
Accused British DJ David Taylor is 'honest and gentle', says friend

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The British DJ accused of murdering a Bali police officer is an "honest and gentle man" who would only be involved in something like that if he was defending himself or protecting someone, according to his friend of 20 years.

David Taylor and his girlfriend, Byron Bay woman Sara Connor, are facing a maximum 15 years' jail for allegedly killing Bali police officer Wayan Sudarsa.

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David Taylor: 'I was scared for my life'

Speaking to reporters after his murder trial, David Taylor expresses thanks to witnesses who “have helped the true story to come out” about the night he and partner Sara Connor allegedly killed a police officer in Bali.

Joe Willem Dawson told the Denpasar District Court that Mr Taylor, a former neighbour of his in the UK, was not a drinker and he had never seen him fight or even raise his voice.

Mr Dawson said he was initially confused when he heard a man had died and Mr Taylor had been arrested.

"Because the David I know would never do something like that," Mr Dawson said.

"The only reason that David would be involved with something like that is if he was defending himself or protecting someone."


Mr Sudarsa's battered body was found on Kuta beach in the small hours of August 17 last year, with 42 injuries.

Mr Taylor has admitted bashing the Bali police officer with weapons including a beer bottle and binoculars but insists he was acting in self defence.

Ms Connor emphatically denies having anything to do with Mr Sudarsa's death, saying all she did was try to separate her boyfriend and the police officer as they fought on the sand.

Mr Dawson testified that he also knew Mr Taylor's father, John, a retired Baptist minister, his mother Elizabeth and his brother Peter.

"A man has died and that is serious," Mr Dawson said. "The family has suffered and a community has lost someone. I understand it's very important to uphold justice."

However Mr Dawson said he did not believe prison was the right place for Mr Taylor.

"The David that I know is honest and gentle," he said.

"I hope the court can have mercy and allow David to go home and be with his family and friends."

Meanwhile, Coleen Bowen and Kim Watson, repeated what they had said on Tuesday in Ms Connor's trial. The Sydney sisters had been staying at the Pullman Hotel in Legian on August 17, when they woke at about 1.30am to the sound of screams. They said it sounded like an Australian couple was being attacked.

The head judge questioned why they hadn't contacted the hotel receptionist or security if they had been scared and shocked.

He reminded the witnesses to stick with what they had seen, heard and experienced and to keep assumptions out of their testimonies.

Speaking after the trial, Mr Taylor thanked Ms Bowen and Ms Watson for making the effort to come all the way to Bali to testify.

He also apologised for waking them that fateful night.

"The Australian ladies have helped the true story to come out," Mr Taylor said.

"In their eyes it was an Australian couple being attacked which is exactly what happened. I was scared for my life. I had never been attacked before."

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