AFL umpiring: 'I don't have a silver bullet,' says Gillon McLachlan

The AFL has revealed a review of umpiring work practices and contact hours in a bid to improve the standard of the game's officiators with league chief Gillon McLachlan admitting he has no solution to the dilemma.

The game's new umpiring boss Peter Schwab began the review after taking on the job late last year but warned that increasing demands upon umpires would come at a financial cost to the competition.

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Schwab said he planned to meet John Longmire in Sydney later this month to address the Swans coach's concerns with the standard of AFL umpiring. The new AFL head of umpiring said the league and its umpires had already begun looking at various ways of increasing umpires contact time by up to ten hours as part of the review.

Longmire on Tuesday called for the game to put more resources into umpiring and that umpires needed to "spend more time working on their craft."

However with the umpires currently negotiating a new pay agreement with the AFL McLachlan said he did not subscribe to the prospect of full-time umpires believing that the lack of time away from the game would only place additional pressure upon the umpiring fraternity.

"I just can't tell you what the solution is," admitted McLachlan.


"We've looked at four umpires, we've looked at full-time umpires but the fact is the more professional clubs and coaches are the harder it is to umpire.

"If it was clear that umpires going full-time was the solution then we'd do it but our view is that it's not the answer...Four umpires raises more problems than it solves.

"I don't have a silver bullet."

While he would not address Longmire's criticism directly McLachlan said: "I will work to get approval for whatever is required to get the best umpiring we can."

Longmire and his team addressed the umpiring issue and specifically incidents from the 2016 Grand Final with the AFL later last year.

Schwab, who with Luke Ball is assisting football boss Mark Evans with the umpires new collective bargaining agreement, said the AFL was also looking at how the umpires prepared away from their set hours with the AFL in terms of game research and preparation.

We've looked at four umpires, we've looked at full-time umpires but the fact is the more professional clubs and coaches are the harder it is to umpire

"We're working on different ways to increase the contact time but if you're going to ask for a significant increase in time you have to expect to pay umpires more," said Schwab. "It's just a matter of what the industry is prepared to invest.

"We're working on different ways we can increase the contact time and whether we can restructure that contact."

With just one woman field umpire transitioning towards senior ranks in Eleni Glouftsis, Schwab said that a hidden benefit of the new AFL Woman's competition was that more female umpires would ultimately gain experience. "A spin off of AFLW is that we are going to have more woman umpires available," he said.