'You are the fakest person I've ever met': MAFS bride Scarlett lashes out at stripper Michael on their honeymoon before walking off in tears... as couples clash during dramatic holidays

  • Nine hopeful couples took off on their honeymoons on Married At First Sight
  • While some enjoyed a romantic break, others started to have doubts  
  • Michael finally told Scarlett he was a stripper and the pair later clashed  
  • She labelled him 'fake' and said he wasn't ready for a relationship 
  • Other couples who clashed included John and Deb and Cheryl and Jonathan

Following the final wedding on Monday evening's episode of Married At First Sight Australia, viewers watched as nine hopeful couples took off on their honeymoons on Tuesday. 

And while some of the couples enjoyed romantic dates overseas and in exotic locations across Australia, several of them started to doubt the experiment altogether.

And one of those couples was Scarlett and Michael - their relationship beginning to crumble after Michael finally told his bride that he was a stripper on weekends. 

Several of the MAFS couples started to doubt the experiment altogether on Tuesday night's episode

Several of the MAFS couples started to doubt the experiment altogether on Tuesday night's episode

Scarlett and Michael travelled to Kakadu National Park for their honeymoon and kicked off the trip optimistic

Scarlett and Michael travelled to Kakadu National Park for their honeymoon and kicked off the trip optimistic

The pair, who travelled to Kakadu National Park for their honeymoon, kicked off the trip optimistic... but it soon began to fall apart. 

'Having to tell Scarlett that I am a stripper is a little bit nervewracking... a lot of people hear that and they walk away,' Michael, who also works for a mining company, told producers before breaking the news to his bride. 

Scarlett struggled to hide the disappointment on her face.

'I am shocked and a bit disappointed to be honest. That's a job that you can do when you are single and you're partying and young and in your twenties,' she said to the camera after finding out. 

'Having to tell Scarlett that I am a stripper is a little bit nervewracking... a lot of people hear that and they walk away,' Michael said

'Having to tell Scarlett that I am a stripper is a little bit nervewracking... a lot of people hear that and they walk away,' Michael said

Michael, who works at a mining company, also works as a stripper every weekend
Michael, who works at a mining company, also works as a stripper every weekend

Michael, who works at a mining company, also works as a stripper every weekend

'I wouldn't ever be seen dead in a strip club... I wouldn't be around all those people because it's not an environment that I am comfortable in.' 

Despite telling her new beau that she would be willing to give the relationship a chance anyway, the couple clashed again later in the episode when discussing their living arrangements. 

'I live in Perth and you live in Sydney... I am not in the position to move as I am set up and established,' Michael said. 'She is just writing at the moment and you can write anywhere.' 

'That's very closed minded,' Scarlett said. 'I don't want to fly somewhere for someone... why should I go somewhere for a guy if he's not willing to come to me?'

Despite telling her new beau that she would be willing to give the relationship a chance anyway, the couple clashed again later in the episode

Despite telling her new beau that she would be willing to give the relationship a chance anyway, the couple clashed again later in the episode

The final straw came when Michael told Scarlett he saw her as more of a friend

The final straw came when Michael told Scarlett he saw her as more of a friend

The final straw came when Michael told Scarlett he saw her as more of a friend. 

'I want someone who is set up, established, has direction with work and is ready to go and knows what they want to do,' Michael told a shocked Scarlett. 

And she did not take it well. 

'I think you're probably the fakest person I've ever met in my entire life. You say one thing and then you go and hook up with me and get sort of romantic with me and then you come back today...,' she said.  

'I think you're probably the fakest person I've ever met in my entire life,' she hit back

'I think you're probably the fakest person I've ever met in my entire life,' she hit back

'You need a girl that you can have sex with and fool around with, do your stripping, come home... you're not looking for a relationship. I feel like you don't need this. I am willing to do it and you're just like "I'm done".'

The dramatic episode ended with the heartbroken bride walking off into the distance in tears... but it's unclear whether the pair were able to work through their issues. 

All will be revealed on Wednesday evening when the couples come together for the infamous (and always dramatic) Married At First Sight dinner party. 

The dramatic episode ended with the heartbroken bride walking off into the distance in tears... but it's unclear whether the pair were able to work through their issues

The dramatic episode ended with the heartbroken bride walking off into the distance in tears... but it's unclear whether the pair were able to work through their issues



The drama continued for single mother Lauren and her fireman groom Andrew on Tuesday night after Lauren left Andrew on their wedding night without explanation. 

Labelled as 'the biggest scandal ever,' Andrew said he was feeling very emotional and struggling to cope with being left after what seemed to be a successful wedding and reception. 

'I felt as though somebody has not liked the look of me that much that they've taken off within hours,' Andrew said. 'It's a flat out rejection... I tried to reach her and I didn't hear anything.'

Lauren finally agreed to meet with Andrew and relationship psychologist John Aiken days later- Lauren attempting to hide her nerves and deal with the awkward situation with laughter. 

The drama continued for single mother Lauren and her fireman groom Andrew on Tuesday night after Lauren left Andrew on their wedding night without explanation

The drama continued for single mother Lauren and her fireman groom Andrew on Tuesday night after Lauren left Andrew on their wedding night without explanation

'I was hoping for someone who had been through a broken marriage and had had kids,' Lauren explained 

'I was hoping for someone who had been through a broken marriage and had had kids,' Lauren explained 

'I wasn't myself on the day and I was a lot more out of sorts than I normally would be... I was like "Oh my God I'm glad I didn't wear heels". That sounds so vain but I was expecting someone quite tall,' she explained, adding that she didn't run because of his appearance.

'I was hoping for someone who had been through a broken marriage and had had kids. People can show empathy but some people don't get it until you've had kids yourself. 

Lauren told Andrew she had a habit from running from situations and was simply afraid of being hurt... so she ran away. 

While an emotional Lauren appeared to be open-minded about giving the relationship another go, Andrew wasn't interested.

'The things that you need to rely on in a team mate weren't there at that stage... and they might not be there again,' he said. 

Lauren told Andrew she had a habit from running from situations and was simply afraid of being hurt... so she ran away

Lauren told Andrew she had a habit from running from situations and was simply afraid of being hurt... so she ran away

While an emotional Lauren appeared to have some interest in giving the relationship another go, Andrew wasn't interested

While an emotional Lauren appeared to have some interest in giving the relationship another go, Andrew wasn't interested


While Cheryl struggled to find physical chemistry with Jonathan at first, the pair appeared to be making the most of their scenic honeymoon on the first day.

But their trip soon turned to awkwardness when Cheryl told Jonathan that she wasn't overly attracted to him while answering questions in a hot tub. 

'You're not the ugliest thing I've ever seen,' Cheryl said, laughing. 

Jonathan wasn't happy. 

While Cheryl struggled to find physical chemistry with Jonathan at first, she and her 'husband' appeared to be making the most of their scenic honeymoon on the first day

While Cheryl struggled to find physical chemistry with Jonathan at first, she and her 'husband' appeared to be making the most of their scenic honeymoon on the first day

But their trip soon turned to awkwardness when Cheryl told Jonathan that she wasn't overly attracted to him while answering questions in a hot tub

But their trip soon turned to awkwardness when Cheryl told Jonathan that she wasn't overly attracted to him while answering questions in a hot tub

'Cheryl telling me that she wasn't attracted to me was pretty extreme... I have a very literal brain and I hear the words as they are. I was pretty pissed.' 

The awkwardness continued when they went bungee jumping together. 

'She said she wasn't attracted to me. I wasn't going to all of a sudden feel better. I was definitely reassessing where I was going to be heading,' he said.

'I can't let go of something immediately. I will definitely revisit the topic at some point.' 

'Cheryl telling me that she wasn't attracted to me was pretty extreme... I have a very literal brain and I hear the words as they are. I was pretty pissed,' Jonathan said 

'Cheryl telling me that she wasn't attracted to me was pretty extreme... I have a very literal brain and I hear the words as they are. I was pretty pissed,' Jonathan said 

The awkwardness continued when they went bungee jumping together

The awkwardness continued when they went bungee jumping together


While the pair got off to a positive start on their wedding day and in the early days of their honeymoon, they faced some serious tension when the topic of cheating came up. 

'I have never cheated on anyone and I am completely against that. I will judge her... I've never done that,' Nick said before he found out that Sharon had cheated. 

He then added: 'I don't like cheaters, it's a big thing to me. Cheating is black and white. I hope she has never cheated on anyone. Once a cheater always a cheater.'

While the pair got off to a positive start on their wedding day and in the early days of their honeymoon, they faced some serious tension when the topic of cheating came up

While the pair got off to a positive start on their wedding day and in the early days of their honeymoon, they faced some serious tension when the topic of cheating came up

'I have never cheated on anyone and I am completely against that. I will judge her... I've never done that,' Nick said before he found out Sharon had cheated

'I have never cheated on anyone and I am completely against that. I will judge her... I've never done that,' Nick said before he found out Sharon had cheated

Sharon then admitted she had cheated in a previous relationship and Nick did not look impressed. 

'That was a big dealbreaker for me,' he said. 

Sharon was then seen walking off crying - the outcome of the conversation not yet known. 

Sharon then admitted she had cheated in a previous relationship and Nick did not look impressed

Sharon then admitted she had cheated in a previous relationship and Nick did not look impressed

'That was a big dealbreaker for me,' he said

'That was a big dealbreaker for me,' he said


Despite the pair not instantly connecting, Michelle and Jesse had one of the least dramatic honeymoons - the couple taking their relationship to a new level. 

'We are still learning each other... I kind of respect her boundaries and I don't want to be too clingy,' Jesse said. 

'Jesse and I are moving on really well... I feel pretty lucky,' Michelle said, before the couple enjoyed an intimate conversation over a romantic dinner.  

Despite the pair not instantly connecting, Michelle and Jesse had one of the least dramatic honeymoons - the couple taking their relationship to a new level

Despite the pair not instantly connecting, Michelle and Jesse had one of the least dramatic honeymoons - the couple taking their relationship to a new level

'Jesse and I are moving on really well... I feel pretty lucky,' Michelle said, before the couple enjoyed an intimate conversation over a romantic dinner

'Jesse and I are moving on really well... I feel pretty lucky,' Michelle said, before the couple enjoyed an intimate conversation over a romantic dinner


If Tuesday night's episode is anything to go by, it seems as though this pair may not last the distance. 

The couple, who agree that they are complete opposites, continuously clashed during their honeymoon, with Deb constantly telling John everything that she found frustrating about him - from leaving clothes on the floor and spitting when he spoke to snoring and smoking.

But when John offered to move apartments, she was offended and stormed off. 

'I got nothing I wanted... I got orange cake and it wasn't even gluten free,' she complained, once again bringing up the fact that she wasn't matched with a 'Polynesian man.' 

If Tuesday night's episode is anything to go by, it seems as though this pair may not last the distance

If Tuesday night's episode is anything to go by, it seems as though this pair may not last the distance

'I got nothing I wanted... I got orange cake and it wasn't even gluten free,' Deb complained, once again bringing up the fact that she wasn't matched with a 'Polynesian man'

'I got nothing I wanted... I got orange cake and it wasn't even gluten free,' Deb complained, once again bringing up the fact that she wasn't matched with a 'Polynesian man'


Despite Andrew being very shy and Vanessa very outgoing, this relationship seemed to be evolving - slowly but surely.

Andrew sat with Vanessa in their idyllic surroundings and finally shared the story of his accident and why he struggled to speak to women. 

'Talking to girls is challenging sometimes... my confidence is low,' he explained, with Vanessa pleased that her beau was finally opening up to her.  

Despite Andrew being very shy and Vanessa very outgoing, this relationship seemed to be evolving - slowly but surely

Despite Andrew being very shy and Vanessa very outgoing, this relationship seemed to be evolving - slowly but surely


Even though Alene brought up Simon's hair multiple times - again- this pair also seem to be growing closer. 

'Physical attraction... I wouldn't say it's there yet,' Alene said, before telling Simon that she liked his 'genuine nature' and honesty. 

The couple then enjoyed dance lessons together - both of them enjoying some goofy moments and took the time to get up close and personal. 

'It's really fun... it felt good. I'm in the arms of a man and that's what I am looking for,' Alene said.  

Even though Alene brought up Simon's hair multiple times - again- this pair also seem to be growing closer

Even though Alene brought up Simon's hair multiple times - again- this pair also seem to be growing closer

'Physical attraction... I wouldn't say it's there yet,' Alene said, before telling Simon that she liked his 'genuine nature' and honesty

'Physical attraction... I wouldn't say it's there yet,' Alene said, before telling Simon that she liked his 'genuine nature' and honesty


Despite Nadia once again rejecting Anthony's kiss while enjoying time under a waterfall, this pair also has potential. 

'In terms of affection, I am the one driving the ship,' Anthony said, well aware that Nadia needed time to open up. 

'Anthony and I are on the same page. We are both ready to have a relationship and bring somebody into our lives. I trust him and that's the first step,' Nadia said, before sharing a kiss with Anthony during their horse riding trip.  

Despite Nadia once again rejecting Anthony's kiss while enjoying time under a waterfall, this pair also has potential

Despite Nadia once again rejecting Anthony's kiss while enjoying time under a waterfall, this pair also has potential

'In terms of affection, I am the one driving the ship,' Anthony said, well aware that Nadia needed time to open up

'In terms of affection, I am the one driving the ship,' Anthony said, well aware that Nadia needed time to open up

'Anthony and I are on the same page. We are both ready to have a relationship and bring somebody into our lives. I trust him and that's the first step,' Nadia said

'Anthony and I are on the same page. We are both ready to have a relationship and bring somebody into our lives. I trust him and that's the first step,' Nadia said


Possibly the most promising couple yet, this pair spent their entire honeymoon gushing about each other and cuddling one another. 

'I find him very attractive and I am just on cloud nine,' Susan said. 

Sean described the relationship as 'amazing' - the pair's chemistry clearly just as strong as it was on their wedding day. 

Possibly the most promising couple yet, this pair spent their entire honeymoon gushing about each other and cuddling one another

Possibly the most promising couple yet, this pair spent their entire honeymoon gushing about each other and cuddling one another

'I find him very attractive and I am just on cloud nine,' Susan said

'I find him very attractive and I am just on cloud nine,' Susan said

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