5,400 Wallpaper
Wallpaper is one of the best ways to freshen up a room by adding a shot of colour, texture or pattern. There are countless options depending on personal taste and the look you are trying to achieve: block colour wallpaper, striped wallpaper, glitter wallpaper, brick wallpaper and butterfly wallpaper to name just a few. You can also use wallpaper to bring a more sculptured artistic element to the room in the form of wall murals or plain walls accented with wallpaper borders. But your choice will not be dictated by style alone. Certain rooms have specific requirements, so focus on kitchen wallpaper and bathroom wallpaper if that's what you need, otherwise you may run into problems later on. Similarly, other parts of the room will require a more light-hearted touch: nursery wallpaper and kids' wallpaper options include glitter wallpaper and illustrated butterfly wallpaper to stimulate and amuse. Have fun where you can. More
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