

Australia's lack of dental care a cruel false economy

Is your mouth a part of your body or not? And if it indeed is, why is the health of your mouth and teeth treated so very differently to the health of any other part of you?

Recent figures which found that the price for a routine dental check-up can vary by more than $300, depending on where in Melbourne the dentist is located, highlight a broader problem with the resourcing and treatment of oral health. Unlike doctors, whose prices are largely regulated by Medicare, there are no set fees and charges for dental treatment.

Dentists are free to charge as they see fit, just like any other private business.

While there is some public sector dentistry, such as emergency treatment, the extent of this is so minimal, and the waiting lists often so long, that this is not practical for most people.

At the public Dental Hospital, adults who hold a health care or pensioner card and those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds can get simple check-ups. Children under 13 can get free general treatment if their needs are uncomplicated, provided by dental students. However, waiting times apply and anything that can't be dealt with in the chair will be referred to the private sector. There are some other subsidised schemes – for example, the federal Child Dental Benefits Schedule gives children whose families receive government payments some bulk-billed dental treatment.

But for most people, dental care is a case of fork out or forgo – they simply do not have the choice of public-sector care.


It has been well documented that the cost of private dentistry deters many people. An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare study, for example, found that in 2013 nearly half of those between 25 and 44 avoided or delayed visiting a dentist because of cost. That figure has been increasing steadily over the past two decades.

There are obvious health and wellbeing risks in delaying or avoiding dental check-ups. Anyone who has ignored a toothache can attest to the growing pain involved, but beyond the common problem of cavities there is the longer-term potential for more serious consequences such as oral cancer, gum disease and tooth loss.

And what of those unable to afford dentures or cosmetic corrections in the private sector? Should we be able to gauge a person's income by the unenviable condition of their mouths? We're not suggesting public funds should pay for Hollywood smiles, but a person living without dentures for any length of time is likely to suffer a poorer diet and obvious social stigma.

This inconsistency in health funding is a false economy; lower-income earners often cannot afford check-ups and, when they do go to the dentist, they are more likely to need costly and extensive work. For most healthcare, the government/private funding balance is not perfect, but it's reasonably equitable and fairly simple: if you earn above a certain level you are pushed, carrot and stick style, to take out private health insurance, but if your income is lower, the publicly funded healthcare system will largely provide, complete with Medicare rebates, bulk-billing GPs and public hospitals.

But for dentistry, the public-sector options are minimal at best, forcing most people to either accept whatever the private sector decides they must pay, or avoid this aspect of their health until it becomes an emergency. Medicare's own website puts it simply: "Medicare doesn't cover most dental care, dental procedures, or supplies, like cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, dentures or other dental devices."

State and federal governments should recognise, in their funding and policies, that our mouths are attached to the rest of us.