
Amber Harrison lobs fresh grenade at Seven

Amber Harrison

Amber Harrison has thrown another grenade at Channel Seven, tweeting what appears to be internal emails sent between executives before and during a controversial Federal Police raid on the network's offices over alleged deals with the Corby family. 

Trump tweets are a boon for Twitter

The constant tweets by US President Trump to bypass traditional media have helped boost Twitter's user numbers.

President Donald Trump's ability to move stocks and markets with his Twitter posts is well known, but now he may be having an impact on Twitter itself.

New York Times opening Sydney office

The New York Times is opening an office in Sydney, Australia, with a small team looking for local stories.

The New York Times is setting up a small team in Sydney to create local stories that it hopes will encourage Australians to subscribe and engage with the Times' global network. 

When newspapers stop being newspapers

A Fairfax spokesman said there were "no plans to change from daily printing and we expect that to be the case for some ...

A loophole exists in Australian media law that would allow newspaper owners to buy television and radio licenses, a senior regulator has confirmed. 

What the Murdochs own now

News Corp's Australian newspapers are cashflow neutral or negative, while Fairfax's are only positive thanks to its ...

In the last weeks of 2016, News Corporation got a nod of approval from the competition regulator to purchase a company that publishes 72 newspapers around Queensland and northern New South Wales.

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