
Latest articles belonging to Asia-Pacific.

Indonesia says the suspension on defence language training will continue, and Australian personnel will be 'sanctioned' following the recent diplomatic upset.
A possible Islamic State attack on Red Cross workers in Afghanistan has left six people dead and two missing.
Thai Police say the 22-year-old partner of an Australian woman killed in a jet-ski accident off Thailand's resort island of Phuket will face charges on Thursday.
As Australia and Indonesia's defence officials meet, security minister Wiranto says the relationship remains on course.
A friend of the British man accused of killing a Bali cop along with his Australian girlfriend, has described him as a "honest, kind" person who rarely drinks.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will punish 200 policemen who have committed violent acts and crimes by sending them to fight extremists.
An Australian tourist says she thought a man and woman were being "attacked" the night Sara Connor and her boyfriend allegedly killed a Bali police officer.


Latest articles belonging to Middle-East.

McCain defends Yemen raid

Senator John McCain is standing by comments that a US raid in Yemen wasn't a success.
Syrian jets have bombed a rebel-held area of Homs, killing at least eight people.
Syria's justice ministry on Wednesday dismissed as "completely false" an Amnesty International report alleging up to 13,000 people were hanged over five years in...
Both the United Nations and Amnesty International have released reports confirming up to 13,000 have been hanged in Syria and buried in mass graves.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, has mocked US President Donald Trump and said he is showing the world the true face of the United States.

Suicide bomber kills 20 in Kabul

20 people are dead and more than double that injured after a suicide bomber struck outside the Supreme Court in Kabul.
12 people are dead and 22 otherd injured after a suicide bomber struck at an entrance to Kabul's Supreme Court.


Latest articles belonging to Europe.

Facebook's natural disaster check-in tool Safety Check has added a feature allowing users to offer food, shelter and transportation after a crisis.
Social disadvantage leaves children at a higher risk of being overweight a new study of EU countries finds.
British MPs overwhelmingly backed a bill on Wednesday empowering Prime Minister Theresa May to start negotiations on leaving the European Union, bringing Brexit a...
Top Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was found guilty on Wednesday of embezzlement and given a five-year suspended sentence that threatens to end his bid...
Veteran Australian entertainer Rolf Harris was on Wednesday cleared of three sex offences by a London court, but the jury was discharged on four other counts...
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen will lose in an election runoff for president to centrist Emmanuel Macron, two opinion polls show.
As Brexit looms support for Scottish independence appears to be growing.


Latest articles belonging to Africa.

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, a former prime minister, has been sworn in as Somalia's new president.
As Europe works to stem the flow of migrants and asylum seekers across the Mediterranean, thousands continue to drown while rescuers scramble to save people from...
Roughly 4,500 migrants have been saved since Wednesday.
More than 1000 migrants have been intercepted by Libya's coast guard.
Congo's prominent democracy advocate Eitenne Tshisekedi has died.
Five people are dead after an attack on a UN team on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon.
Militants from the al-Shabab group have rammed a car bomb into a hotel in Mogadishu, killing at least 28.

North America

Latest articles belonging to North America.

The US Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions as attorney general Wednesday, despite vitriolic debate over his civil rights record and whether he can serve as the nation's top...
A link between climate change and a new strain of bacteria has helped scientists understand why more seafood lovers are being poisoned.
It comes after Melissa McCarthy impersonated Press Secretary Sean Spicer on the comedy show.

Quinoa's genetic secrets revealed

A new genetic study may make the hipster food fad quinoa a grain of the future.
Native Americans are calling for worldwide protests after the US army cleared the way for the completion of the controversial Dakota pipeline.
Donald Trump faces another court case, this time filed by groups opposed to his order seeking to curb government regulations.
A man has been sentenced to 30 years jail for his role in an IS-inspired attack at a cartoon exhibition featuring images of the Prophet Mohammed in Texas.

South America

Latest articles belonging to South America.

The governor of a Brazilian state where police have been on strike for five days, leading to bloody chaos, said more soldiers were coming to help.
Forest fires ravaging southern Chile have now killed 11 people, President Michelle Bachelet said Saturday, as firefighters waged an all-out battle to extinguish...
Officials are working to stop an outbreak of yellow fever that has killed at least 40 people in Brazil from becoming an epidemic.
Vast woodland fires in the center and south of Chile have caused "the biggest forestry disaster in our history," President Michelle Bachelet said on Monday,...
Brazil's government is enlisting the help of the armed forces in resolving a serious crisis in the nation's prisons.

Study to unlock mysteries of sun

A group of scientists in Chile are pointing radio telescopes towards the sun in a bid to unlock its mysteries.
A shooting erupted during an electronic music festival at a Mexican beach resort early Monday, leaving five people dead, including one in a stampede as revelers...