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SBS Australia

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WIN a trip for 2 to beautiful Laos thanks to #TheRocketMovie, @TravelIndochina & ThaiAirwaysAust
Enter now for your chance to win a trip for two to Laos.
david bilton's profile photo
Unfortunately S.B.S has stopped, sound familiar? None of the other channels have this problem, why does S.B.S? Pretty sick of getting my program interrupted by this sign, which comes up with monotonous regularity. Mr.D.Bilton 
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SBS Australia

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Tonight on Dateline at 9.30pm, Yaara Bou Melhem takes you inside the world of the Free Syrian Army with a rare interview with their elusive leader, and a journey through their network of underground caves and tunnels. Hosted by Yalda Hakim.
Mathew Parkhouse's profile photo
How is it when English football teams are in Europa they don't get shown on TV on a Friday morning, but if an Italian team is playing SBS shows that rubbish!
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SBS Australia

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SBS Two is changing...
Ben Walker's profile photoLuke Wiwatowski's profile photoKerry Robson's profile photo
Looking forward to it.
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SBS Australia

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Tonight Dateline travels deep into the Indonesian jungle with the team who have dedicated their lives to saving the endangered Sumatran orangutan 9.30pm tonight on SBS ONE
James Smith's profile photo
I'm not sure who to send this to but it's about HOUSOS. I live in public housing and this show is so offensive it's not funny. Most of the people I'm surrounded by are decent citizens. This stereotype makes me feel like people will perceive me like your characters. I live in Public Housing for real reasons and I've never met anyone like your characters in this show. I'm sorry about the actors but this program has to be taken off the air. The only people who would find it funny are people who are affluent. I intend on destroying this program by writing to the council of the City of Port Philip, my local member and the DHS. You can contact me at Please pass this on to your program manager. I look forward to your response if, you don't get a social media storm from hell first. Many thanks, James.
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