In her first public appearance since conceding to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has spoken openly about coming to terms with her election defeat.
Three outspoken Indigenous women have joined forces to demand a national task force to combat the shocking rates of violence against Aboriginal women.
Myanmar blacklists prominent US photographer, Greg Constantine, preventing him from attending his own exhibition about stateless people, which would have featured...
Syrian government and Russian warplanes pounded rebel-held parts of northern Syria Wednesday, including battered second city Aleppo, where food aid rations were...
A British tourist has been charged with having extra-marital sex after she reported being gang raped by other tourists in Dubai.
With the search for missing Sydney man Matthew Leveson suspended, Mark Leveson has warned the man acquitted of his son's murder to watch out.
Contrary to 2012 claims from US President-elect Donald Trump, China did not invent climate change as a hoax to sabotage manufacturing, the Vice Foreign Minister...

US Votes

The best of SBS' coverage of the race to the White House.

Donald Trump insisted Wednesday his White House transition to power is going smoothly despite reports of chaos and disarray, as concern mounted over a newly appointed...
Bernie Sanders has urged Donald Trump to rescind his controversial appointment of Steve Bannon, a hero of American far-right extremists, as chief White House...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has praised golfing legend Greg Norman as a great Australian, saying he is a strong advocate for Australia-US relations.
Labor and the Greens are urging the federal government to take a cautious approach to Donald Trump's incoming government.
Hollywood star Denzel Washington’s publicist says news published on Facebook that the actor supports Donald Trump is 'fabricated'.
US President Barack Obama Tuesday issued a warning against "crude" nationalism following Donald Trump's shock election win as he visited Europe on a mission to...
The mayor of a tiny West Virginia town resigned on Tuesday after her comment on a Facebook post that called first lady Michelle Obama an "ape in heels" drew...

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

Malcolm Turnbull insists the federal government will deal with one administration "at a time" on the US refugee deal.
Russia dealt the International Criminal Court a fresh blow Wednesday as the court's top officials urged nations to support the tribunal hit by a wave of...
Iraqi paramilitary forces announced Wednesday that they had entered the Tal Afar airport west of Mosul and were fighting to clear pockets of Islamic State group...
A Minnesota police officer was charged with second-degree manslaughter on Wednesday for the fatal shooting of a black motorist that sparked outrage when the...
Police have found no sign of a notorious synthetic drug in raids ahead of annual schoolies celebrations.
Malcolm Turnbull says former defence personnel have unique skills and extraordinary experience which would benefit businesses
Australians are finding less to complain about with their mobile services but lodging more about internet speeds, according to the industry ombudsman.

Cultural Perspectives

A series of stories aimed at busting the myths around religion, cultural practices and sacred texts.

What exactly is Sharia law? And is it in conflict with the Australian way of life?
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is predicted to rival Christianity in terms of global population by 2050. But, despite popular perception,...
What are burqas and niqabs, and why are they worn?
Anti-Muslim activists often cite violent passages from the Qur'an and other sacred Islamic texts to prove Islam is a violent religion. But how do these claims...
The different interpretations of 'Jihad'

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

In the international Climate Change Performance index, Australia ranked fifth-last out of 58 countries. So where to from here, and where does climate sit with the...
PM Malcolm Turnbull is heading to Lima for APEC, and SBS Chief Political Correspondent Daniela Ritorto will be there to see what role the US President-elect...
The latest gender equality scorecard reveals the truth about just how much support victims of domestic violence receive in Australian workplaces.
The suggestion of moving a media organisation like SBS, or an event like Tropfest, or a museum like the Powerhouse from the City to the Western Suburbs fires...
The first quarterly report from the NDIS on its transition phase reveals it has fallen drastically short of its targets for new enrolments following an IT problem.
Croatia only has eight golf courses, but that hasn't stopped Australian golfer Daniel Popovic from doing his bit to increase the game's popularity there.
People are protesting against Vice President-elect Mike Pence's conservative position on abortion by making donations to women's health providers in his name.
Donald Trump supporters were jubilant while Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked and silent - it is the tale of two camps as the US starts to come to terms with Trump's shock victory.
More than 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are engaged in a bloody battle to re-take control of Mosul from IS.

Finetta's life at home

A 6.2-magnitude hit central Italy on Wednesday, leaving more than 150 dead and reducing towns across the region to rubble.
Louisiana has faced epic flooding, with at least seven people killed and thousands evacuated to emergency shelters after waterways in the southern part of the state overflowed their banks.

Who's Who in the Hip Op Crew?

Meet Mi$$y Ro Yo, Kara Bang Bang, Big Deal and the rest of the world's oldest hip-hop crew.

On Location in Sicily

Aela Callan and the Dateline crew captured not only the story of the anti-mafia fight in Sicily, but also the sights and sounds of this Mediterranean island.
Dozens of protesters both for and against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have faced off at the opening of the Republican National Convention in the state of Ohio.

Bastille Day attack

At least 60 people are dead and 100 injured in the French city of Nice after a truck ploughed into a crowd in what officials and witnesses say was a deliberate attack.

Behind the Scenes: Gaza Life

Reporter Brett Mason and producer Will West spent just over a week filming in Gaza for Dateline. These behind the scenes photos offer more insight into daily life there.