Dramatic moment fishermen trapped on a sinking boat are saved by rescuer who lowers himself down on a rope from a helicopter in strong winds 

  • 11 fishermen were rescued on February 6 off the coast of Fujian province, China
  • Footage shows the ship almost on one side as rescuers approach
  • The men were rescued and are helping authorities with investigations 

This is the dramatic moment fishermen in China are rescued from their sinking boat in strong winds. 

The fishing boat had almost overturned in the strong winds in the Taiwan Strait off the coast of Fujian province on February 6. 

11 fishermen were rescued by Fujian Maritime Search and Rescue team.  

Safety: A fisherman is pulled up into the helicopter from the ship as it begins to sink

Safety: A fisherman is pulled up into the helicopter from the ship as it begins to sink

Dangerous: According to reports, 11 people fell into the water and were all safely rescued

Dangerous: According to reports, 11 people fell into the water and were all safely rescued

According to China News, 11 people fell into the water and were all rescued safely.

Fujian Maritime Search and Rescue centre received a notification at around 3.20 that the ship named Min Long Yu’ was in danger, gradually sinking some 73 nautical miles off the coast.

Search and Rescue started contingency plans to quickly contact the distressed fishermen and asked them to put on their life jackets and take safety measures.

They dispatched a rescue team to the area along with helicopters.

Back on the ground: The fishermen were rescued from the ship after they called for help

Back on the ground: The fishermen were rescued from the ship after they called for help

The fisherman is brought into the helicopter to safety following his dramatic ordeal 

The fisherman is brought into the helicopter to safety following his dramatic ordeal 

The Fujian Maritime Search and Rescue centre also notified Taipei Search and Rescue Association in Taiwan to coordinate a rescue.

At 3.53pm, helicopters from Xiamen were dispatched and reached the site of the sinking ship within half an hour.

The 11 fishermen were rescued in two batches. One had a minor injury while the rest of the crew had no injuries.

The rescued fishermen were taken to Xiamen Gaoqi Airport.

The fishermen sent out a distress call and the Maritime Search and Rescue team arrived

The fishermen sent out a distress call and the Maritime Search and Rescue team arrived

The men were rescued in two batches with one suffering from a minor injury

The men were rescued in two batches with one suffering from a minor injury

Thumbs up: The rescued show that they're okay with a thumbs up following their rescue

Thumbs up: The rescued show that they're okay with a thumbs up following their rescue

Footage from the rescue shows the ship almost on one side as a rescuer is lowered down to the fishermen. 

They are brought back up to the helicopter.  

At seven that evening, the rescued fishermen started helping the Ministry of Transport with their investigations.

Song Jianhua, deputy director of the Fujian Maritime Safety Administration said that the Taiwan Strait has always seen the main thoroughfare of the southeast coastal areas and the traffic volume is very large.

The success of the rescue is mainly due to the timely warning from the distressed fishermen and the rescue team’s rapid response. In the case of poor co-ordination or low water temperature, the consequences would have been disastrous.’

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