

When Cory called Malcolm: How that call might have worked out

Earlier this week, South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi called Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to tell him he was quitting the Liberal Party. The conversation might have unfolded along these lines.

Bernardi: "Hello Prime Minister, it's Cory."

Turnbull: "Cory who?"

Bernardi: "Cory Bernardi. The leader of the Australian Conservatives. Tony Abbott's friend. Look Prime Minister, the body politic is failing the people of Australia. Someone has to show leadership, and I'm doing it. Your word means nothing."

Turnbull: "Why are you complaining about that? You should be pleased that my word is worthless. I squibbed on my promise on same sex marriage - and you got your way. And don't forget the Republic. I'm the leading Republican who refuses to put it on the agenda, for goodness' sake. Doesn't that count for something?"

Bernardi: "Look Prime Minister, I just believe you've lost your way. You're not who everyone though you were."

Turnbull. "For goodness sake, don't read anything into Donald Trump not knowing who I am. He thinks every country is run by a president. "

Bernardi: "Tony Abbott stood up for what he believed in, Prime Minister. You've just proved to be a fair-weather leader."

Turnbull: "Nonsense. Do you even know my view on climate change? I promised all sorts of action until I was elected. And I've not done a thing Cory. Nothing. I've adopted the policies you've advocated here. And what thanks do I get? You decide to jump ship?.

Bernardi: "Well you have on a few of those issues too Prime Minister."

Turnbull: "You'll be sorry Cory. You'll be another Pauline Hanson. A tiny blight on the political landscape. A mosquito on a summer's night. A nothing. No real power. You'll never be part of the government Cory."

Bernardi: "One Nation is getting up to 15 and 16 per cent in electorates around Queensland. That means it could end up part of a coalition government there. But I'll have my own power. I'll be able to help stop any piece of your legislation from becoming law. That's power."

Turnbull: "Cory, even the Queensland Liberals can't decide the impact of One Nation at the next state election. Some of them reckon Pauline won't get a seat and others are saying she'll end up with two dozen. So how would you know? Remember you only received 0.05 percent of a quota at the election - only 2043 first preference votes."

Bernardi: "And that's coming from someone who has the Liberal's primary vote sitting at 35 percent? I'd think about staying if you brought Tony back. He understood where the country should head. You might have donated $1.75 million, Prime Minister, but you know money can't buy you love, don't you."

Turnbull: "I know that. I've just axed the Life Gold Pass for MPs. And I only did it so your defection didn't lead the news. Besides the only poll that matters is the one I won; the one at the ballot box."

Bernardi: "That's not what you said when you toppled Tony."

Turnbull: "Tony knows I am leader of the Party. He's just still coming to terms with it. I'll win him over. I always win."

Bernardi: "I have to go Prime Minister. I need to tell the Australian people there is a new conservative force in Australia."

Turnbull: "You'll be sorry Cory. I'll go after you like I did Shorten yesterday. The media lapped up my parasite and sycophant comments. I'll make sure you go hungry. Mark my words."

Bernardi. "Speaking of food, Pauline and I are having lunch in an hour. Fish and chips, Prime Minister. Battered not grilled."