The Barnett Government has disregarded the Environmental Protection agency recommendations and appeals of the Traditional Owners in August last year.
Spokesperson for Traditional Owners and Elder Kado Muir who is the Chairperson of the West Australia Nuclear Free Alliance says the fight isn't over.
“I’m disappointed, but it’s not over, we’ll keep fighting against the Yeelirrie uranium mine proposal. The project doesn’t add up and the risks for the environment as well cultural heritage are far too great.”
Woodward Commission anniversary; looking back at Land Rights
This week marks the 37th anniversary of the The Aboriginal Land Rights Commission, also known as the Woodward Royal Commission, which was created to find 'appropriate ways to recognise Aboriginal land rights in the Northern Territory'.
COMMENT: In Australia, land of the 'fair go', not everyone gets an equal slice of the pie
Do you feel like live within a 'fair go' system?