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  • Fax: 02-8333 2277
  • Email


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  • Text: 0418 226 576


  • Phone: (02) 8333 2821
  • Fax: (02) 8333 2277

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CD Sales

Program contact details

All in the Mind03-9626 1500Email All In The Mind
AM02-8333 2178Email AM
AWAYE!02-8333 1330Email AWAYE!
Background Briefing02-8333 1398Email Background Briefing
Best Practice02-8333 2821Email Best Practice
Between the Lines07-3377 5301Email Between the Lines
Big Ideas02-8333 5143Email Big Ideas
The Body Sphere02-8333 2821Email The Body Sphere
BooksPlus02-8333 2821Email BooksPlus
Books and Arts02-8333 2821Email Books and Arts
RN Breakfast02-8333 1367Email RN Breakfast
Correspondents Report02-8333 2178Email Correspondents Report
Counterpoint02-8333 1336Email Counterpoint
Country Breakfast03-9626 1742Email Country Breakfast
The Daily Planet08-9220 2667Email The Daily Planet
Download This Show02-8333 2821Email Download This Show
The Final Cut02-8333 2821Email The Final Cut
Future Tense07-3377 5216Email Future Tense
The Health Report02-8333 1423Email The Health Report
The Inside Sleeve02-8333 2821Email The Inside Sleeve
Late Night Live02-8333 1379Email Late Night Live
The Law Report03-9626 1653Email The Law Report
Life Matters02-8333 1435Email Life Matters
The Live Set02-8333 2821Email The Live Set
The Minefield07-3377 5301Email The Minefield
The Money02-8333 2821Email The Money
Ockham's Razor02-8333 1423Email Ockham's Razor
The Philosopher's Zone02-8333 5038Email The Philosopher's Zone
PocketDocs02-8333 2821Email PocketDocs
PM02-8333 2180Email PM
Rear Vision02-8333 5311Email Rear Vision
The Religion and Ethics Report02-8333 2821Email The Religion and Ethics Report
RN Drive02-8333 2821Email RN Drive
RN Afternoons03 9626 1500Email RN Afternoons
The Rhythm Divine02-8333 2834Email The Rhythm Divine
Saturday Extra02-8333 1848Email Saturday Extra
The Spirit of Things02-8333 2829Email The Spirit of Things
Sunday Extra02-8333 2821Email Sunday Extra
The Weekend Planet08-9220 2666Email The Weekend Planet
The World Today02-8333 2179Email The World Today
TV Club02-8333 2821Email TV Club

Important information about emailing Listener Enquiries

When you use this form to email us you are writing to RN Listener Enquiries, not to a specific program or presenter. If you want to write directly to a program please locate the program you want to write to in the program list above and click the relevant 'Email program' link.

Making a complaint

If you have a serious complaint about program standards, bias, inaccuracy, or a breach of the ABC Code of Practice please use the ABC Audience and Consumer Affairs Online Complaints form.

Please note the following:

  • All messages sent using this form will be treated as program comments, listener feedback or enquiries and will receive an acknowledgement from RN. Do not use this form for serious complaints (see above). Complaints on matters of subjective taste (choice of music, presenter performance, subject matter, etc.) will be treated as listener feedback.
  • Only press 'Send' once. A confirmation message will be displayed when your message has been sent successfully. If it has not been sent you will see an error message.
  • Please keep your message brief and to the point.
  • Please do not use this form to send press releases. RN does not read community announcements.
  • Please do not forward chain letters, press articles, long quotes from websites etc.
  • To contact ABC Local Radio in your area, you first need to locate your local ABC Radio Station
  • If you use the email form on this page you are contacting Listener Enquiries at ABC RN. You can email :