Daily Life


Why Kylie Minogue's breakup with Joshua Sasse was always going to happen


Kylie Minogue and I have been best friends ever since we grew up together in Melbourne, except that I grew up in Sydney and we've never met. But we should be best friends. She is only five months older than me, our younger sisters were born at the same time, and our fathers are both called Ronald. Freaky, huh?

And my sister Tanya was far more popular than me, just like Dannii was more popular than Kylie. Those Young Talent Time years were hard for Kyles. She was good about it, but it really did sting.

When Kylie first started dating Jason Donovan, I was dating my childhood sweetheart. Mine broke up with me after three years, and I was crushed. It was an extra blow when Kylie left Jason shortly afterwards, not to fall apart like me, but to run off with the hottest man on the planet, Michael Hutchence.

I was stunned. Kylie and I were both down to earth kind of people, and yet I was sobbing into my pillow and she was being corrupted into sexiness by an actual rock god. I felt almost angry at her for her betrayal of our shared wholesomeness, and quite fiercely jealous. My bestie was becoming someone different, someone almost unrecognisable. For a while there, we drifted apart.

But then I settled down and got married, and we rekindled our friendship. Kylie was a superstar by then, but I was happy with my kids and career. I did have moments of envy – Kylie was wealthy and famous, and looked bloody awesome in that pair of golden shorts – but I was happy in the life I'd chosen and I figured she was too.


I did worry about her over the years, though. Kylie dated a series of men who couldn't give her what she talked about wanting, a solid nuclear family like her family of origin. Models, actors, each more dazzling than the last. Jean-Claude Van Damme, that serial husband. Bloody James Gooding, who sold his story to the magazines. I tried to talk to her, but she never listened. She was in love. Love blinds you. Also, she didn't know who I was.

Then my marriage broke down, and I was alone with three kids. Kylie had survived breast cancer, and we were warriors together. Strong, single women, forging our careers, powering through our challenges. Once again, we had so much in common.

Kylie got over Oliver Martinez, which was hard, because he is so stupidly attractive. I got over my divorce. We both hit the dating scene, still endlessly optimistic. We were both scarred, but wiser, or at least, so I hoped.

Sadly, however, Kylie did it again. She fell for Joshua Sasse, a gorgeous, bearded, twenty-something actor. Now, I have been approached by twenty-somethings, too. Though I specified 'over 45' on dating sites, I still get messages from hot young things, who claim they find older women attractive. I even had a couple of propositions from young men I know in real life.

Young men are terribly good for the ego, when you're as old as Kylie and me. They don't have the baggage of older men, the burdens of work and kids, the scars of separation and divorce and trauma. Their bodies are firm and virile. They are confident and energetic. It is hard not to be seduced.

I seriously contemplated an affair with a very young man. In the end, however, I decided against it. I get the feels too easily, and I knew that it would never last. You don't have a lasting relationship with a boy 20 years your junior. You have fun with him, if you can do No Strings fun, and then you throw him back into the pool.

I made a good choice. All my younger male friends are now in serious relationships with women their own age. Men rarely stay with much older women for the long haul (with Hugh and Deborra-Lee being the notable exception). Think Ashton and Demi, or Susan Sarandon and Jonathan Bricklin, or Madonna and Jesus Luz, or JLo and Casper Smart.

It was never going to end well with Joshua, though we all hoped it would.

I didn't tell Kylie 'I told you so' after he broke her heart. Firstly, because she was hurting enough, and I didn't want to add to her pain. Secondly, because she doesn't know me, so it's a little inappropriate.

But thirdly, because she would have accused me of absolute hypocrisy.

"Okay, so you didn't go for the younger guy," she would have said, "but what about all the others? Must I remind you of Lucas, the compulsive liar, or that narcissistic Pete? And what about Fred, who was technically still married, and Neil, who was a total player?"

I would have mumbled something about love, and she would have rolled those famous eyes. "I tried to warn you, Kerri," she would have said. "But you refused to see the truth. So don't try to talk to me about Joshua. You're just as bad as me."

And she would be right, of course, my dear friend Kylie. We are two peas in a pod. And as we get over our latest ill-advised relationships, we can take comfort in one fact.

We have both lived, Kylie and I. We have both loved, and lost, and lived.