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Swanston Street’de yaşanan ve tüm Avustralya’da büyük yankı bulan olayda yaralanan Kıbıslı Serkan Hasan’ın tedavisi evinde devam ediyor.
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For those who are new to Australia, resources like public housing can be essential to get by, yet tricky to access information on. Here are five things to...
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For new Australians securing accommodation is an integral part of the settlement process. Community groups across the country work alongside governments to help...
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"A simpering sycophant and a parasite." The words of Malcolm Turnbull in his blistering attack on Bill Shorten during Question Time in parliament.

Indiginour Art

Aboriginal art is used as healing all around Australia
Find the Fire Rooster

To celebrate Lunar New Year, SBS Radio is giving away Flight Centre gift vouchers worth $500 each!


For your chance to share in the good fortune, find and click on the Fire Rooster for your chance to win.

Settlement Guide

We're talking about life and issues that affect you in settling in Australia.

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For those who are new to Australia, resources like public housing can be essential to get by, yet tricky to access information on. Here are five things to consider to...
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For new Australians securing accommodation is an integral part of the settlement process. Community groups across the country work alongside governments to help...
Regardless of your age, health check-ups are important to identify potential risk factors, to prevent diseases and to help you live a happy and healthy life.
Do you know your consumer rights? Many new migrants to Australia are not aware that there are laws in place to prevent you from being taken advantage of.
Australians love swimming and other water-based activities. But often in summer tragedy strikes. Many new Australians aren't aware of the dangers of being in...