'I knew my heart was stopping': Late former cocaine addict Tara Palmer-Tomkinson revealed she almost died from an overdose in devastating 2014 interview

  • The socialite was found dead at her home on Wednesday. She was 45
  • The star revealed her struggle with addition in a 2014 interview on Jeremy Kyle
  • Tara broke down as she revealed how she feared she'd die after cocaine binge
  •  She also revealed she had become a recluse over 'anxiety' issues

Her death at the age of 45 has stunned fans and London society alike.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead at her home on Wednesday, three years after she revealed how she had almost passed away from an overdose in a heartbreaking TV interview.

Prince Charles' goddaughter, who struggled with cocaine addiction for years, was a guest on a celebrity special of The Jeremy Kyle Show when she revealed that she had timed her heart waiting for it to stop after a binge.

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Tragic: Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead at her home on Wednesday, three years after she revealed how she had almost passed away from an overdose in a heartbreaking TV interview

Tragic: Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead at her home on Wednesday, three years after she revealed how she had almost passed away from an overdose in a heartbreaking TV interview

Breaking down in tears, the star - then 42 - revealed: 'I remember timing my heart because I knew it was going to stop.

'I remember my telephone was there [points] and I remember crawling on my hands and knees to pick up the phone and call, and then I woke up in hospital.

'I remember saying my prayers. I knew my heart was stopping.'

She went on to confess that drugs had given her 'psychosis' and that she become 'devious'.

Battle: Prince Charles' goddaughter, who struggled with cocaine addiction for years, was a guest on a celebrity special of The Jeremy Kyle Show when she revealed that she had timed her heart waiting for it to stop after a binge

Battle: Prince Charles' goddaughter, who struggled with cocaine addiction for years, was a guest on a celebrity special of The Jeremy Kyle Show when she revealed that she had timed her heart waiting for it to stop after a binge

Sad: Breaking down in tears, the star - then 42 - revealed: 'I remember timing my heart because I knew it was going to stop

Sad: Breaking down in tears, the star - then 42 - revealed: 'I remember timing my heart because I knew it was going to stop

Emotional: She went on to confess that drugs had given her 'psychosis' and that she become 'devious'

Emotional: She went on to confess that drugs had given her 'psychosis' and that she become 'devious'

Wild past: The star had a £400 cocaine addiction at the height of her issues

Wild past: The star had a £400 cocaine addiction at the height of her issues

Help: Tara - who became a reality show favourite - was sent to a £35,000 rehab in Arizona by her family to try and beat her demons and after getting clean, Tara insisted she had no desire to every take them again

Help: Tara - who became a reality show favourite - was sent to a £35,000 rehab in Arizona by her family to try and beat her demons and after getting clean, Tara insisted she had no desire to every take them again

She was sent to a £35,000 rehab in Arizona by her family to try and beat her demons and after getting clean, Tara insisted she had no desire to every take them again.

The brunette explained: ''I don’t have any temptation to take drugs any more. No, no, gosh no. Drugs absolutely terrify me.'

She also said that she had become a recluse, preferring to stay at home alone due to anxiety.

'I get terribly anxious going out, I’ve only been out three times this year. I don’t go out to public events. For the last two years I haven’t worked."I've seen a therapist every single week for the last nine, ten years of my life.'

Such are her problems that she told Kyle she visited a therapist every weekday for the last nine years. 

She also once admitted having a £400-a-day cocaine habit, underwent reconstructive surgery on her nose in 2006 after it collapsed because of her drug use.

She required a further operation on it in 2011. 

Former wild child: She also once admitted having a £400-a-day cocaine habit, underwent reconstructive surgery on her nose in 2006 after it collapsed because of her drug use

Former wild child: She also once admitted having a £400-a-day cocaine habit, underwent reconstructive surgery on her nose in 2006 after it collapsed because of her drug use


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