
Jeff Sessions confirmed as Attorney General, after bitter battle

Washington: Senator Jeff Sessions was confirmed Wednesday as President Donald Trump's attorney general, capping a bitter and racially charged nomination battle that crested with the procedural silencing of a leading Democrat, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who had criticised the Alabama senator from the Senate floor.

Sessions survived a near-party-line vote, 52-47, the latest sign of the extreme partisanship at play as Trump strains to install his Cabinet. No Republicans broke ranks in their support of a colleague who will become the nation's top law enforcement official after two decades in the Senate.

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Jeff Sessions confirmed as next U.S. Attorney General

The U.S. Senate votes to confirm Republican Senator Jeff Sessions as the next attorney general of the United States.

But the confirmation process -- ferocious even by the slumping standards of decorum that have defined the body's recent years -- laid bare the Senate's deep divisions at the outset of the Trump presidency. At the same time, the latest star turn for Warren rekindled the gender-infused politics that animated the presidential election and the women's march protesting Trump the day after his inauguration last month.

Democrats spent the hours before the vote on Wednesday seething over the treatment of Warren, who had been barred from speaking on the floor the previous night. Late Tuesday, Republicans voted to formally silence Warren after the senator read from a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King that criticised Sessions for using "the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens" while serving as a federal prosecutor in Alabama.

Since Trump announced his choice for attorney general, Sessions' history with issues of race had assumed centre stage. A committee hearing on his nomination included searing indictments from black Democratic lawmakers like Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, the civil rights icon, and Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, who broke with Senate tradition to testify against a peer.

For weeks, Republicans have rejected any suggestion that Sessions cannot be trusted on civil rights, arguing that he had been tarnished unfairly over accusations of racial insensitivity that have dogged him since the 1980s.


"Everybody in this body knows Senator Sessions well, knows that he is a man of integrity, a man of principle," Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican, said during the debate on Wednesday afternoon. The "twisting" of Sessions' record offended him, he said, even as Democrats continued their attacks on the nominee.

As the 84th attorney general, Sessions brings a sharply conservative bent to the Justice Department and its 113,000 employees. A former prosecutor, he promises a focus aligned with Trump in pushing a "law and order" agenda that includes tougher enforcement of laws on immigration, drugs and gun trafficking.

Civil rights advocates worry, however, that he will reverse steps taken by the Obama administration in the last eight years to bring more accountability to police departments, state and local governments, and employers. Advocates point to his history of votes against various civil rights measures, as well as the accusations of racial insensitivity.

Senator Patty Murray, a Democrat, said on Wednesday that on civil rights, immigration, abortion, criminal sentencing guidelines and a range of other issues, Sessions had been far outside the mainstream and had pushed "extreme policies" often targeting minorities.

That criticism peaked with Tuesday night's rebuke of Warren, based on an arcane Senate rule that prevents members from impugning the character of a fellow senator, as she read the letter from King. The widow of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., King wrote the letter in response to Sessions' 1986 nomination for a federal judgeship, for which he was ultimately rejected in part because of accusations that he had been insensitive to minorities as a prosecutor.

New York Times