
'Respect the heat': Extreme weather in Victoria's north keeps the fire risk high

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Emergency authorities have urged Victorians to stay alert to the risk of fires over coming days and to the health risks from extreme heat, as temperatures remain at dangerous levels in northern Victoria but ease in Melbourne.

CFA chief officer Steve Warrington said that with extreme temperatures over coming days, fire authorities would be on "high alert", with a major focus on high risk areas.

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Victoria, Melbourne set to swelter on Thursday

Northern parts of that state are in for the hottest conditions this week, with Mildura expected to get two days of 44 degrees on Thursday and Friday, dropping to 42 degrees on Saturday.

"Our focus will continue to be the western part of Melbourne, where the grass is significant, the potential for grassfires is significant," he said.

"And of course over the weekend along the Murray, where we have had a number of fires caused by campfires that haven't been properly extinguished."

At a briefing on Thursday afternoon, Mr Warrington said there had been 40 fires across Victoria on Thursday, mostly grassfires.

All had been "aggressively" attacked by fire crews and kept small, he said.


"We've had 50 aircraft on standby that have been able to attack those fires fairly aggressively, coupled with our ground crews that are on standby today.

"So it's been quite an active day," he said.

Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley urged people to take care when in the outdoors and stay safe over coming days.

"Obviously the next couple of days remain hot, particularly in the northern part of the state," he said.

"So the maximum temperature during daylight and also the overnight temperatures are very important to understand.

"And that means that heat messaging is very important for all Victorians."

Paul Holman from Ambulance Victoria urged people, particularly those living in northern Victoria or visiting the area, "to be heeding the warnings" about heat, and to check on elderly people and those who lived alone, and to keep out of the sun.

He also said: "Keep hydrated and respect the heat."

Mildura is expecting 44 degrees on Friday and 43 on Saturday, followed by a welcome 26 degree top on Sunday. Swan Hill is expecting a top of 43 on Friday and 42 on Saturday as the heatwave continues.