Daily Life

New Australia Day lamb ad isn't landing well with Indigenous Australians

 The latest Meat and Livestock Association Australia Day ad has been widely hailed as diverse and progressive on social media, but many Indigenous Australians have reacted very differently.

Ryan Griffen, creator of ABC drama Cleverman, believes the ad to be in "poor taste", telling Daily Life: "as important as it is for Australians to celebrate multiculturalism, I feel for us to be able to appreciate an ad like this on screen a lot of work needs to happen off screen."

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Lamb ad features Australia's 'boat people'

The latest Australia Day lamb ad features Indigenous Australians whose beachside barbecue is soon interrupted by droves of people arriving by boat.

The ad, featuring Cathy Freeman and TV chef Poh Ling Yeow, was notable for making no mention of Australia Day or the genocide of Aboriginal people, opting for a seemingly simple message of unity and celebration.

Apart from a brief reference to Aboriginal people having been "here forever", the thousands of years of Aboriginal Australian history and lived culture before colonisation is virtually ignored, and whilst Australia Day might not be explicitly mentioned, the celebratory symbols of fireworks and beach barbecues are indicative enough that viewers can fill in the blanks.

Aboriginal activists have taken to Twitter saying the ad misses the mark and opts in favour of cultural stereotyping, "satire for sales", and the omission of historical fact.


The Indigenous community has pointed to the historical inaccuracy of cramming 200 years of history into two minutes and the erasure of the Aboriginal genocide in an effort to provoke discussion and, most importantly, sell lamb.

Luke Pearson of NITV wrote: "The ad perhaps is a fitting theme for Australia Day: forget about or completely misrepresent Australian history and contemporary society, and buy stuff instead."

Pearson goes on to point out that the ad is "rife with cultural stereotypes, and not just of Indigenous Australians; French people eating cheese, stuffy British officers, Germans with beer, Maoris saying 'bro', and Chinese people with long beards, traditional garb and a box of fireworks."

Prominent Aboriginal writer and actor Nakkiah Lui congratulated the creators for offering a more diverse image of Australia, however raised questions over whether a more realistic portrayal of Australias colonial history would result in celebration.

"I wonder how people would respond to the ad if it started with a more accurate portrayal of the arrival of the Tall Ships," she wrote on Facebook.

Buzzfeed leaked the script to the Australia Day lamb ad back in November reporting that the The Monkeys, the agency responsible for producing the ad had a difficult time casting Aboriginal characters "due to Indigenous actors feeling like the commercial trivialises the violent British settlement of Australia."

Griffen says the failure of the ad's creators, to respond to that feedback was a missed opportunity.

"As much as Australian history needs to be addressed I feel this ad is the wrong way to go about it especially when [the creators] received slack for an earlier script around a similar issue. It feels like they've tried to address these issues but at the same time the ad is riddled with very strong stereotypes not only of Aboriginal history but of the Chinese and other cultural groups.

"It feels like the ad is addressing modern day issues but remains stuck in 1980s stereotypes we as a society have worked so hard to push past."

Griffen concluded by saying "it's not that we as Australians should not be able to celebrate what we have, but until our kids are taught the true history of Australia and everyone is able to celebrate, in our current political climate this is in poor taste."


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