VPN Connection Pricing

  • $0.05 per VPN Connection-hour
  • $0.048 per VPN Connection-hour for connections to the Tokyo region

If you choose to create a Hardware VPN Connection to your VPC using a Virtual Private Gateway, you are charged for each "VPN Connection-hour" that your VPN connection is provisioned and available. Each partial VPN Connection-hour consumed is billed as a full hour. You also incur standard AWS data transfer charges for all data transferred via the VPN Connection. If you no longer wish to be charged for a VPN Connection, you simply terminate your VPN Connection using the AWS Management Console, commandline interface, or API.

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Please note that Amazon VPC is not currently available on the AWS Free Tier.

NAT Gateway Pricing

If you choose to create a NAT gateway in your VPC, you are charged for each “NAT Gateway-hour" that your NAT gateway is provisioned and available. Data processing charges apply for each Gigabyte processed through the NAT gateway. Each partial NAT Gateway-hour consumed is billed as a full hour. You also incur standard AWS data transfer charges for all data transferred via the NAT gateway. If you no longer wish to be charged for a NAT gateway, you simply delete your NAT gateway using the AWS Management Console, commandline interface, or API.

Region Price per NAT gateway ($/hour) Price per GB data processed ($)
US East (N.Virginia) 0.045 0.045
US East (Ohio) 0.045 0.045
US West (Oregon) 0.045 0.045
US West (N. California) 0.048 0.048
EU (Ireland) 0.048 0.048
EU (Frankfurt) 0.052 0.052
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 0.059 0.059
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 0.062 0.062
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 0.059 0.059
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 0.056 0.056
South America (São Paulo)
0.093 0.093

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.