Thalassa Series 5

Requiem for the Bluefin Tuna

Requiem for the Bluefin Tuna

The bluefin tuna is the most fascinating fish of the Mediterranean Sea.

This migratory fish is heavily fished and the international passion for sushi and sashimi could put an end to this giant of the sea.
Bluefin tuna are mostly auctioned in Japan, with prices reaching incredible sums of up to 100,000 euros per fish.
Overfishing and cheating is common, even amongst major countries such as France, Italy and Spain.
As fishing techniques become more elaborate with the use of seiner boats, freezer boats, floating cages and fattening farms, the ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna) is trying to regulate the situation by establishing and monitoring fishing quotas, by devising a rescue plan and better integrated fishing management.
The issue it faces is to preserve everybody’s interests, including some major Japanese industrial groups supporting bluefin tuna fishing.
The ecologists and environmental groups’ push to boycott bluefin tuna is finally being heard.
Some countries are slowly realising the risk of the current fishing practices and are finally willing to implement a fleet exit plan to reduce the bluefin tuna fishing effort in order to preserve the species.

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