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'Nevertheless, she persisted': Line about Elizabeth Warren is new feminist motto

New York: "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

It was the fairly mundane explanation of an unusual turn of events in the US Senate on Tuesday night that has been transformed into a new feminist rallying cry and meme for the Trump era, and one that shows how quickly and effectively simple moments in politics can explode in a highly polarised online environment.

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'She persisted': Senate fight sparks rallying cry

US Senator Elizabeth Warren's showdown with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his subsequent explanation for silencing her as she tried to speak out against attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions has unintentionally yielded a rallying cry for her supporters.

On Tuesday night, Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren, a firebrand progressive from Massachusetts who is as beloved on the left of American politics as she is derided on the right, attempted to read a letter from Martin Luther King Jr.'s late widow, Coretta Scott King, on the Senate floor.

Senator Warren was speaking about President Donald Trump's controversial nominee for Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions. King had objected to Sessions being appointed a federal judge back in 1986 due to his record on race and voting rights, stating in a letter that Sessions had "used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters".

Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell raised an objection, invoking Rule 19 – which stops senators from ascribing "conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator" – to prevent Warren from continuing. Warren asked to continue and said she was surprised that "the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate". McConnell's objection was upheld though, and Warren was silenced.

This sparked an enormous backlash among Democratic supporters in the Senate and on social media, with Warren seizing the moment and instead reading the letter on Facebook, where it was viewed more than 8 million times in less than 24 hours. 


The optics of McConnell, a white Southern male, preventing a woman from reading a letter from a black American heroine and wife of the country's most revered civil rights leader, at a time of a resurgent feminist movement, only added to the fervour of the incident. 

But it became more sensational still when McConnell offered a pithy and matter-of-fact defence of his actions.

"She had appeared to violate the rule," he said.

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

To supporters of Warren, these three short sentences distilled the spirit of female defiance displayed both by feminist heroes and everyday women who were told not do something, or to be quiet, but persevered anyway.

They were quickly turned into a meme and a motto, pasted over pictures of icons throughout history – from Rosa Parks to Malala Yousafzai – and reverberated across the web.

"'She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.' The history of progress for women, summed up in 11 words," said Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood.

Former Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted the words, followed by the statement "So must we all" on Wednesday afternoon, in a show of support for Warren.

Already, you can buy a T-shirt with the slogan on it.

The incident is a reminder at how quickly and effectively simple moments can become transformed into effective memes in the internet age. It is also a sign of the intensely polarised political climate in the United States – where words considered benign by one side of politics inspire pure outrage on the other, and can be weaponised to rally the base with remarkable effectiveness. 

Clinton's statement that you could put "half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic..." back in September 2016 was seized on by Trump himself and his supporters, who began using the term "deplorable" ironically as a badge of honour.

Clinton quickly expressed regret for lumping in such a huge proportion of his supporters into that category, but the label took on a life of its own, with many supporters of the Republican president still proudly using it today.

Similarly, Trump's brag that he could "grab women by the pussy" in a leaked tape has dogged him since its release, with the word pussy embraced by his opposition as a symbol of female power. At the recent Women's March, participants donned pink "pussyhats" – pink beanies with little cat ears – in a nod to this phrase. 

Whether McConnell's words will prove as potent and enduring as either of those examples remains to be seen.

But already, some political observers are thanking him for handing Warren a de facto presidential slogan should she run at the next election: "Elizabeth Warren 2020: She persisted."