SNL's Kate McKinnon lands Mrs. Frizzle role in Netflix reboot of Magic School Bus  

Kate McKinnon has landed another high profile role - that of beloved Mrs. Frizzle in the Netflix reboot of The Magic School Bus.

The streaming service announced the casting news during a press event in New York on Wednesday.

The SNL and Ghostbusters star will give voice to the headmistress who drives the bus and takes her students on magical field trips to explore science.

New gig: Kate McKinnon has landed the role of Mrs. Frizzle in the Netflix reboot of The Magic School Bus

New gig: Kate McKinnon has landed the role of Mrs. Frizzle in the Netflix reboot of The Magic School Bus

Beloved role: The character, voiced in the original animated television series by Lily Tomlin, is a headmistress who also drives the school bus and takes her students on thrilling field trips

Beloved role: The character, voiced in the original animated television series by Lily Tomlin, is a headmistress who also drives the school bus and takes her students on thrilling field trips

The original animated series aired on PBS from 1994 to 1998 and Lily Tomlin gave voice to the original Mrs. Frizzle. 

It was based on the popular series of books of the same name that sought to engage children in the world around them and bring their science curriculum to life. 

At Wednesday's event, Netflix also announced it intends to produce and release 1,000 hours of original programming.

That's compared to about 600 hours of original content in 2016. 

Expanding: The reboot casting news was announced Wednesday as Netflix revealed it plans to produce and release  1,000 hours of original content in 2017

Expanding: The reboot casting news was announced Wednesday as Netflix revealed it plans to produce and release  1,000 hours of original content in 2017


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