
Amazon ponders robot-run supermarket model with just three human staff

Sick of nagging or unhelpful retail staff? Amazon might be here to help.

The US web giant is reportedly developing the concept for a supermarket that runs with as few as three human staff, sources told The New York Post.

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Say goodbye to checkout queues?

Amazon Go stores will let customers grab groceries and just walkout with the total bill charged to your Amazon account.

"Amazon will utilise technology to minimise labour," a source said, detailing a two-story supermarket it claims is currently being prototyped.

The new model builds upon the previously unveiled Amazon Go convenience store — an ambitious bid by the once online-only retailer to move into the traditional retail market.

The selling point of the 'just walk out' Go concept is its lack of check-outs, where technology tracks customers simply filling their bags with products via a downloaded app.

The bigger prototype now being discussed reportedly spans between 929 and 3720 square metres, and is devoted to goods that shoppers typically like to interact with before purchasing such as fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, meat and cheese.


While shoppers peruse standard supermarket-style aisles downstairs, robots would fetch known items from a warehouse upstairs as per customer orders, replacing the current off-site fulfilment centre model, according the The Post's source.

The proposed model reduces the number of aisles required in the retail space, vastly reducing expensive real estate costs for the retailer.

A potential problem for the robotic shopping model is the increased scope for shoplifting. Up to one third of customers who use DIY check-out already regularly steal. Fewer staff on hand could encourage the thieving trend.

"Shoplifting is a touchy subject for Amazon," the source told The Post, also mentioning the retailer may decide to only engage shoppers who are members of its "Prime" and "Prime Fresh" services, which carry annual fees and require ID to join.

Reportedly still in its early stages, the supermarket prototype hasn't received a final nod, said The Post's source.

"As we've said previously, it's not correct," an Amazon spokesman told The Post. "We have no plans to build such a store."

Amazon already employs an expanding army of 45,000 robots in its vast fleet of warehouses that service its online sales, according to The Seattle Times.

The company has also launched a drone delivery service that recently completed its first test flight in the UK.

Amazon will open small stores and an online supermarket in Australia in 2017.

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