'Oh my god, seriously tell me how you're not odd?' Tom Arnold has a go at Kate Fischer before fighting with Lisa Curry on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!

He's the American star who isn't afraid to tell it how it is. 

And on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! on Thursday, Tom Arnold had a go at both Kate Fischer and Lisa Curry. 

The 57-year-old personality called Kate - now known as Tziporah Malkah - 'odd,' before fighting with Olympian Lisa about cleaning up a mess at camp.  

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Over it? On I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! on Thursday, Tom Arnold had a go at both Kate Fischer and Lisa Curry

Over it? On I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! on Thursday, Tom Arnold had a go at both Kate Fischer and Lisa Curry

Temperatures rising! The 57-year-old personality called Kate - now known as Tziporah Malkah - 'odd,' (R), before fighting with Olympian Lisa (L) about cleaning up a mess at camp
Temperatures rising! The 57-year-old personality called Kate - now known as Tziporah Malkah - 'odd,' (R), before fighting with Olympian Lisa (L) about cleaning up a mess at camp

Temperatures rising! The 57-year-old personality called Kate - now known as Tziporah Malkah - 'odd,' (R), before fighting with Olympian Lisa (L) about cleaning up a mess at camp

Tom and Tziporah were talking about whether or not they'd get eliminated on Sunday's show, when he said she wouldn't cause she's odd and 'entertaining.'

'How am I odd?,' Tziporah said, looking slightly offended. 

After going back and forth, he appeared to lose his cool and asked her: 'Oh my god, seriously tell me how you're not odd?'

Offended? After going back and forth, he appeared to lose his cool and asked her: 'Oh my god, seriously tell me how you're not odd?'

Offended? After going back and forth, he appeared to lose his cool and asked her: 'Oh my god, seriously tell me how you're not odd?'

Tziporah said she didn't think she was odd. 

'Okay, I sleep, I eat three meals a day, I go to the toilet every day, I'm honest, does that make me odd?,' she probed. 

Tom asked her to explain what she meant by 'honest.'

'I wear my heart on my sleeve,' she said. 

Tom then continued, saying she was 'special,' appearing to mean it in an offensive way. 

'But you're not the same as everyone else, you're special.'

Anything else to say why you're there? Tom then continued, saying she was 'special,' appearing to mean it in an offensive way

Anything else to say why you're there? Tom then continued, saying she was 'special,' appearing to mean it in an offensive way

Tziporah said she knew where Tom was coming from. 

'Yeah I know what you mean, I think that my life has been extraordinary, but I'm very ordinary myself,' she said. 

Tom told her to embrace it, but she was confused as to what exactly to embrace. 

Being smart, Tom replied: 'The quiet bits.'

Kate laughed, telling him to 'shut up.'  

'Shut up!' Tziporah ended up laughing off Tom's comments

'Shut up!' Tziporah ended up laughing off Tom's comments

Earlier on in the show, Tziporah spoke about clashing with Lisa previously in the jungle.

She said she has 'defense mechanisms' because she has 'post-traumatic stress disorder issues.'

'I'm incredibly vulnerable. And so I'm just like, I'm just not coping. I'm not handling it,' she said, saying she needs to work on things.  

Meanwhile, Tom also had a go at Lisa when he felt she was ordering him and their fellow camp mates around, when she wanted them to clean up a mess at camp.

Not having it! Meanwhile, Tom also had a go at Lisa  when he felt she was ordering him and their fellow camp mates around

Not having it! Meanwhile, Tom also had a go at Lisa when he felt she was ordering him and their fellow camp mates around

Lisa is second in charge of the camp - deputy leader -  underneath team leader Jay Laga'aia. 

Lisa wanted old beans to be cleaned up by Tom, as they smelt and were attracting flies, while Tom got annoyed that he had to clean it up for her. 

'Is it Lisa's job to dole out jobs?' he asked Jay. 

While Lisa apologised, Tom carried on.  

'What'd you want me to do Barn?,' he said, referring to the fictional character Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show.

'I'm not quite sure why you're calling me that but anyway,' Lisa told him, as Tom explained who he was referring too. 

'What'd you want me to do Barn?,' Tom said, referring to the fictional character Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show

'What'd you want me to do Barn?,' Tom said, referring to the fictional character Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show

Tom added that Barney thought he was 'very powerful,' and Lisa assured Tom she wasn't trying to act powerful.   

'You like pointing a lot,' he said. 

She then asked him about his attitude, when he confronted her.  

'You're sitting there pointing, we don't need you pointing out stuff, Jay's the leader and you're the deputy, what does that even mean?,' Tom said.  

Tom said every one feels the same about her pointing out things to do at the camp. 

'You're pointing like a crow, sitting there, it's ridiculous,' he said.  

'You're sitting there, pointing!' She then asked him about his attitude, when he confronted her

'You're sitting there, pointing!' She then asked him about his attitude, when he confronted her

Jay meanwhile said that Lisa's 'technique rubs people the wrong way.'

'I won't accept that behaviour,' Lisa said to Jay. 

Jay then spoke to camp and said if anything turns into a personal attack, it's 'bullying,' and Lisa thought she was 'being attacked.'  

Lisa then spoke to friend Natalie Bassingthwaighte away from camp, who told her to let it go. 

Lisa told her that Tom is 'trying to break me.'  

Her support: Natalie Bassingthwaighte (L) was on Lisa's side and said to camera that she had become a 'punching bag' for the others

Her support: Natalie Bassingthwaighte (L) was on Lisa's side and said to camera that she had become a 'punching bag' for the others

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