Joshua Sasse abandons his 'Say I Do Down Under' marriage equality campaign after breaking up year long engagement with Kylie Minogue

Joshua Sasse said goodbye to Kylie Minogue last week after she broke off their year-long engagement. 

And on Thursday, The Daily Telegraph reported that the British actor has bid farewell to his high-profile 'Say I Do Down Under' marriage equality campaign.

After gathering the support of homegrown Hollywood stars Margot Robbie, Rose Byrne and Jai Courtney - among many others - the project's co-founders, Australian Marriage Equality, confirmed their partnership with the 29-year-old is no more. 

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This is the end: Joshua Sasse said goodbye to Kylie Minogue last week after she broke off their year-long engagement

This is the end: Joshua Sasse said goodbye to Kylie Minogue last week after she broke off their year-long engagement

A spokesman told the publication: 'The campaign has run its course. It is now over.'

In November, Joshua appeared on stage at the ARIA Awards in Sydney to protest for equality alongside Kylie. 

Making a bold statement, the couple took to the podium wearing the movement's signature 'Say I Do Down Under' t-shirts as they continued the campaign to legalise same-sex marriage. 

Say goodbye Down Under: On Thursday, The Daily Telegraph reported that the British actor has bid farewell to his high-profile 'Say I Do Down Under' marriage equality campaign

Say goodbye Down Under: On Thursday, The Daily Telegraph reported that the British actor has bid farewell to his high-profile 'Say I Do Down Under' marriage equality campaign

Calling it quits: In November, Joshua appeared on stage at the ARIA Awards in Sydney to protest for equality alongside Kylie

Calling it quits: In November, Joshua appeared on stage at the ARIA Awards in Sydney to protest for equality alongside Kylie

Joshua even took the step of declaring that he would not wed the 48-year-old until Australian laws had been changed. 

In October, he told Sunrise: 'I wanted to tell you today on her (Kylie) behalf and our behalf that until this law has passed in Australia, we will not be getting married.' 

But news of the movement's decline comes a matter of days after it came to light that the singer had broken their relationship off. 

All talk: Joshua even took the step of declaring that he would not wed the 48-year-old until Australian laws had been changed

All talk: Joshua even took the step of declaring that he would not wed the 48-year-old until Australian laws had been changed

Going seperate ways: News of the movement's decline comes a matter of days after it came to light that the singer had broken their relationship off

Going seperate ways: News of the movement's decline comes a matter of days after it came to light that the singer had broken their relationship off

Original reports suggested that Kylie had grown suspicious of the actor's relationship with a Spanish actress.

It has also been alleged that the Londoner deliberately pursued a relationship with the hitmaker to boost his own profile - claims which were backed up by a former colleague. 

Joshua's Galavant co-star Vinnie Jones told The Sun that the Brit had set his sights on Kylie from the start after finding out she'd landed a cameo in the US TV show. 

Naughty boy: Original reports suggested that Kylie had grown suspicious of the actor's relationship with a Spanish actress

Naughty boy: Original reports suggested that Kylie had grown suspicious of the actor's relationship with a Spanish actress

Hidden agenda: It has also been alleged that the Londoner deliberately pursued a relationship with the hitmaker to boost his own profile - claims which were backed up by a former colleague

Hidden agenda: It has also been alleged that the Londoner deliberately pursued a relationship with the hitmaker to boost his own profile - claims which were backed up by a former colleague

He said: 'I knew about them before anyone. Joshua was moving into her hotel the night before she came — on purpose.

'I said to him, "Am I the only one who's got this?" He said: "What do you mean?" I said, "F*** off Josh".

'His opening line to her was, "You do know all our guest stars have dinner with the star of the show of Galavant." He's hilarious. She was on set quite a bit.'

Cruel intentions: Joshua's Galavant co-star Vinnie Jones told The Sun that the Brit had set his sights on Kylie from the start after finding out she'd landed a cameo in the US TV show

Cruel intentions: Joshua's Galavant co-star Vinnie Jones told The Sun that the Brit had set his sights on Kylie from the start after finding out she'd landed a cameo in the US TV show



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