Arrogant sneak thief pours himself a PINT before stealing a social club’s takings and charity box after hiding until all staff had gone home 

  • The thief hid until staff at Thornaby Sports and Leisure Club had locked up  
  • He then ambled behind the bar on CCTV and casually pours himself a pint
  • The crook allegedly stole cash, bottles of alcohol and even charity boxes

A brazen thief ransacked the till of a busy social club - but not before he had the cheek to pour himself a pint. 

The crook waited for the staff at Thornaby Sports and Leisure Club, near Stockton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, to lock up on Saturday night. 

He's then caught on CCTV casually sauntering behind the bar and looking around before pouring himself a pint. 

The thief is alleged to have then taken cash, charity boxes and bottles of booze from the social club.

Peter Scott, director of the club, told GazetteLive: 'This lad came in, hid, and waited for all the staff to be gone.

The hooded thief sneaked out of hiding after the social club staff had left on Saturday night

The hooded thief sneaked out of hiding after the social club staff had left on Saturday night

Walking around behind the bar he shamelessly helps himself to an undeserved pint 

Walking around behind the bar he shamelessly helps himself to an undeserved pint 

The club director said the thief's damage will cost them thousands of pounds to repair

The club director said the thief's damage will cost them thousands of pounds to repair

'He helped himself to bottles from the fridge, had a pint, went out and came back and started filling bags with our charity boxes 

'The little so and so took the bottom part of the till which had the float in. He ripped out the wall so all the cables have been damaged.

'That's going to cost us up to a couple of thousand pounds, and there was a £170 in the float that he helped himself to.

Cleveland Police said that they had received a report of the incident and that inquiries were ongoing.  

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