Destination Flavour Japan

Adam takes us to Japan, a country that first fired his passion for food. Double-episodes starting October 12th from 8.30pm on The Food Network.

Adam Liaw explores the real Japan, discovering passionate food producers, master chefs and delicious recipes to try.
Adam Liaw returns to the country that first fired his passion for food in Destination Flavour: Japan.

Behind the scenes

Follow Adam's behind-the-scenes blog as he uncovers the delicious stories from around Japan.
Originally created for convenience due to surplus of military rations of packaged taco seasoning and salsa, taco rice is now one of Okinawa’s most iconic dishes....

Watch the series

See every episode of Destination Flavour Japan at SBS On Demand

Destination Flavour Japan recipes

The secret to a good tempura batter is the reduction of gluten, the protein in wheat flour that gives strength to pasta and bread. Keeping the tempura batter cold...
Ichiban dashi translates literally to “first stock” and it is one of the most fundamental components of Japanese cuisine. It is incredibly versatile and often...
Originally created for convenience due to surplus of military rations of packaged taco seasoning and salsa, taco rice is now one of Okinawa’s most iconic dishes....
These dense, cake-y Japanese fried doughnuts are a great way to showcase the molasses flavours of Okinawa’s famed black sugar. They are great with a morning cup...
“Homi” is the Okinawan dialect name for a type of small shell-less mollusc found around Japan and Okinawa. It is not commonly eaten, but on Izena Island it’s a...
This Japanese recipe is for little fried prawn balls encased in a net of fried shiso. The secret is to get the oil just right, to brown the balls and cook them...
In some countries there is a social taboo against hippophagy – the eating of horse meat – but in modern Japan it is a common sight on restaurant menus, even as...
Castella is one of the most interesting sponge cakes you’ll ever make. With its beginnings coming from Portuguese traders but with centuries of adaptation in...
Chanko nabe is a kind of stew that’s known as the original sumo food. Despite the reputation that sumos have for their huge statures, the recipe for chanko nabe...
Literally translated as “fried stuff you like”, okonomiyaki is one of Japan’s favourite foods. There are regional variations of this recipe that contain noodles...

Adam's tales from the road

Adam learns that there's much more to the people and places of Japan than ninjas and sumo.

“Big call.” That was what our director, Scott Tompson, said when we first reached Tokyo and I told him I thought that this was far and away the world’s best food city....
I’ve cooked in some strange places in my time – on the banks of the Seine in Paris, up to my waist in cold Tasmanian waters, and even at sunset in the middle of...
Kyoto is undeniably Japan’s cultural and historical centre, and it’s the kind of place we most expect when we visit Japan. But if you just treat it like one big...
Cooking and eating are two of life’s most endearing pleasures. The act of sharing a meal takes the fundamental human need for sustenance, and elevates it to a...
The overseas visitors to Japan really start to thin out the further you get from Tokyo. Of course, they’ll flood to the beaches of Okinawa or the ski slopes of...

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