPz-OX4QVa-Rej967gL4kN Experimentos con latas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhHydlvLhbE&list;=PLeGtgci936iH8Q0SZqoH8EtR-xDOHcuc5 Experimentos de Física: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_26VIyL5Ub8&list;=PLeGtgci936iH2AxKYieXenlGPrpVoVdIu Experimentos ...
FAMILIA!!! Music by: https://soundcloud.com/dyallas Canal de Paula: https://www.youtube.com/user/ElSecretodeLaura ¡COMPARTE EL VIDEO SI TE HA GUSTADO Y NO OLVIDES SUSCRIBIRTE! Os espero en mis REDES SOCIALES: - Sígueme en TWITTER: https://twitter.com/alekspuertolas - Sígueme en FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/puertolasalex/ - Mis fotos en INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/alexpuertolas - Directos en YOUNOW: https://www.younow.com/alexpuertolas - Sígueme en SNAPCHAT: alex_puertolas -Contacto: al.puertolas@gmail.com Mañana más y peor.
Canal de ROSGAMER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCOJMSONe7sSt6qOikRvO4Q Juegos baratos: http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/vicio/ https://www.facebook.com/VicioOMT https://twitter.com/VicioOMT Si queréis apoyar el canal, aquí podéis aportar lo que queráis: https://twitch.streamlabs.com/vicioonemoretime Música de CHUBBY MOSH descarga gratis los 2 álbums: 2º álbum https://archive.org/details/chubbymoshelsegundo (1º álbum versión Instrumental) https://archive.org/details/JimenezylosSantos/v2 (1º álbum versión con voces) Otras músicas usadas aquí: https://archive.org/details/freemetalsongsvolume1/v2 https://archive.org/details/DavidFauCasquelcosillabinilla https://archive.org/details/DavidFauCasquelmusicasparami https://www.facebook.com/ChubbyMosh/ Mi BANDCAMP (poned 0,00 en el precio, ...
Minnie vuela con su amiga Daisy en su avión privado, que cuenta con todos los lujos y detalles para hacer del vuelo una experiencia inolvidable. El set incluye las figuras de Minnie y Daisy, el avión, equipaje, asientos, peluquería y un carrito con la merienda. No te lo pierdas, te enseñaré todos los detalles de este fantástico juguete. En TOYS on the go! están las mejores Reviews de Juguetes ►►► Suscríbete, es Gratis! http://goo.gl/jr26IW No te pierdas mis vídeos, os enseño la apertura de la caja, contenido, montaje y posibilidades de juego ♥ Todos mis vídeos: http://goo.gl/zulsbX Sígueme en las principales redes sociales: ♥ Facebook: http://goo.gl/T81W1a ♥ Twitter: http://goo.gl/MiKX80 ♥ Google+: http://goo.gl/Zii4Ae Minnie Avión de Minnie - Polka Dot Jet (Fisher-Price) EAN 746775197...
En los próximos día, el gobierno de Vladimir Putin enviará a Chile el Ilyushin Il-76, avión que se sumará al SuperTanker en la misión de combate a los incendios que afectan a nuestro país. La aeronave, que fue usada en la época de la Unión Soviética con fines militares, mide 46 metros de largo y cuenta con una capacidad para lanzar 42 mil litros de agua. ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn_/
En una visita al aeropuerto, el chavo del 8 y sus amigos se meten en problemas al tratar de recuperar una estampa coleccionable del Chapulín Colorado. Suscríbete al canal del Chavo del 8: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=elchavodel8
Los 10 peores accidentes aereos de 2016. Aviones y otras aeronaves: Cohetes que explotan, transbordadores espaciales, dirigible hindenburg en llamas, choques de aviones y helicópteros, choques frontales, aviones sin alas y mucho más. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sígueme en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XQRIOSITY Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/XQRIOSITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Music by: Kevin MacLeod www.incompetech.com
▲ ▲ ♡ Toutes les informations sur cette vidéo sont ici ♡ ▲ ▲ Hello mes amours ! Je sais bien que cette vidéo n'a rien à voir avec la saison mais je me suis dis " Bon Marie, tu pars en avion, pourquoi ne pas faire un petit GRWM ? " J'espère que ça vous plait ! J'ai filmé pleins de choses aux USA, je vous ai prévu plusieurs vlogs ! Ils arrivent ce week-end ^^ Je vous aime fort ! PS : MERCI pour tous vos gentils retours sur ma dernière vidéo GRWM !!!! ♡ Si vous voulez me contacter à des fins professionnelles uniquement, c'est ici : enjoyphoenixpro@gmail.com ♡ Produits cités : - - - - - - - - - - ◄ Regardez la vidéo en HD ( Click 1080p ! ) ◄ ♡ Vous pouvez me voir ici aussi : ♡ Chaine de Vlog : http://www.youtube.com/user/EnjoyVlogging ♡ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/EnjoyPh...
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https://www.expedia.com/Prague.d180014.Destination-Travel-Guides Step into a child’s storybook when you first arrive in Prague, a city in the Czech Republic where sleek, modern buildings share space with ancient gothic architecture. Wander down the twisting cobblestone streets – you’re sure to find something new and exciting. After all, even locals get lost here. Prague tourism usually involves the Royal Route, a historic coronation path that will take you through Old Town. Walk a few blocks to Old Town Square and sample local street fare in the shadow of old castles and palaces. Old Town itself is full of cafes, restaurants, and galleries, and will provide days of exploration for intrepid visitors. Cross over the Charles Bridge and climb up to Prague Castle, a network of palaces, churc...
Emerald-green fields, hills covered by heather, sheep herds, lakes, beautiful castles and forts… This is Scotland, and of course the men wearing tartan, pipe music and whiskey. The character of the country on the Northern part of the British island can not be missed. Because of their monument status, the castle of Edinburgh and 16 thousand other buildings are under protection. During the summer, several festivals and cultural events here and in Glasgow await the visitors. The old castles, forts and monasteries tell us about a long and eventful past and such heroes as Wallace ‘The Braveheart’ or Rob Roy. Their deeds were sung by such Scottish poets and writers as Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson or Robert Burns. Scotland is famous of its Celtic monuments, the beautiful landscape of ...
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xoxo, Beth Here's my links! So we can chat all day err day..hehe :) Instagram: Bethanynoelm Keek: BethanyMota Pheed: Bethanynoelmota My Twitter!- http://twitter.com/macbarbie07 My Facebook!- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Macbarbie07/153789846425 My Other channel!: http://youtube.com/bethanyslife Disclaimer: I purchased everything with my own money and all opinions are mineeeee! :)
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Do you really wanna feel my flow? Oh oh oh...
You know its the only way to go so get with the show
Are you the kinda guy who's got that flare? Yeah...
Get your groove on
Get a move on
Whoah, yeah...
Touch my fire – can you feel the heat?
My crazy rhythm's gonna knock you off your feet
Come on and touch my fire – why don't you break away?
Burn all your troubles, say goodbye to yesterday
Are you easy come and easy go? Oh oh oh...
Come on let the music grab ya from your head to your toes
No need to rush, take it nice and slow, feel that beat
Get your groove on
Get a move on
Whoah, yeah...
Come with me, I'll take you there
Touch my fire
Touch my fire – can you feel the heat?
My crazy rhythm's gonna knock you off your feet
Come on and touch my fire – why don't you break away?
Burn all your troubles, say goodbye to yesterday
Touch my fire – can you feel the heat?
My crazy rhythm's gonna knock you off your feet
Come on and touch my fire – why don't you break away?
Burn all your troubles, say goodbye to yesterday
Touch my fire
Touch my fire
Oh... here we go
C'mon and touch
C'mon and touch my fire...
You're gonna touch my fire
Touch my fire – can you feel the heat?
My crazy rhythm's gonna knock you off your feet
Come on and touch my fire – why don't you break away?
Burn all your troubles, say goodbye to yesterday
Touch my fire – can you feel the heat?
My crazy rhythm's gonna knock you off your feet
Come on and touch my fire – why don't you break away?
Burn all your troubles, say goodbye to yesterday