Federal Politics


Sketch: Cory Bernardi and his mysterious Australian Majority

 The altitudinous Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, who fears a move towards bestiality if the 21st century is allowed to have its head, is striking out alone, seeking like-minded companions - a space he has inhabited for his entire political career.

Emboldened by a long, taxpayer-funded junket to the United States at the very time a lunatic named Trump was threatening to make America great again, Bernardi persuaded a milliner to stitch upon a baseball cap the highly original words "make Australia great again" and practised pursing his lips, just like Donald, possibly convinced the magic would rub off all the way across the Pacific.

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Split in the Liberal Party

There's speculation outspoken conservative Senator Cory Bernardi will form his own political party.

There were those who wondered how this synchronised with his other personal slogan - Common Sense Lives Here - but these are strange times.

Having since found himself unaccountably deprived of attention in his own land, mainly because a Pauline Hanson already occupies the far outlander territory he hopes to colonise, Bernardi has chosen to throw a tantrum, leaking that he is quitting Turnbull's Liberals.

It's not a proper tantrum, of course, because he is burdened with his Adelaidean private school origins, where the approved form for a wobbly is a whiny, upper-crust huff, perfected by the likes of Alexander Downer and Christopher Pyne.

It lacks the loose-in-the-top-paddock freeform conniption practised to impressive effect over many years in Queensland by the properly whacko: Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Clive Palmer and Pauline Hanson, all of whom have imagined themselves as prime minister.


But now he is freeing himself of those foolish enough to have made him politically, could Bernardi dream of the same thing?

He appears likely to call his new party Australian Conservatives, but you never know. Last year, he quietly registered another name of a new political group.

If you trawl around the web a bit, you will find it lurking: a lonely little website teases us with just four modest words: "Australian Majority - Coming Soon".

Modesty would seem appropriate. This is currently a majority of one.

Still, could there be a constituency out there waiting to be swept up in Corey's Australian Majority? Could it be a title that puts followers in mind of a more venerable gathering from the nation that put Bernardi in a baseball cap??

We wouldn't, of course, exhort anyone to compare Bernardi with the late bible-bashing conservative Jerry Falwell snr, who got politicised after losing tax-exempt status for his whites-only "Christian" school in the delightfully named Lynchburg, Virginia, and decided he represented a hitherto unrecognised majority.

Falwell, however, gave the world the uplifting term Moral Majority, an organisation credited with harnessing the Christian Right to political conservatism in the US, which doesn't seem a million miles from what Bernardi is trying to do in Australia. The Moral Majority became very powerful indeed, and Trumpism could reasonably trace its lineage to Falwell's outfit (Falwell's son, Jerry jnr, an evangelical who has compared Trump to Winston Churchill, has just been made chairman of Trump's education taskforce).

It wasn't all Christian love, however. The Moral Majority supported the Republican Party and Ronald Reagan for President, and the Democrats' President Jimmy Carter felt he became a victim when the Moral Majority bought $10 million of political advertisements suggesting he wasn't a Christian, with no evidence at all.

We'll never know what more that self-styled Majority might have achieved, for it disbanded in the late 1980s, before Trump had divorced his first wife and while Cory Bernardi was still rowing with a coxless four at the Australian Institute of Sport.

We mention all this, we hasten to assure, merely to warn readers that the Moral Majority should not be confused with Bernardi's Australian Majority.

Cory Bernardi, you understand, is all about common sense. Just ask him.

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