A Chilling Performance by Regina Spektor on Prairie Home Companion: “The Trapper and the Furrier”

119Big Beautiful Door
1 minute ago
Chilling article on Vox about the counter-jihadist movement and its influence in the White House. It features characters very familiar to Lizards such as Geller and Spencer. The parallels to the anti-semites of the 1930s is extremely disturbing. Last year ...

White House Correspondent Gateway Pundit’s Co-Blogger Found Guilty of Multiple Firearms Crimes

These are the people who are being accredited by the Trump gang
349Jebediah, RBG
1 day, 18 hours ago
re: #200 HappyWarrior As it should! Free and appropriate education for all kids is something we as a country REALLY need to stick to.

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court Unanimously Rules Against Trump on Muslim Ban - Read the Ruling Here

3 days, 9 hours ago
re: #388 The Vicious Babushka Ooh, that looks good! Also very cool. You can make a family cookbook for your kids and grandkids. I've found some of my grandmother's recipes in my mom's papers. I'm going to try to make ...

New From Keith Olbermann: The Travesties Done in Your Name and Mine

These are not our values. Are they?
22Jebediah, RBG
4 days, 13 hours ago
re: #21 EPR-radar Maybe I am being too optimistic, but I keep feeling that at some point the public will take a real look at the horror of how quickly and unashamedly the GOP has trashed our democracy and they ...

Trump Horror, Day 19: Attacks Court: “I Understand Things. I Comprehend Very Well, Better Than Almost Anybody”

Arrogant braggart attacks justice system
237John Hughes
3 days, 23 hours ago
re: #55 Kragar Say I criticize Operation Market Garden -- how many dead soldiers am I insulting? Nah, it was the fault of the idiots who ordered it, not the soldiers who died following those orders.