US economy adds 227,000 jobs, wages rise 0.1 per cent

Companies that employ trade workers like welders and mechanics are increasingly joining with community colleges, ...
Companies that employ trade workers like welders and mechanics are increasingly joining with community colleges, technical schools and even high schools to develop a new generation of skilled employees. Rohan Thomson
by Patricia Cohen

The US economy created 227,000 new jobs last month as the jobless rate edged up to 4.8 per cent as more people returned to the workforce.

But despite a surge of local minimum-wage increases, average hourly earnings grew by only 0.1 per cent.

"The labour market is doing about what we think it should be doing," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the president of the conservative advocacy group American Action Forum and a former director of the Congressional Budget Office. "We're back close to full employment."

Holtz-Eakin and economists at the Federal Reserve maintain that the Labor Department's recent estimates are signals that employment is near capacity, even though the Oval Office's current occupant has dismissed them as "phony numbers".

Certainly, for Americans who have been cut out of the rewards delivered by the nearly eight-year-long recovery, upbeat assessments do not mirror their personal experiences. A mismatch of skills or location, the lack of support like child care and day care, and employer discrimination are some of the reasons that high school graduates, laid-off factory workers, members of minorities, aging baby boomers and others have failed to find or regain a comfortable footing in the labour force.

The share of working-age adults who are in the labour force is still at historical lows. And a broader measure of unemployment, which includes the millions who are working part time but would prefer full-time jobs and those so discouraged by rejections that they have given up searching, has remained roughly twice the headline unemployment figure, an unusually high level for an extended expansion.

Economists at Moody's Analytics noted in a report this week that at least five measures, aside from the official unemployment rate, indicated that the economy has not yet reached full employment, including the share of those not in the labour force who want a job, the magnitude of the pool of long-term unemployed and the degree of wage growth.

Obama's legacy

However strong (or not strong) last month's totals are judged to be, they are a legacy of the Obama administration, based on surveys before President Donald Trump took office January 20. While some employers may have made staffing decisions in anticipation of a Republican administration, this report does not reflect any specific policy changes. (The way the government estimates the jobless rate does not change from one administration to the next.)

Still, given the timing, the January job figures will end up serving as one benchmark against which a new president's stewardship of the economy is judged.

During the campaign, when the official unemployment rate never rose above 5 per cent, Trump called the measure "one of the biggest hoaxes in American modern politics" and suggested that the true rate could be several times as high. Steven Mnuchin, his choice for Treasury secretary, said "the unemployment rate is not real" at his confirmation hearing last month, while Andrew Puzder, who was nominated to take over the Labor Department, has belittled the figure's usefulness. A survey last fall found that nearly half of Trump's supporters "completely distrust the economic data reported by the federal government".

Regardless of government estimates, however, employers across sectors and across the nation have increasingly complained about the difficulty of finding workers, a competition that kept the increase in the average hourly wage ahead of a 1.6 per cent price inflation rate.

"We're still continuing to see wage pressure as the candidate market continues to shrink," said Amy Glaser, senior vice president of Adecco Staffing USA, which has 300 branch offices. In addition to the omnipresent hunger for engineers, Glaser said there is a demand for those with middle-level trade skills like welding that fell into disuse during the recession, as well as entry-level warehouse and light assembly workers.

New generation

"Employers are getting very creative," said Glaser, whose office is in Lexington, Kentucky. "We're seeing sign-on bonuses. They have added sabbaticals to their packages, increases to stock options, free child care on site and free meals. Anything to get a competitive edge."

"I'm definitely seeing a trend of employers targeting certain pools of workers like the disabled, retirees that may be looking to return to the workforce, and stay-at-home moms," she added.

Companies that employ trade workers like welders and mechanics are increasingly joining with community colleges, technical schools and even high schools to develop a new generation of skilled employees. Other businesses are experimenting more with apprenticeships and internships.

David Nilssen, chief executive of Guidant Financial, a small-business financier based in Seattle, added 30 additional employees last year to its 80-person workforce. The trouble he has had recruiting and retaining staff members was echoed in a Guidant survey of about 2000 clients, who listed the worker shortage as their main challenge.

"A lot of small and midsized businesses are facing what I call a war for talent, especially tech talent," Nilssen said, explaining that it was harder for them to compete with larger salaries and perks offered by bigger firms.

At the lower end of the pay scale, local minimum-wage increases - ranging from as small as 5 cents an hour in Florida and Alaska to $1.95 an hour in Arizona - affected approximately 4.3 million workers across 19 states in January. The widest impact was felt in Arizona, California and Washington, where more than 1 in 10 workers got a raise.

Employees in Oregon, the District of Columbia and Maryland are scheduled to get an increase later this year.

That is a "built-in increase" that operates outside any market pressures, said Carl R. Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust, in Chicago.

Trump's target

Analysts, backed by research from the Federal Reserve, have been recalibrating their measures of what constitutes a strong number of hires, given how far the headline unemployment rate has fallen. Economists estimate that it takes 50,000 to 110,000 new jobs to absorb growth in the population and keep the jobless rate steady. That has prompted several economists to label the creation of 150,000 jobs or more a solid showing; that figure is below the average monthly gains of 180,000 in 2016 and 220,000 in 2015.

Kevin Cummins, senior US economist at NatWest Markets, said this month's report is "not going to a game changer for the Fed" as far as raising interest rates is concerned. "But the labour market seems to be pretty healthy," he said. "The tame wage pressure we've seen doesn't suggest inflation."

Trump, who ordered an across-the-board hiring freeze for the federal government last week, has pledged on the White House website to create 25 million new jobs - a staggering number that would eclipse the total number of private-sector jobs created during Ronald Reagan's eight-year tenure, George H.W. Bush's four-year term and George W. Bush's eight years combined.

The New York Times