Federal Politics

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Live: The first day of the new Parliament

Bernardi not backing down

The conservative Liberal has support for changing section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act but there are many strong, vocal opponents. Vision courtesy ABC News 24

And there I'm going to leave you. What happened?

  • the 45th Parliament has been officially opened;
  • but that didn't mean hostilities were put aside;
  • Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is pressing ahead with his changes to the Racial Discrimination Act;
  • the opposition is accusing the government of lying about its omnibus savings legislation; and
  • the stoush over same-sex marriage continues.

My thanks to Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares for their superb work and to you for reading. Isn't it nice to be back together?

You can follow me on Facebook.

Andrew, Alex and I will see you soon but, for now, good night.

Sir Peter finishes.

The 19 gun salute takes places and it's on to afternoon tea.

Sir Peter gives deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek a kiss which makes up for the kerfuffle that happened last time we were in such a ceremonial occasion.

"Senators and members, you have a full agenda of work to complete over the coming three years," Sir Peter says.

"My government is approaching this term with optimism and a strong resolve to deliver on its programs and on the investments promised. The legislative program will deliver on both the economic plan and budget strategy that was put to the Australian people." 

MPs listen to the Governor-General.
MPs listen to the Governor-General. Photo: Andrew Meares

Sir Peter begins: "Honourable senators and members of the 45th Parliament of Australia, Australians look to their members and senators to provide them with a Parliament that works hard for them. You come to this place with the honour of being elected by the people to serve as their voice, to represent their interests in the great debates that will shape our nation's destiny."


Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove delivers his address.
Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove delivers his address. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Very interesting. This just in from Sky News:

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Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has popped over to give Chloe Shorten a kiss.

Queensland MP George Christensen takes a seat next to Pauline HansonMalcolm Roberts offers everyone some cashew nuts out of a ziplock bag.

Senator Malcolm Roberts offers a bag of cashews to Senator Pauline Hanson and George Christensen during the opening of ...
Senator Malcolm Roberts offers a bag of cashews to Senator Pauline Hanson and George Christensen during the opening of the 45th Parliament on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Sir Peter is about to address members of both chambers.

He will give a speech written by the Prime Minister's Office.

Senate President Stephen Parry bows on the arrival of the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, for the opening of the ...
Senate President Stephen Parry bows on the arrival of the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, for the opening of the 45th Parliament. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

There's a short break in proceedings.

Labor frontbencher Ed Husic urges the Speaker to "tell us a joke".

There's always one.

Life moves on for those who did not return to the new parliament:

Right about now the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives are being presented to the Governor-Geneal, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

Sir Peter will address both houses at about 3 pm. When he finishes there will be a 19 gun salute before it's time for afternoon tea.

It's all so civilised.


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For extra special occasions such as today Sir Peter arrives in a Rolls Royce Phantom VI. It doesn't have a number on its licence plate, just a crown.

The Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, has arrived at Parliament House where he was met by the Federation Guard.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is, again, having to deal with backbench discontent and it's all about the issue that just won't go away - changes to the Racial Discrimination Act

Cory Bernardi has convinced every Coalition backbencher senator (except Jane Hume) to support his changes to the act which he says are "modest and sensible".

Earlier this morning Treasurer Scott Morrison said the issue was not one he wanted to focus on but that clearly didn't deter Senator Bernardi.

Here's Opposition Leader Bill Shorten with all the female members of the Labor caucus (and Chloe Shorten for good measure).

This follows a story yours truly wrote yesterday about how it's more likely a man called Andrew will be a politician than a woman.

Bill and Chloe Shorten with female Labor MPs on Tuesday.
Bill and Chloe Shorten with female Labor MPs on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Politicians, reporters and various other types will converge on the Great Hall tomorrow night for the delayed Midwinter Ball. It's usually held at the end of June but, you know, elections.

Here Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop invites people to bid on the items that will be auctioned off for charity:

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The new faces meet the old (more experienced might be a better way of putting that).

Senator Derryn Hinch and Senator Penny Wong on Tuesday.
Senator Derryn Hinch and Senator Penny Wong on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

One of my favourite things about the new Parliament is that the offices of these two are now next door to one another.

Senator Cory Bernardi speaks with Senator Pauline Hanson on Tuesday.
Senator Cory Bernardi speaks with Senator Pauline Hanson on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Okay, I take it back. There is a temporary reprieve for photographers in the Senate today.

Which is great because it means Alex Ellinghausen has been happily working away.

Senator Pauline Hanson on Tuesday.
Senator Pauline Hanson on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

In other big news - the Independent Commission Against Corruption has handed down its findings on political donations to the NSW Liberal Party.

It's quite a read and you can find all the details here.

A bit more detail on the meeting of Mr Shorten and an unhappy priest outside church this morning (see 8.56 am post).

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