Hamblin & Peterson: How the Father and the Son were depicted in early Christian art

Edit Deseret News 09 Jul 2016
In the most straightforward reading, these verses forbid the creation of representational art in any form ... Eastern Christians suffered over a century of political revolutions and civil wars over the question of state sponsorship of religious images (A.D ... The earliest surviving Christian art dates from the late third century, and it tends to depict biblical stories, including scenes from the life of Jesus....

'He Had Many More Films To Make': Remembering Iranian Director Abbas Kiarostami

Edit National Public Radio 09 Jul 2016
i. Abbas Kiarostami poses during his visit to the 54th Cartagena Film Festival in 2014 ... Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami began making films in 1970 and continued working in his homeland after the 1979 Islamic Revolution ... He was 76 years old ... Cheshire has written a lot about pre- and post-revolution Iranian cinema and got to know the filmmaker personally. i ... He had the authority of poetry, the authority of art and the authority of cinema....

Smart Governance & the Local Government Connection (IRI - International Republican Institute)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Jul 2016
... the state of the art in digital development ... The two day forum stressed a Fourth Industrial Revolution emerging across the developing world, increasing the importance of innovation in democratic governance ... As one participant noted, 80 percent of citizens throughout Latin America live in cities and yet are not taking part in the digital revolution....

Supreme Court scores well on religious freedom unless sexual freedom is involved

Edit Deseret News 09 Jul 2016
The court is less protective, however, when issues revolving around "sexual revolution issues" are part of a case ... When it comes to issues arising out of the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s, the court is much less reliable in protecting religious freedom." ... In cases involving the sexual revolutionLGBT issues or contraception, for example — the voting changes....

Pictures of the week (Tehran Municipality)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Jul 2016
The culmination of this presence and thanksgiving ceremony was at Imam Khomeini Grand Prayer Ground in Tehran, where Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei led the prayers....

Joyce McMillan: How the Traverse reached out to Ukraine

Edit Scotsman 09 Jul 2016
People began to take sides, and prominent among the project's supporters was Ukraine's culture minister Yevhen Nyshchuk, an actor and singer himself, and one of the heroes of Ukraine's Orange Revolution of 2004-05, and of the recent Maidan uprising ... And that's what the arts can do, no matter what.”....

Join the national museum’s high-tech revolution

Edit Scotsman 09 Jul 2016
Back then the museum was called The Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art ... The only way to do this at the peak of the industrial revolution – when machines were colossal feats of engineering – was for the museum's own engineers to craft scale replicas from the original blueprints ... In the Art of Living gallery, for instance, there stands a reconstructed 17th-century fireplace wall from the demolished Hamilton Palace....


Edit Skiddle 09 Jul 2016
Revolution Deansgate Locks in Manchester. Saturday 9th July 2016. 9.00pm til 3.00am (last entry 2.00pm). Minimum Age. 18. DO.EPIC.SATURDAYS. Event Info. Venue.   Buy tickets securely. Type of Ticket Price QuantityQty. Advance FREE Ticket - £0.00 ... FREE ENTRY! ... Accepted ... Saturday nights at Revolution Deansgate Locks ... 18 ... ....

'Raiders of the Lost Art' topic of Distinguised Faculty Lecturer Julia Fischer (Lamar University)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Jul 2016
Lamar University has honored Julia Fischer, assistant professor of art history, as the Distinguished Faculty Lecturer for 2016 ... 'Raiders of the Lost Art ... 'Woman In Gold', a 2015 film based on the story of the struggle to reclaim art stolen by the Nazis in Vienna just prior to World War II, that depicts the legal battle that continued until the 2004 ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in Republic of Austria v....

(No heading)

Edit The National 09 Jul 2016
He said the Iranian regime's animosity with its Gulf neighbours started soon after the revolution of 1979, when it started to threaten the stability of Arab countries. "Ayatollah Khomeini said that he will export his revolution and directly threatened our existence, furthermore his suppression of Arabs, Armenians, Azeris, Balouchis, Sunnis and Shiites still continues," he said ... foreign.desk@thenational.ae ....

Iranian dissidents rally in Paris

Edit The National 09 Jul 2016
He said the Iranian regime's animosity with its Gulf neighbours started soon after the revolution of 1979, when it started to threaten the stability of Arab countries. "Ayatollah Khomeini said that he will export his revolution and directly threatened our existence, furthermore his suppression of Arabs, Armenians, Azeris, Balouchis, Sunnis and Shiites still continues," he said ... foreign.desk@thenational.ae ....

Interview with picture book author/illustrator Kelly Light

Edit The Examiner 09 Jul 2016
Kelly is the author / illustrator of LOUISE LOVES ART and LOUISE AND ANDIE. THE ART OF FRIENDSHIP ... So, I will talk about Louise and her first book, LOUISE LOVES ART and then her continuing series. In LOUISE LOVES ART, we meet Louise - seven year-old girl who is obsessed with drawing ... She says, "I love art ... His name, just happens to be, Art ... Louise and Art get a new neighbor moving in next door....

Nicco D to host rap class at Central Jersey library

Edit NJ dot com 09 Jul 2016
This program is hosted by the Bound Brook Arts District and the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey's borough branch. "Our library is pleased to partner with BB Arts," said Cindy Mangel, branch manager ... The organization is lead by BB Arts District Coordinator Patty Howard....