Luxury cars, flash hotels and celebrity links: Inside the high-flying lifestyle of a suspected Asian 'drug lord dubbed Mr X' who was arrested at a Thai airport

  • Accused Southeast Asian drug lord Xaysana Keopimpha was arrested last month
  • Police believe he was trafficking caffeine-laced meth tablets known as 'yaba'
  • Social media images show the 42-year-old posing in luxury cars and plush hotels
  • Authorities are unravelling a vast methamphetamine network with elite links
  • Police executed dozens of raids in Bangkok on Thursday, including celebrities 

The lavish lifestyle of an alleged Southeast Asian drug lord dubbed 'Mr X' has been laid bare after his high-profile arrest in a Thai airport last month.

Social media images show Xaysana Keopimpha, 42, posing in luxury cars and plush hotels before he was dramatically arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok.

Authorities are now working to unravel a vast methamphetamine network that stretches Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Police have executed dozens of raids in Bangkok on Thursday, including the apartment of popular actress and talk show host Napapa Thantrakul.

Social media images show accused drug lord Xaysana Keopimpha, 42, posing in luxury cars

Social media images show accused drug lord Xaysana Keopimpha, 42, posing in luxury cars

 Police believe the 42-year-old, known as Mr X, was trafficking a network of caffeine-laced meth tablets known as 'yaba'

 Police believe the 42-year-old, known as Mr X, was trafficking a network of caffeine-laced meth tablets known as 'yaba'

Thantrakul is not currently being treated as a suspect but police believe her husband had accepted several cars from one of Xaysana's drug couriers, including a Lamborghini.

A widening probe into the celebrity and business links of Xaysana has showed elite contacts may have helped shield his alleged narcotics cartel.

Authorities say Xaysana was funnelling caffeine-laced meth tablets known as 'yaba' produced in Myanmar to Thailand and Malaysia.

They suspect Bangkok and its surrounding suburbs offered crucial hideaways and protection for the drug syndicate, with high-end car dealers and celebrities helping to launder Xaysana's profits.

'Xaysana's network includes several groups, particularly hi-so figures, entertainment operators and luxury car dealers,' said Sommai Kongvisaisuk, commander of Thailand's Narcotic Suppression Bureau.

The term 'hi-so', from the English phrase high society, is routinely used by Thais to describe wealthy people, including some celebrities, with powerful links who are often seen as untouchable.

 The head of Thailand's Narcotics Control Board said Xaysana lived an extravagant lifestyle in Laos -- one of the Asia's poorest nations

 The head of Thailand's Narcotics Control Board said Xaysana lived an extravagant lifestyle in Laos -- one of the Asia's poorest nations

A widening probe into the celebrity and business links of Xaysana has showed elite contacts may have helped shield his alleged narcotics cartel

A widening probe into the celebrity and business links of Xaysana has showed elite contacts may have helped shield his alleged narcotics cartel

Thai police have already arrested six suspects accused of working for the crime boss, including three ethnic Hmong men in northeastern Thailand.

They allegedly helped move drugs manufactured in the 'Golden Triangle' -- a lawless border region where Thailand, Laos and Myanmar all meet.

Rampant corruption across all three countries has allowed the lucrative drug trade to flourish, with Thai police staging frequent drug seizures but rarely catching cartel leaders.

The head of Thailand's Narcotics Control Board said Xaysana lived an extravagant lifestyle in Laos -- one of the Asia's poorest nations.

Bags of "yaba" tablets, or methamphetamine mixed with caffeine, are displayed for the media in front of the Narcotics Suppression Division in Bangkok

Bags of "yaba" tablets, or methamphetamine mixed with caffeine, are displayed for the media in front of the Narcotics Suppression Division in Bangkok

Thai police have already arrested six suspects accused of working for the crime boss, including three ethnic Hmong men in northeastern Thailand

Thai police have already arrested six suspects accused of working for the crime boss, including three ethnic Hmong men in northeastern Thailand

Officers have suggested more arrests and raids are on the horizon

Officers have suggested more arrests and raids are on the horizon

'He is a celebrity in Laos and used businesses such as hotels and luxury car sales as a cover up,' explained Sirinya Sitdhichai.

A photo of the suspected crime boss posing with relatives of a former Lao prime minister raised eyebrows after it surfaced shortly after his arrest.

Thai police say Xaysana also threw parties in Bangkok to cultivate his ties with celebrities and other bigwigs.

Officers remain tight-lipped on which other high-profile Thais may be involved, but suggest more drama is yet to come.

'The next operation may be 100 times more exciting than this,' Sommai told reporters after Thursday's raids.


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