BREAKING NEWS: Dozens of passengers evacuated from smoke-filled station after 'explosion on Paris Metro' 

  • Dozens of passengers have been evacuated from a Paris Metro station tonight
  • A 'huge explosion' was reported near the Place d'Italie station on Wednesday  
  • The fire inside the busy station was caused by a technical fault, police have said
  • Eight people were reportedly injured after an electrical fire caused an explosion

Dozens of passengers were tonight evacuated from a smoke-filled station after a 'huge explosion' rocked the Paris Metro.

Eight people were reportedly injured after a blaze ripped through the Place d'Italie station, which is in the south part of the city. 

The incident raised alarm in the French capital, which is still on high alert following the Louvre machete attack last week. 

Police officers surrounded the Place d'Italie station in Paris and a cordon was set up around it 

Police officers surrounded the Place d'Italie station in Paris and a cordon was set up around it 

A 'huge explosion' was tonight reported on the Paris Metro which resulted in dozens of commuters being evacuated from the station

A 'huge explosion' was tonight reported on the Paris Metro which resulted in dozens of commuters being evacuated from the station

The incident took place near the Place d'Italie station (main picture) which is in the south part of the city (inset) 

The incident took place near the Place d'Italie station (main picture) which is in the south part of the city (inset) 

Police and security officers surrounded the station and quickly set up a cordon.

A spokesman later confirmed that the fire was caused by a 'technical fault' and the incident was 'not a terrorist attack'.

The Place d'Italie station is on Line Five, Six and Seven in Paris and is located in the city's 13th arrondissement.  

A police spokesman said the incident was due to a technical fault. He said: 'No explosion. This was not a (terrorist) attack.'

A spokesman for the metro operator RATP said: 'There was a technical incident on line 6 and there was a release of smoke. 

'Maintenance workers are on the spot. Traffic has been interrupted on part of the line.' 

The station was opened in April 1906 and the incident comes as the city remains on a high alert following the attacks in November 2015.

In Saint-Denis, in the north of the city, three suicide bombers struck outside the country's national stadium, the Stade de France. 

Emergency services attended the scene on Wednesday evening after a 'huge explosion' was reported 

Emergency services attended the scene on Wednesday evening after a 'huge explosion' was reported 

Police and security officers could be seen surrounding the station which is in the south of the city 

Police and security officers could be seen surrounding the station which is in the south of the city 

Later, gunmen launched an attack in the Bataclan theatre when Eagles of Death Metal were on stage. 

Attackers killed a total of 130 people that evening, including 89 inside the Bataclan theatre. 

In July 2016, a 19-tonne cargo truck was driven into a crowded promenade in Nice after thousands of people gathered to celebrate Bastille Day.

The attacker killed 86 people while 434 others were injured.

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