I get emails from people from all over the world, saying this could be my school here in Mexico City; I think it's a book that could happen anywhere.'
'Over the course of four days I literally did not meet a single North American economist who thought that anything good for the US was going to come out of the Trump administration.'
He really doesn't seem to place a lot of interest in what people tell him who know what they're doing in the area of national security.'
Refugee advocates say about 80 detainees will be able to keep their phones as a result of the temporary injunction imposed by the court on Sunday.
'My mental pain was unbearable. I wanted the world to know of it. So, I took the risk to tell everything about the torture to the journalists.'
'These policies are inconsistent with Australian values and beliefs and we should not welcome him here.'
COMMENT: Donald Trump's unhinged behaviour, as in his erratic press conference on Thursday, ensures that the President's mental state is the stuff of debate.
'I am bringing the banks regularly before the house economics committee and they are being held to account for their actions and you will see results.'
For its part, the department says it has been upgrading its 'antiquated' telephone systems since the middle of last year but is yet to confirm when the work will be finished.
Pangolins are the most endangered animal you've never heard of. http://ow.ly/qTKy3098Kp5
'Mar-a-Lago represents a commercialisation of the presidency that has few if any precedents in American history.'