Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent. A director of the National Press Club, he regularly appears on the ABC's Insiders, Sky News Agenda, and Ten's Meet the Press. He has reported from Canberra under three prime ministers and several opposition leaders.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is raising questions about Bill Shorten's integrity and character.

Turnbull government sharpens attack on Labor's clean energy

A resurgent Malcolm Turnbull has accused Labor of being "drunk on left ideology" as he capitalised on another serious blackout in South Australia to defend gas and coal-fired generation while slamming Labor's rush to solar and wind power for the failure.

Malcolm Turnbull has flagged a policy switch that is sure to provoke anger from anti-coal environmentalists.

Coal could get clean-energy subsidy under new focus

Malcolm Turnbull has opened the possibility of using subsidies earmarked for green energy projects to help build new high-tech clean coal fired power stations as he branded Labor's "mindless rush into renewables", a recipe for more expensive and less reliable electricity.