Experienced sheriff is sacked after he was filmed pinning an inmate to a metal table and smashing him in the face 

  • Sheriff Darrin Turner got into an argument with an inmate known as 'DR' 
  • He turned violent after he accused the prisoner of calling him a 'n****r' 
  • The officer was fired after pinning the inmate to a table and choking him

A 15-year veteran of the Denver Sheriff Department has been sacked after footage emerged of him hitting an inmate in the face and 'choking him'.

Darrin Turner got into an argument with an inmate known as 'DR' and turned violent after he accused the prisoner of calling him a n****r' and saying he was going to 'f*** him up.'

The officer was fired on January 4 according to an 18-page discipline letter sent to him last month.

Denver sheriff's spokeswoman Daelene Mix told The Washington Post: 'Deputy Turner's egregious misconduct, wilful disregard of department rules, and unwillingness to take responsibility for his actions is unacceptable.

'Based on the facts and circumstances of the case, termination was appropriate.'

The letter explains how 'Deputy Turner instigated and escalated the situation by unnecessarily making physical contact with inmate DR while escorting him in the hallway, as well as when he elbowed inmate DR in the back.'

Surveillance video of the footage shows Turner pinning the inmate - dressed in red jail scrubs - on a metal table, grappling with him and grabbing him by the neck.

He then strikes the prisoner with his right hand before being restrained by another law officer, called Gardner. 

Sheriff Darrin Taylor was sacked after footage emerged of him being violent to an inmate

Sheriff Darrin Taylor was sacked after footage emerged of him being violent to an inmate

Defending his actions, Turner claimed he had been provoked by the inmate calling him a 'n****r' during the incident on January 28, 2016.

In a disciplinary hearing in December, he said: 'The reason I did it, Chief, the… inmate was saying that he was going to f**k me up.'

The inmate then started calling Turner the 'n-word', he claimed.

He took the inmate out of the cell to 'counsel him that we don't use that language'.

Turner was fired from his position after hitting an inmate in the face and choking him 

Turner was fired from his position after hitting an inmate in the face and choking him 

Turner was fired because he had 'escalated a wholly unnecessary use of force situation'

Turner was fired because he had 'escalated a wholly unnecessary use of force situation'

The letter also said Turner never reporter removing his glasses, which officials said was a clear sign he intended to get into a fight.  

He told the disciplinary committee: 'It appeared to me that he had his hands in front of him and balled up in a fist.

'I felt as though he was going to do something when I took him to the back to counsel him. So for my safety, I gave my glasses to Officer Gardner for my protection for my eyes and my face.'

Turner did not report he had taken off his glasses, which could be considered in anticipation of getting into a fight.

The report said: 'If Deputy Turner had the time and presence of mind to remove his glasses and ensure their safety, he also had time and circumstances that permitted him to consider other options than entering an enclosed area of the facility with a provoked inmate for no legitimate reason.'

According to KDVR News, Turner is planning to appeal his sacking. 

He asked the panel to speak to colleagues who could testify to his character and credibility, and that he was 'not the person [he was] depicted to be.'

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