How to get a perky bum without EVER doing a squat: Celebrity personal trainer who helped sculpt Elle Macpherson's body reveals the five moves for an A-list behind

  • Plenty of women want a perkier behind but plenty of women also hate squats
  • There are lesser-known but equally effective moves to boost your bum
  • Celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison shares them with FEMAIL

Plenty of women yearn for a peachier, perkier rear end - but not quite so many are keen on doing dozens of dreaded squats to achieve it.

But luckily, there are some lesser-known but just as effective moves you can use to boost your bum - and celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison has shared them with FEMAIL. 

Here, the trainer who has worked with stars including Elle Macpherson, Daisy Lowe and Erin O'Connor, demonstrates the five-step routine to help lift your buttocks in minutes. 

Nicola spent five years training Elle Macpherson - who was famously nicknamed 'The Body'

Nicola spent five years training Elle Macpherson - who was famously nicknamed 'The Body'

Nicola, pictured left with supermodel Erin O'Connor, has demonstrated the five steps to boost your bum

Nicola, pictured left with supermodel Erin O'Connor, has demonstrated the five steps to boost your bum

Nicola tells FEMAIL that if you do 30 repetitions of each short exercise just twice a week, you'll see a big difference in a matter of months. 

1. High Step-Ups

Celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison demonstrates the High Step-Up
Celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison demonstrates the High Step-Up

Celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison demonstrates the High Step-Up

- Using your stairs at home, stand directly behind the bottom step.

- Plant one foot on the platform in front (the higher the better), ensure the whole foot (including heel) is firmly on the platform.

- Drive through this heel, using your arms to help power yourself up so you are standing tall on the platform. Clench your bum cheeks at the top.

- Slowly lower back to the floor and repeat on the same leg.

- Complete 15 reps then alternate. 

2. Clams

Nicola demonstrates step one of the Jane Fonda-esque move
Nicola demonstrates step two of the Jane Fonda-esque move

Nicola demonstrates step one (left) and step two (right) of the Jane Fonda-esque move

Think Jane Fonda!

- Lie on your side, with your knees bent and with one leg on top of the other. 

- Slowly raise your top knee towards the ceiling, keeping heels together.

- Gently return back to the start position.

- Complete 15 reps then alternate. 

3. Frog Pumps

Nicola admits the frog pump - involving lifting your bum off the floor while keeping feet together - is not the most attractive move
Nicola admits the frog pump - involving lifting your bum off the floor while keeping feet together - is not the most attractive move

Nicola admits the frog pump - involving lifting your bum off the floor while keeping feet together - is not the most attractive move

It may not look attractive, but it is incredibly effective!

- Lie on your back with your arms out to the side and your palms facing up.

- Place the soles of your trainers together and open your knees out wide.

- Keeping your upper body relaxed, slowly drive your hips off the floor and in to the air.

- Gently bring back to the floor and repeat 15 times. 

4. Hip Bridge

The hip bridge begins by lying flat with your knees bent
You then slowly raise your hips while clenching your buttocks

The hip bridge involves lying flat with your knees bent (left) before slowly raising your hips while clenching your buttocks (right)

- Lie on your back with your arms out to the side and your palms facing up.

- Place the soles of your feet on the floor so your knees are properly bent.

- Keeping your upper body relaxed, slowly push through your heels and raise your hips off the floor and into the air, clenching your butt cheeks.

- Gently bring back to the floor and repeat 15 times.

5. Curtsey

The 'curtsey' is an elegant but effective move for boosting your bum
The 'curtsey' is an elegant but effective move for boosting your bum

The 'curtsey' is an elegant but effective move for boosting your bum

- Take one foot behind the other and keep your back foot on its tip toe.

- Keeping your hips facing forward, dip your back knee towards the floor.

- Keep your chest lifted.

- Drive back to standing. Repeat for 15 reps then alternate leg.

If you manage the whole workout, you'll have completed 120 butt-clenching reps in a matter of minutes.

Now go and enjoy your perky, peachy behind!

Nicola Addison is the owner of Eqvvs Training, a bespoke personal training studio in Knightsbridge 

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