The US Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions as attorney general Wednesday, despite vitriolic debate over his civil rights record and whether he can serve as the nation...
A link between climate change and a new strain of bacteria has helped scientists understand why more seafood lovers are being poisoned.
It comes after Melissa McCarthy impersonated Press Secretary Sean Spicer on the comedy show.

Quinoa's genetic secrets revealed

A new genetic study may make the hipster food fad quinoa a grain of the future.
Native Americans are calling for worldwide protests after the US army cleared the way for the completion of the controversial Dakota pipeline.
Donald Trump faces another court case, this time filed by groups opposed to his order seeking to curb government regulations.
A man has been sentenced to 30 years jail for his role in an IS-inspired attack at a cartoon exhibition featuring images of the Prophet Mohammed in Texas.
With an increase in both approval and disapproval of Donald Trump, America remains as divided as ever.
The Pentagon wants to rent space in Trump Tower in New York for equipment and military personnel accompanying President Donald Trump during his stays there, it...
The US expects to push Islamic State out of its Syrian stronghold of Raqqa and Mosul in Iraq in weeks.
President Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at department store chain Nordstrom over its decision to stop selling his daughter's clothing line.
Two top US spy bosses will join US President Donald Trump's Cabinet.
The US military is looking to rent space in the New York Trump Towers.
US President Donald Trump, in defending his executive order on immigration, says court are "so political" and the order is to improve US security.
Vaping is a "one-way bridge" to cigarette smoking among teenagers, a new study suggests but UK scientists argue the findings are "trivial".

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A Melbourne teenager has been reunited with her mother and siblings after a painful separation of nearly 14 years. Tears flowed at Melbourne airport as the South...
SBS World News Radio: "A simpering sycophant and a parasite": PM launches blistering attack on Bill Shorten as government announces sweeping welfare reforms.  
A cafe owner in regional NSW has been fined for exploiting five workers - including two Indians he threatened with violence and visa cancellations - in a case...
Millennials in Australia are worried about terrorism, unimpressed by politicians and concerned about house prices, a new study has found.
A sinkhole has opened in the Sydney harbourside turf of the rich and powerful at Point Piper, not far from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's mansion.
Malaysian owners of three Japanese restaurants in Brisbane have been hit with more than $200,000 in fines for exploiting visa holders with a similar cultural...
One mother's anguish over fears her 16-year-old daughter Sumaya Bhuiyan will be deported has been dragged out after Sumaya's visa was extended until the end of...