Kings Cross nightclub owner sues Fairfax Media over article about live sex shows

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A woman who ran The Rouge club in Kings Cross claims a Fairfax Media article defamed her by portraying her as someone who "engages in disgraceful conduct by allowing onstage sex at her nightclub".

Lili Chel​ is suing Fairfax over an article published in The Sun-Herald in December 2010, headlined "On stage sex at city nightclub sparks battle of licence", about Land and Environment Court proceedings regarding the club.

Ms Chel alleges there were several defamatory imputations in the story, including that she breached her liquor licence and council development consent because she hosted a party at her nightclub that involved strippers, dildos, whips, and onstage sex.

She argues all the imputations are false, and that the article hurt her feelings and ruined her business.

Ms Chel has also told court the article, written by Vanda Carson, misrepresented the Land and Environment Court case, which she argues was not about a liquor licence, but reinstating the club's extended trading hours.

"I was there trying to reinstate my hours and ... all she wrote about was just the sex show, or she just wrote about what she wanted to write about," Ms Chel said.


"The whole article ruined my life, it really affected me."

Fairfax Media denies the article was defamatory, and argues each of the alleged imputations are substantially true.

At the trial this week, a jury of two women and two men watched CCTV footage of the builders' Christmas party at The Rouge, held in November 2009.

During cross-examination of Ms Chel on Tuesday, Tom Blackburn, SC, for Fairfax, went through the videos in detail.

"What we just saw there is the audience member removing a dildo from a young lady with his teeth?" Mr Blackburn asked.

Sitting in the witness box, Ms Chel replied: "I think it was a lollipop ... from here it looks like a lollipop."

"Where did he remove it from?" Mr Blackburn asked.

"Obviously it's from her vagina," Ms Chel said.

"Do you say that's not on-stage sex?"

"Everyone knows sex is a penis and a vagina."

Mr Blackburn showed Ms Chel promotional flyers for The Rouge to challenge earlier evidence that the club was classy.

"Do you see you've got $5 vodka, champagne, $5 wet pussies – is that consistent with a classy, upmarket establishment?"

"It's a name of a drink that's in thousands of premises," Ms Chel said.

"You can go to any classy establishment and ask for a wet pussy, just like you can ask for a long slow screw against the wall."

The trial continues before Justice Robert Beech-Jones.