Making money from clean energy as policy chaos reigns

"We are still in the process of proving we can make a better mousetrap,'' says Simon Hackett.
"We are still in the process of proving we can make a better mousetrap,'' says Simon Hackett. Tony Lewis

Inspired by Bill Gates and friends' decision to plunge $US1 billion into clean energy? Well don't be put off by the Turnbull government's December backflip on carbon emissions policy.

Good technologies have global markets, says Simon Hackett, the Internode founder, Tesla electric vehicle collector and now chief executive and shareholder of battery developer Redflow.

Australia is also a great test bed for solar and wind energy.

"It's not necessarily the end of the world if the Australian environment is not consistent in its support for investments in this space." 

Bill and Melinda Gates are looking for 'moon shots' in clean energy and medical research.
Bill and Melinda Gates are looking for 'moon shots' in clean energy and medical research. AP

Change the world

Hackett says there's a rising number of investors like him who "in the face of desperate disappointment with government policies in this realm are trying to make whatever difference they can".

Gates' Breakthrough Energy Ventures is backed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Virgin founder Richard Branson and Alibaba founder Jack Ma – that's a huge vote of wealth and business acumen.

It's clear from the group's website they want to invest in fundamental, breakthrough science. That's where the big wins – the "10xers" – come from, says Hackett, refering to investments that get you 10 times your money 

But anyone aspiring to follow in their footsteps might also have to wait a long time for the jackpot.

AFL and 88 Green Ventures chairman Mike Fitzpatrick says out of 10 startups, if two really work they will make your money.
AFL and 88 Green Ventures chairman Mike Fitzpatrick says out of 10 startups, if two really work they will make your money. Brook Mitchell

Patience and basics

The must also adhere to basics. 

Regardless of the sector, there's not much point investing in a business unless it has a good chance of succeeding. It must have a good management team. And it must address a real market need, Hackett says. 

Mike Fitzpatrick, AFL chairman, investment manager and – like Hackett – Tesla owner, has pursued "sustainable" investments since selling his Hastings Fund Management a decade ago. 

Simon Hackett has installed Redflow batteries at his Adelaide business park and home as a vote of faith in the technology.
Simon Hackett has installed Redflow batteries at his Adelaide business park and home as a vote of faith in the technology. David Mariuz

Fitzpatrick says he's motivated by a desire to make a difference and is dismayed that "a minority in a party which has a narrow majority" can hijack climate policy "in the face of science". 

Spread your risk

He strives to do his bit fill the gap in support for commercialisation of research in Australia through 88 Green Ventures, a family investment vehicle. 

Investors in technology have a choice, he says. They can either research their targets really heavily, or they can take a statistical approach and invest across a range of companies in the hope a few will succeed and more than pay for the rest. 

Wave, solar and energy storage combine to power Garden Island off the Western Australian coast.
Wave, solar and energy storage combine to power Garden Island off the Western Australian coast. Supplied

The rule of thumb in this is that out of 10 investments, if two really work they'll make your money, two or three will break even and the rest will go to zero.

That means you must either have investment expertise bordering on the professional, enough money to buy professional advice or buy 10 companies and spread your risk. Historically, it's been hard to find enough of them in Australia to do that. 

A lot of moolah

That's changing. But many tech start-ups are only open to wealthy investors in large licks. 

Like Simon Hackett, Mike Fitzpatrick is also a Tesla electric vehicle enthusiast.
Like Simon Hackett, Mike Fitzpatrick is also a Tesla electric vehicle enthusiast. Brook Mitchell

Fitzpatrick has had a couple go sour. Ceramic Fuel Cells wanted to commercialise CSIRO hydrogen fuel cell technology but its BlueGen units were expensive, their use of gas cut off access to subsidies, and power companies weren't interested. It went into administration. Enviromission is suspended from ASX trading, needing up to $500 million to verify the science behind its solar tower technology, which it wanted to trial in Mildura. 

He has high hopes for Proterra, an electric bus company based in California and South Carolina with "world leading battery technology". Other shareholders include top Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, General Motors and Japan's Mitsui. It has buses in use in a dozen US states with an order backlog of 320 and is just becoming popular after "eight or nine years' gestation", he says. 


88 Green Ventures is also the largest shareholder in Carnegie Clean Energy. The Fremantle company is embarking on a commercial trial of its wave energy technology off the coast of Cornwall, England, and has bought a solar-battery micro grid integration business as a cash cow. Its shares are about 5¢. "I think this one now has got enough diversity to do well. It's just a matter of execution now," Fitzpatrick says.  

He also has investments in sustainable agriculture, wind farms, digital firms including in online car sales in Latin America and paperless concierges for hotels. Independent Products is commercialising technology that can make air conditioners 40 per cent more energy efficient. 

Hackett has investments in software, IT and batteries. He has just taken a shareholding in Nano-Nouvelle, a Queensland firm that has found a much more efficient way to make current collectors in lithium ion batteries using nanotechology to coat a porous polymer wafer with copper. They're much lighter than solid copper collectors, boosting battery capacity by half.  

Battery graveyard

His big bet is Redflow. The company has developed zinc bromide flow batteries – which charge by electroplating electrodes with zinc taken from a solution, and discharge by doing the opposite – for household and industrial uses. They're more durable and less fire-prone than established lithium ion batteries, and can be charged and discharged almost completely, but cost more. Redflow's challenge is to show it can make them at scale and get the cost down. 

"I think there's a decent chance that we can," he says. But many battery companies have fallen by the wayside and it remains high risk.

"We are still in the process of proving to the world that we can make a better mousetrap."

Trump bump 

When investment manager and AFL chairman Mike Fitzpatrick lifts his gaze from his clean energy investments to the wider performance of financial markets, he goes back to the last big turn of the bond market ... in the mid-1980s.

The idea was like this: US President Ronald Reagan and US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker's crusade to kill inflation with sky high interest rates had worked, and bond yields would fall and bond traders would start making money again – after losing it for 20 years. 

It was correct, and the yield on the US 30-year Treasury bond fell from above 9 per cent to below 3 per cent. Now, with the election of Donald Trump as US President on a stimulus platform, Fitzpatrick and others are wondering if it's – finally – another big turning point.

"It's gone further than anyone thought. So the hard question, 'where do we go from here?' is whether it's the turning point and rates do really start to move up," Fitzpatrick tells AFR Weekend. 

"In the short term I don't think it's going to challenge economic activity. In the long term it might." 

In the meantime, he says, Trump is having a positive influence on markets and and "you'd have to say the US looks like it's going to have a bit of a run here – both in terms of the currency and gradual rate rises – and they're at basically full employment". 

"[Trump's] undertaking to spend more on infrastructure and so on leads you to think they might actually run for a couple of years." 

"The shift from bonds back into equities – which is a flow that they're seeing on the basis that people think the 30 year fall in rates in the US has turned – would suggest equities will be very strong.

"I'm not sure that's right but there's a lot of arguments for why it has a bit of a run here."

That could be good for Australia, Fitzpatrick says, because commodity prices should do well. 

"If the US has a strong run here and the Chinese keep the reforms going without a big discontinuity, we should benefit."