
Updated: 12:37 EST

Story behind America's pyramid mausoleums Nicolas Cage

From an unfinished fire temple to the resting place of secret society members, pyramid mausoleums were once a popular place to be buried in the US. Freemasons like Fred Adolphus Dorn (inset top right) and George W.P. Hunt (inset bottom left) had pyramids built to honor their loved ones. Dorn’s wife Cora (inset top right) was buried in a 25ft Masonic pyramid in California and Hunt and his wife were buried in a 20 ft white-tile pyramid (bottom left) on a hilltop in Arizona. Charles D. Poston (inset bottom right) converted to Zoroastrianism and attempted to build a fire temple (bottom right), which later became his resting place. More than 150 years later, Nicolas Cage (inset top left) followed the trend and had a pyramid mausoleum (top left) built in a famous New Orleans cemetery. DailyMail.com looks at these four along with two others of the most interesting pyramid mausoleums in the US.

Trump says McCain doesn't know how to win anymore'

President Donald Trump tore into Arizona Sen. John McCain this morning, claiming that the former prisoner of war has been 'losing so long he doesn't know how to win anymore.' McCain and Trump have never seen eye-to-eye on foreign policy, and the Republican senator has been especially critical of the president's first special op, a raid in Yemen on an al Qaeda affiliate. The White House has repeatedly said the assault was a 'success,' even though a Navy SEAL and an eight-year-old American girl died in the crossfire. 'While many of the objectives of the recent raid in Yemen were met, I would not describe any operation that results in the loss of American life as a success,' McCain rebutted. Trump said Thursday morning that McCain should keep his opinions to himself - criticism of the operation 'only emboldens the enemy!'

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

U.S. Army commander General John Nicholson testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday saying more troops were needed in Afghanistan.

A column in Komsomolskaya Pravda said that women should 'find solace' in the fact that women who suffer domestic violence are more likely to give birth to boys.

Taking to the secret-sharing app Whisper, one woman admitted she hasn't broken up with her boyfriend yet because she loves his pet dog and another doesn't want to waste a plane ticket.

Northeast hit by major snow storm

 It was a tale of two cities in New York on Wednesday and Thursday as an overnight storm dumped huge amounts of snow across the city and the rest of the northeast - making for what could be the biggest winter storm of the season. Up to 12 inches of snow is expected to fall on the city on Thursday, a stark change from the mild weather and balmy temperatures of Wednesday, left. The powerful, fast-moving storm made for a slippery morning commute, right, and all public schools in the city, Philadelphia and Boston have been closed. State offices were also closed in New Jersey, and government offices in the Delaware, Bucks, Chester and Montgomery counties outside Philadelphia were shuttered.

Married couple Anuj, 41, and Leslie, 42, Chopra were arrested in Ottawa County, Michigan on Wednesday accused of soliciting the two teenagers for paid sex.

Camryn Zelinger, 32, was arrested at Encore High School for Arts in Riverside, California on Monday after allegedly molesting a 14-year-old female student for several months.

Are these the worst selfie fails EVER?

For the most part, people take selfies to share a fun moment with friends - or simply show off. Unfortunately for these snappers however, they've missed some extremely odd things going on in the background of the photos that ruin the vibe they were going for. BoredPanda have compiled a selfie gallery featuring these rogue additions - including pooping dogs and sex toys - and they're guaranteed to make you cringe...

'I don't have to lie about nothing': New York Knicks star Charles Oakley, 54, says he was unfairly targeted during arrest after 'hurling abuse at team owner and punching three guards'

Former New York Knicks star Charles Oakley says he was doing nothing wrong on Wednesday night when security guards demanded he leave a game at Madison Square Garden. Oakley is facing assault charges after he allegedly attacked three of the security guards who tried to remove him following an incident with team owner James Dolan. In an interview after his arrest, Oakley said: 'What happened, me and four friends went to the game tonight to watch the Knicks and the Clippers. Get there, sit down, try to have a good time, next thing I know I was asked to leave the building.'

David Collet captured the tornado sweeping past the Starlight Studios warehouse he was working at in New Orleans East. The roof of a nearby building was ripped off by the powerful winds.

A deadly explosion rocked the Packaging Corporation of America in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana on Wednesday morning killing three and injuring seven.

'I'm going to kill myself': Mischa Barton threatened suicide during meltdown and said that she 'wanted to die' neighbors reveal in 911 calls

Mischa Barton repeatedly threatened to kill herself according to two neighbors who called 911 to seek help for the actress during her now infamous meltdown last month. 'My downstairs neighbor is hysterically crying in the backyard and says she's going to kill herself,' said a female neighbor in a 911 tape obtained by TMZ. 'She's screaming and she just keeps on saying "I want to die" and then she's like "I'm going to kill myself" and then she just keeps on, yeah, it's all nonsensical. But I'm very concerned.' That woman then added: 'They've been called there a bunch. They go see her at least every couple of months because she loses it.'

We've all had a disastrous job interview, but spare a thought for the applicants behind this list of cringe-worthy confessions, who have revealed faux pas including vomiting in front of the panel.

‘I’m a lawyer too you stupid woman!’ Astonishing video captures two legal workers in furious row over an ARM REST on a flight to Spain

A video has captured the moment that two flight passengers claiming to be lawyers got into a vicious row over an arm rest. Footage taken by another flier shows the man (shown left) and woman shouting at each other as the flight crew desperate tries to calm them down. Many of the other passengers on the plane, believed to be a Monarch Airways flight from the UK to Malaga in Spain, can he heard laughing as the pair's feud escalates. The video starts mid-way through the row, as an air steward tries to get the man to move seats (shown right). As the row intensifies and voices get louder, other fliers can be heard shushing the pair. The woman (pictured centre) then claims that she is a lawyer and 'knows' her rights, leading the other man to scream: 'I'm a lawyer too, you stupid woman.' At the end of the video, recorded on New Year's Eve, an air hostess asks if the pair are travelling together, causing the rest of the passengers to burst out in laughter and clapping.

The leader of the Kremlin phoned Turkey's president Tayyip Erdogan to say sorry for the bombardment in Al-Bab that was meant for Islamic State terrorists, who control the Syrian town.

The self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks sent a letter to Barack Obama during his last days in office to tell him September 11 was a direct result of American 'oppression and tyranny'.

During the attack, four projectiles were fired into southern Israel, where three were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, according to the Israeli Defence Force.

Police have foiled a plot to launch a terror attack on European soil after they arrested six suspected Islamists and seized two dozen suicide belts in raids in both Turkey and Germany.

A 14-year-old boy from Pittsburgh has admitted hacking Brussels airport's computer system hours after an ISIS terror cell, pictured, struck which claimed 32 lives, authorities in Brussels have revealed.

Egyptian Abdullah Reda al-Hamahmy, 29, was carrying spray paints in his backpack, and told police he planned to damage paintings in the museum in order to 'avenge the Syrian people'.

The security measure is part of a multi-million euro plan to prevent jihadist attacks in the French capital, which have claimed 238 lives around France in the past two years.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead by her cleaner

It has emerged that Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's body was discovered at her luxury London apartment (inset bottom) by her cleaner. She was found dead yesterday aged 45 following a battle with a brain tumour - days after builders said they heard a 'loud bang' from her home. The revelation comes as a friend appeared on This Morning to claim she had relapsed 'into a dark place'. Ivan Massow (pictured right with Tara and inset on the show) said: 'She was facing a lot of problems. The recurring issue [was] that it was very hard for her to stay off drinking and things.'

If you are planning on taking an overseas holiday this year a host of things need checking and sorting out before you go away, from insurance to currency. Fred Mawer has all the advice you need.

Social media users have been debating if ketchup belongs in fridge or pantry. The answer has been settled: it belongs in the fridge, along with eggs, butter, mustard and jams.

Can you tell how many zebras are in this photograph?

Prepare to go cross-eyed over one photographer's mind-boggling optical illusion snap - as no one is sure how many zebras this image taken by South African Robert Holmwood actually contains. The retired mechanical engineer captured the gaggle of Burchell's zebra at the Kruger National Park in his native country. And the 64-year-old, who retired two years ago, said everyone who views the confusing image has a different opinion on just how many zebras there are in the frame.

Trump attacks 'lie' of senator who revealed Gorsuch talk

President Trump attacked Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal on Twitter after the senator revealed comments by Trump's Supreme Court pick that were critical of Trump. Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says Gorsuch told him Trump's Twitter attacks on judges were 'disheartening.' The comment was confirmed by the Supreme Court nomination team. Trump went after Blumenthal for having told a 'major lie' about having served in Vietnam.

The White House's latest episode of linguistic imprecision follows Kellyanne Conway's mea culpa for mistakenly and repeatedly referring to a nonexistent 'massacre' in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Betsy DeVos was confirmed as education secretary on Tuesday in a historic vote and parents took to social media to voice their opposition, threatening to homeschool their children.

Trump said the three orders will usher in a 'new era of justice' and 'restore safety in America.' One aims to stop violence against police, another deals with cartels, a third creates a task force.

Chris Long announced his plans not to visit the White House and Donald Trump on Twitter on Thursday morning - joining with three of his Super Bowl champion teammates.

Kellyanne ignores federal law and uses live TV interview to say 'go buy Ivanka's stuff' after Nordstrom pulled her fashion line 

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway urged Americans to 'buy Ivanka's stuff' during a televised interview from the White House, after Nordstrom discontinued Ivanka Trump's product line. Last week Nordstrom announced it would not be buying items from Ivanka Trump's collection for the next season. President Donald Trump tweeted this week about Nordstrom treating his daughter Ivanka Trump 'so unfairly.' Conway made her comments from inside the White House.

A witty Twitter account has been tweeting daily about what Clinton's first days as president would be like. She talks about assigning Bill Clinton menial tasks and getting lots of things done.

Pennsylvania Senator Daylin Leach (D) took to social media to condemn Trump's joking comment about 'destroying' a Texas lawmaker's career, calling the President a 'fascist, loofa-faced s*** gibbon.'

Hi Grandma! Hillary Clinton is spotted arriving at Chelsea's Manhattan home with Secret Service in tow after it's revealed son-in-law Marc CLOSED his hedge fund 

Hillary Clinton was spotted arriving at her daughter's home on Wednesday night. The former Democratic presidential nominee pulled up at Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky's Manhattan home with the Secret Service in tow around 6.30pm. She only stayed for a half hour before leaving around 7pm. Clinton was seen at the home not long after it was revealed that her son-in-law had quietly shut down his hedge fund Eaglevale Partners back in December. The decision to shutter the fund came just a few weeks after Clinton lost the election to president Donald Trump.

To foster any child takes an extraordinary amount of selfless love and devotion. But Mohamed Bzeek has taken on an even more monumental role: Caring for Los Angeles' dying children. 

Pete Souza, who spent eight years with Obama as his official photographer, has been sharing pictures on Instagram that appear to be mocking Donald Trump over his most controversial moments.

Met commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe also raised concerns about mass protests against the US president and suggested thousands of police officers will need to be on duty.

Martin Luther King's niece Dr Alveda King accused Senator Elizabeth Warren of 'playing the race card' by trying to read into the Senate's record a letter written by Coretta Scott King.

Surveillance footage captures the terrifying moment a mother, 27, desperately tries to hand her toddler to a McDonald's drive thru worker as 'she battles the child's father who had kidnapped and beaten her'

Terrifying surveillance video (main) showed desperate mother, Jessica Wilson's attempt to hand her toddler to a McDonald's drive-thru worker as she battled the child's father, Levenski Crossty (inset), 27, who allegedly kidnapped and beat her. At one point, Crossty is seen in the video pulling Wilson's arm in what appeared to be an attempt to get her back in the car. She then makes it over the the drive-thru employee, who reached out for the little girl and told Wilson to 'hand the child to me', according to prosecutors. Once Crossty managed to pull the child away from Wilson, he got back in the car with the child and drove away. Wilson was left stranded and 'desperately asking someone to call 911', prosecutors said. Earlier in the day, Crossty allegedly beat Wilson and left her with two black eyes, a cut on her head and a bite mark on her hand. The incident took place in July 2016 but Crossty's trial began Tuesday. Crossty is charged with felonious assault, theft and multiple counts of abduction and kidnapping.

Facebook has rolled out a new global feature that gives users a full forecast with hourly updates. Forecast enthusiasts can also get notifications for receiving weather reports.

Grey Gardens is listed for $19.95 million

Grey Gardens, the Hamptons home once owned by eccentric relatives of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, is for sale. The famous East Hampton residence has been listed for $19.995million, according to an online listing. In a 1975 documentary, Grey Gardens was the rundown home of Onassis' aunt Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale, known as 'Big Edie,' (inset bottom right) and her cousin, Edith Bouvier Beale, nicknamed 'Little Edie.' Brothers Albert and David Mayles directed the film about the two women, who resided with 58 cats in the ramshackle home by the time they met the filmmakers. Grey Gardens contained piles of garbage that were five feet high, and the directors sported flea collars while filming. Ben Bradlee, an editor for The Washington Post, and his journalist wife, Sally Quinn, bought the home from 'Little Edie' in 1979 following the 1977 death of 'Big Edie, and restored it.

The bill was filed in Tennessee on Wednesday by Republican Representative Dennis Powers, and calls for a 'Second Amendment sales tax holiday' to take place in September every year.

The Queen of Soul has decided that 2017 is the year she is going to stop making music and her final album is going to be a collaboration with Stevie Wonder which will be released in September.

'It feels like a racial issue': Jason Derulo slams American Airlines after being 'disrespected' by captain and met with 15 cops after demanding to disembark in a dispute over excess baggage charges

Jason Derulo has blasted American Airlines for racism following an incident at Miami airport Wednesday during which police officers were called. In a video obtained by Dailymail.com Derulo explains what happened in the moments leading up to the incident which he calls 'a racial issue'.  The recording artist and his entourage demanded the plane be turned around and go back to the gate when he was told by a friend they were going to be charged $4,000 for 19 pieces of luggage that had to be loaded onto a separate flight.

If you like your yolk runny, cook eggs for four minutes. If you want the yolk and white fully set, cook for 10 minutes. The times only work if you take the pan off the heat after bringing eggs to the boil.

Malia Obama spent three-and-a-half hours of her afternoon in the Manhattan Weinstein Co office on Wednesday, arriving at 3.40pm and leaving at 6.10pm. It is unknown how Malia spent her morning.

Lynch mob throw a woman onto a BONFIRE after breaking her out of a police station where she was held over the death of a two-year-old boy killed in a fire in Brazil 

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT The 30-year-old woman was dragged outside after the 500-strong mob broke down the doors to her cell. She was being held on suspicion of starting a fire which claimed the life of a toddler. A five-year-old child, named Marlon Buzaglo Campos, also suffered serious burns in the blaze she was alleged to have started.

Gordon Ramsay held a frank Reddit Q&A; session this week, opening up about balancing family life and his career and how he made sure his kids gained a work ethic before treating them.

Plenty of women yearn for a peachier rear end - but not so many are keen on squats. Nicola Addison, who has trained Elle MacPherson and Daisy Lowe shares her five best alternative moves.

Inside Alert - the most northerly settlement in the world 

Welcome to Alert in Nunavut, Canada, on Ellesmere Island, where the average February temperature is -33.2C and the record low is -50C. These temperatures are cold enough to freeze unprotected corneas, skin and muscle, in minutes. But that’s not all the population here – which can reach over 200 - has to contend with. There’s the isolation, too. The nearest town to Alert is 340 miles away and you cannot reach it by car – only by air or sea. Or dogsled.

From the microphone to the mailbox, FEMAIL cracks the X-rated code behind some of the most popular emojis to keep your messages free from unwanted raunchiness.

Fifty Shades FITTER: On-set personal trainer reveals how she prepped Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan for THOSE steamy sex scenes

When it comes to being naked on screen, you have to look good, well, everywhere. It’s a daunting and difficult feat, but Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan managed to achieve it for their new movie Fifty Shades Darker, the second movie of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. Ramona Braganza, the on-set trainer for the stars, reveals how she kept them in top form.

Somebody has taken to Reddit to ask users how you can tell the difference between being in love with somebody as opposed to just liking them a lot. Some have said that if you don't know then it isn't love.

Women undergoing IVF have a greater chance of successful pregnancy if they conceive during autumn and winter, experts have discovered.

Girl fight! Messy brawl with four women breaks out inside a crowded fast food restaurant as onlookers jeer

A group of women was caught on video during a messy brawl at Smoke's Poutinerie in Toronto. Two women wrestled around on the floor as another two were caught fighting behind them. One of the women, dressed in a black parka and boots had her dress pulled up during the fight, exposing her thong.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange could be evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London if right wing presidential candidate Guillermo Lasso is victorious in the country's election.

Gloria Williams , 51, appeared in court in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday where she denied kidnapping Kamiyah Mobley as a baby in 1998 from the University Medical Center.

Brave survivor of sexual abuse reveals horrifying ordeal

Jessa Dillow-Crisp, who is now 29 and lives in Denver, Colorado, has bravely recounted how she overcame a childhood of being gang raped, sexually abused by family members and sex trafficked. Her abuse started aged 10 in her home country of Canada where she was sexually attacked by members of her own family. As a child, she was made to pose for pornographers, had to perform degrading sex acts and was raped in front of the cameras. She was then sold to different pimps and friends of her family who abused her.

Melissa Skelton, 36, of Oklahoma, has been charged with child sexual abuse for allegedly letting ex-Muskogee Fire Department clown Zackery Perry (pictured) molest a 6-year-old girl.

Jazmine Nichole Pacyga (pictured in a Facebook photo), 19, of Muskegon Township, Michigan, has been accused of sexually abusing her infant son and producing sexually abusive material.

Mom FORGIVES home invaders for killing her 9-year-old

Alexandrea 'Sissy' Thompson died after being shot in the chest as her father Alex grappled with the three men who broke into their Mount Auburn, Ohio, home. Now her mother Amber Caudell has issued a message of forgiveness for the shooter, saying she is sure that it 'wasn't his intention' to kill her daughter. 'He didn't come in there and intend to shoot and kill a 9-year-old kid,' she said. But she is urging the men to come forward and 'take the blame.' 'I think they had a plan in mind and it didn't turn out how they planned and Sissy was killed,'' she said. 'They need to turn in the person who did this. Someone needs to come forward. Someone has to talk.'

A Los Angeles City Attorney has asked a judge to deny ex-Playboy model Dani Mathers' request to avoid jail time after admitting to posting a photo of a naked 70-year-old woman to Snapchat.

Bob Costas is stepping down from his role as prime-time host of NBC's Olympics coverage, where he will be replaced next winter in South Korea with former ESPN sportscaster Mike Tirico.


Femail Today

Blogger Egreis Gjergjani's funny reaction to gender reveal

Fashion blogger Egreis Gjergjani lives in Kansas with her husband Jeremy and two sons Gio and Charlie. When she became pregnant for a third time they decided to reveal the gender at a party by cutting a cake - with Egreis fully expecting to be having another boy. In a video taken of the moment, the mom is so shocked that she is pregnant with a girl that she screams and sinks to the ground.

Researchers from the University of Buffalo found that people with the least education are 80 per cent more likely to experience chronic pain than people with the most.

Coastguards in southern China have seized over 1,600 pieces of crocodile skin on February 7. Officers also confiscated 193 bags of suspected crocodile meat in Fangchenggang City.

The antibiotic-resistant superbug ‘MRSA’ will make its way to the ISS on February 14, where it will be subjected to microgravity – possibly spurring accelerated mutation.

Researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tokyo created the gel and horse hair that are coated on the underside of the drone.

This amusing video shot by a retired state trooper in Minnesota shows a robot piloting a drone. The robot can control the device all by itself - despite at one point crashing it into some trees.

Pictured: Former auctioneer, 51, who 'hijacked a taxi while drunk and went on a naked joyride through crowded streets in Philadelphia' 

Jonathan Gay (right), 51, was identified as the person who allegedly carjacked a cab in Philadelphia on Monday and drove it through a crowd of people at Rittenhouse Square before crashing it. Gay was charged with robbery of a motor vehicle, theft, DUI, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. Video footage showed the naked man pinned the ground as a large crowd gathered around him.

Heather Mack released a statement saying assertions she made in YouTube videos last week about her boyfriend being innocent were false and that she had been coerced into making them.

A program started in 2006 by then-President George W Bush allowed Cuban doctors and nurses to defect to the United States while on their government's mandatory assignments abroad.

Audrey Hepburn's eldest son, Sean Ferrer, is being sued by the charity he helped establish in her name because, it says, he is interfering with its attempts to raise money for children.

New York-based pediatric dermatologist Dr Jody Levine helps us explain a baby's particular skin needs during winter - especially in the snow or a winter blizzard.

Fran Suarez works in a hospital in Madrid, Spain. And while he is no doubt excellent at his job, it is his social media photos that have made him an internet sensation.

Military troops had to be deployed in the state of Espírito Santo after looting, rape and murders broke out on Saturday amid the industrial action in a row over wages, but even they can't wrestle back control.

'Willy Wonka' soda John Nese Galcos 700 varieties pop

John Nese's family has owned Galco's Soda Pop Stop in Los Angeles for more than 70 years. Since 2000, the jovial store owner has almost exclusively sold fizzy drinks and has acquired more than 700 unique flavors. Nese, 73, (main) prides himself on selling sodas that use cane sugar and glass bottles claiming they are healthier alternatives to common brands. Some popular flavors in the store include Jamaica's Finest Ginger Beer (top left), Tropical banana soda (top right), Americana buckleberry (bottom left) and the award winning Mr Q.Cumber (bottom right).

Diets high in protein from any sources help to keep muscles big and strong, new research from the University of Massachusetts suggests.

The youngster, who had been roller-skating with a friend nearby, lit the single banger before putting it in the manhole in Nanchong City, China. He was thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion.

Important building blocks for human speech may have evolved the alarm calls, like lip smacks, clicks and raspberries, produced by primates. according to researchers at Durham University.

TV anchor says she ‘dreads’ questions about late children

The WICS anchor from Springfield, Illinois, said it is 'the question I dread the most'. The 36-year-old, pictured inset with her husband Ryan, also 36, and their daughter, gave birth to Abigail, Parker and Peyton, pictured right, three-and-a-half years ago but only one triplet survived. Skrysak, pictured left with Parker, said there is 'no handbook' for coping with questions about her late children and finds it is sometimes easier not to mention her 'children in heaven'.

After spending $23million to buy the biggest home in Washington, D.C., Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos seems to be ready to make some changes to the huge home.

Greg Negron, 37, filmed parrot Honey repeatedly squawking the phrase as his girlfriend Sabrina Behrike, 30, watched the 1980 classic at home in East Valley in Arizona.

Researchers from Murdoch University, Perth, have caught dolphins using the toxins found in blowfish as a recreational drug, causing them to hang around at the surface in a trance-like state.

A judge said the ads were deceptive after Living Essentials LLC and Innovation Ventures LLC claimed the energy shots were superior to coffee and said doctors recommend them.

Funeral directors tell mourners to stop taking selfies

Quebec's corporation of funeral directors says it is trying to put an end to the tasteless trend which sees photographs of dead bodies splashed on social media. There are 'strict rules' in place at parlors across the region to stop the spread of casket selfies but mourners must take it upon themselves to refrain, it says. The tasteless trend of casket selfies has swept Instagram in Twitter recently. One man even applied a Face Swap filter to his selfie (right).

FILE - This Dec. 7, 2016 file photo members of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office stand outside the warehouse called the Ghost Ship the site of a fire, in Oakland, Calif. Oakland police visited the cluttered warehouse converted into an illegal residence dozens of times in the several years before it burned down, killing 36 people. Oakland officials on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017 released hundreds of pages of city documents requested by The Associated Press and other media outlets. The reports detail complaints from neighbors, residents and visitors of the so-called Ghost Ship warehouse about safety problems, loud parties and other issues with a dilapidated building converted illegally into a living area. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg,File)

City officials in Oakland, California received at least 22 complaints about the warehouse and its surrounding properties over the course of 30 years before a fire in December killed 36.

A tourist site in China has created a full scale copy of one of the Terracotta Warrior pits. The copy site is in Anhui province, some one thousand kilometers from the original in Xi'an.

Matthew Mobley, 41, was found stuck in a chimney of a local business in Alexandria, Louisiana. The man eventually freed himself and threw a brick at an employee before fleeing.

Great vibes! Boy, 10, becomes a viral sensation after crowd at high school basketball game goes wild for his show-stopping dance moves

A 10-year-old boy has become an internet sensation after he conquered his fears and bust out his dance moves during a high school basketball game. Seth Vangeldren, 10, of Port Orange, Florida, (pictured) usually dances in the privacy of his own room, using videos online to perfect the choreography for weeks on end. But when his mom's favorite song came on during a Spruce Creek High School game, he jumped up and prompted a dance party with his show-stopping routine.

Stony Brook University sophomore Blair Mendy, from San Jose California, was charged with third-degree rape, sexual misconduct and endangering the welfare of a child on Wednesday.

Video footage shows the moment a Chinese boss throws a wad of cash into the air for his employees. The footage was filmed on February 5 in Foshan, southern Guangdong province.

Art professors Sarath Chandrajeewa and Cao Chang Xu (pictured) raced to see which of the two could sculpt a portrait of each other the fastest at a Chinese Cultural Show in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Jackie O's letters to besotted British lord revealed

Jackie Kennedy wrote to David Ormsby Gore (together, left, in 1966) - the 5th Lord Harlech and one of JFK’s most intimate confidantes - explaining how marrying him would stop her finding 'healing and comfort'. She penned the rejection letter (bottom right) five years after JFK's death as she sailed on the yacht of Aristotle Onassis, a shipping magnate who became her second husband. Lord Harlech had recently lost his wife in a car crash and was said to have proposed to Jackie while they were on holiday together. She wrote: ‘If ever I can find some healing and some comfort, it has to be with someone who is not a part of all my world of past and pain.' The letters (top right) are part of a 19-strong collection which have been unearthed after being hidden away in two locked government dispatch boxes for 40 years at the Harlech's family estate at Glyn Cywarch, in Gwynedd, Wales.

The unidentified student was spotted at the Nebraska Wesleyan University basketball game against Coe College on Wednesday night sporting the unique hair style.

Researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, examined volatile elements in glass formed from the 1945 bomb explosion.

An explosion occurred just 100 miles from the English coastline in the boiler room of EDF's Flamanville nuclear plant in France at 10am today resulting in one of its reactors being taken offline.

Can YOU spot all TWELVE members of the Household Cavalry?

An incredible image of twelve members of the Household Cavalry hiding in the jungle has had internet users the world over scratching their heads. The photograph shows a dozen soldiers from one of the British Army's most elite units camouflaged in the foliage of a forest in Brunei. Can you spot all 12?

Experts from the University of California, San Francisco, claim dense tissue makes tumours harder to spot on mammograms - and that women should seek other screening alternatives.

Lyn Lewis CEO of Journelle and Teddies for Bettys founder Ashley Kelsch have revealed their little known tips for selecting the perfect (and most comfortable) bra every time.

An international team of researchers, led by the University of Montreal has unearthed 29 pebble fragments in the Caverna delle Arene Candide, on the Mediterranean Sea in Liguria, Italy.

Pizza chain Domino's on Monday launched a wedding registry, which allows couples to share their wish list and friends of the lovebirds to send them digital gift certificates

FEMAIL unveils the stars who changed the most post-puberty

From the child actor who became a Hollywood heartthrob to the reality TV star who emerged from her family's shadow to become a beauty icon and entrepreneur, FEMAIL unveils the stars who changed the most after their awkward teenage phase (left to right: Nicholas Hoult, Kylie Jenner, Dev Patel, Ariana Grande).

Russian woman Alisa Tsyrenova, 56, who was already stunned after meeting her real daughter for the first time, has now found out that her own real parents are not the loving couple who raised her.

Now moms can swipe through profiles to find a perfect match. Called Peanut, the new app uses machine learning and an algorithm to help moms find other moms who share the same interests.

A Queensland resident has captured the bizarre moment a 1.5 metre goanna managed to escape her pet dog by hitching an unwitting piggyback on the pooch's back.

Shocking moment a policewoman is RUN DOWN by a motorist who is angrily disputing a parking fine

This is the moment a reckless driver barely avoids killing a policewoman as she tries to give him a parking fine. The officer in Mexico City was knocked to the ground as she tried to ticket the driver of the Chevrolet SUV, who burns rubber before heartlessly speeding away and sends the policewoman tumbling to the ground.

Keith Crowley, 56, from Hudson, Wisconsin in the US travelled to the Ndutu plains in Tanzania last month with the hope of photographing the endangered carnivore.

A historic mission to Venus planned for 2025 has moved one step closer. Scientists at Nasa have developed a computing system which could operate under the extreme atmospheric conditions.

Dozens protested outside the Army Corps of Engineers offices in LA on Wednesday after the agency said it will clear the way for completion of the $3.8 billion North Dakota pipeline.

A woman allegedly shot her boyfriend after he told her to calm down after an altercation about her cold taco at a taco stand in north Houston at 2am on Wednesday, say police.

Exhibition celebrates photography at Condé Nast

A new exhibition currently on show in Beijing is celebrating some of the most iconic images from the past century of fashion as Condé Nast opens up its photography archive to the public. The collection of images selected by curator Nathalie Herschdorfer see the sharp contrast in photographs from the early 20th century including the black and white images of Edward Steichen took what were probably the first fashion photographs in 1911, to the modern day.

The first trailer for Dear White People has been unveiled — and not everyone is pleased. The Netflix series - which satirizes race relation in an Ivy League college - is a sequel to the 2014 film

Preston Kelley of Florence, Alabama was arrested Monday on extortion charges. Investigators say Kelley staged his own kidnapping in an attempt to squeeze his grandmother for ransom.

A family of six is attempting to go 12 months without buying groceries. The Harvey family, from New Zealand, grow their own produce and receive pantry staples and meat through trade.

The dramatic footage, believed to be filmed in the US, shows the flames increasing in intensity as the woman shouts: 'The house is on fire!' She continues: 'Oh my God, hell no! What the f***?'

Researchers from Northumbria University found that women who move their hips a lot and shift their arms and thighs asymmetrically when dancing have the highest rated moves.

An Australian woman has posted a hilarious advert on Facebook for her wedding dress, which, she writes, was 'worn once by mistake'. She has since set up a GoFundMe page to fund her divorce.

Images of pretty girls pulling ugly faces sweep the web

Attractive women are uploading their best attempts at 'ugly selfies' on social media, showing off their very best goofy teeth, squashed lips and double chins in a bid to prove that looks can be deceiving. Female users take a 'normal' headshot of themselves and then follow it up with a deliberately 'ugly' version - and they certainly don't hold back in their efforts, as these pictures prove.

Today's hottestfashion finds

  • Khloe

    Be white hot this holiday in a lace bodysuit like Khloe

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  • Tom

    Get suited and booted like Tom in a blazer by Louis Vuitton

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  • Victoria

    Keep it classic in the cold with a camel coat like Victoria

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  • Selena

    Be a triple threat in Proenza Schouler like Selena

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Revenge of the pigs: Animals rip apart a giant PYTHON after the snake killed one of the group's piglets 

A huge python was ripped to shreds by a pack of furious wild boars seeking revenge after the snake ate one of their young. At least eight of the wild beasts descended on the reptile after he slithered into their home in south east Asia and gobbled up a piglet. Completely outnumbered, the eight foot python did not stand a chance as he was surrounded by the boars and attacked from all sides. The animals used their powerful jaws to bite into the snake's body, ripping the animal to pieces.

Several people were injured after two rampaging bulls escaped their pens during a bull fighting festival in in the town of Encarnación de Díaz, Jalisco, Mexico.

Harrowing video has been captured of a fire tornado as it ripped through a property and sent horses running for their lives near Exmouth, in Western Australia.

Restaurant bosses have sent in the most ridiculous complaints they've ever had for a new list of hilarious customer gripes. In a video, critic Giles Coren reads some of his favourites aloud.

Bungling burglars resort to HEADBUTTING glass doors of gas station after failing to break them in 

Two bungling thieves resorted to head-butting a window as they tried to break into gas station with shatter resistant glass. Video footage showed the two suspects attempting to break into the Mobil Gas Station, in Port St Lucie, on February 7. The first suspect used a hammer to try and break the impact resistant glass. After smashing the window several times with the hammer, the suspect then rammed his body into the shattered door but was still unable to gain entry. Growing increasingly desperate, he even slammed his head against the window.



Horrific moment driver is killed after truck’s brakes fail causing an explosion and fireball that traps terrified motorists in their cars

This is the terrifying moment a truck lost control on its way down a notoriously steep hill, colliding with another truck in Prachinburi province, Thailand. The horrifying collision killed the driver of the runaway truck and caused a fireball, which took firefighters using foam and water an hour to extinguish.

A hilarious photo of Jamielee Mitchell, 21, from Edinburgh has gone viral after her friend noticed that her right knee bears a striking resemblance to US president Donald Trump.

James Kingston, from Southampton, completed the stunt on a construction site in Al Barari, Dubai. He films himself on his GoPro making his way across a narrow white pole without any safety equipment.

Dramatic moment fishermen trapped on a sinking boat are saved by rescuer who lowers himself down on a rope from a helicopter in strong winds 

Video footage has caught the dramatic moment 11 fishermen in China are rescued by helicopter. The rescue took place on February 6 in the Taiwan Strait. Rescuers were lowered down to the boat on a rope from a helicopter. The rescued fishermen are now helping the Transport Authority with their investigation.