
US-Australia relationship: 'Dumb deal' involves human beings, not cargo

There has been a great deal of discussion about the telephone call between Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull, and the effect the President's dislike of the "dumb deal" might have on relations between the two countries. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the "deal" involves handing over human beings, who currently are being held in illegal and inhumane detention centres, as though they were cargo waiting on the dock for delivery. When the media overlooks the human aspect of the "deal", or reports comments such as Mr Trump's that Australia could be sending "the next Boston Bomber" to the US, without pointing out that those people are fleeing terrorism, it contributes to the so-called "normalisation" that obscures the cruel and unethical behaviour of our governments.

Adam Ford, Chewton

Emptiness of our US alliance exposed

President Trump is entitled to study "dumb deals" to ensure that the interests of American citizens are protected. Presumably he would have no objection to Australia doing the same for its citizens. In this vein, Pine Gap, the rotation of American marines through Darwin, the space warfare base at Northwest Cape, and the defence satellite communications stations at Geraldton and Kojarena might be a good starting point, particularly now that the real value of our US alliance seems questionable at best.

Mark Siddall, Mount Eliza

President Trump, we're pulling our weight

Australian taxpayers support, at great cost, our armed forces, backing up insane projects such as the US war on Iraq. We have an order for $50billion worth of armaments, much of it from US suppliers. These weapons could be used to back a future American war. The US is bludging on us.

Peter Farago, Newport


Situation normal when it comes to Trump

Come now, can anyone be surprised by anything that Donald (Tweety) Trump says and does? Weren't you watching and listening to his performance during the campaigns and election for the presidency? It is "P.T.Barnum Goes to Washington". Malcolm Turnbull should not feel too upset that his call to the White House ended abruptly. Anything that runs beyond 140 characters stretches beyond Tweety's attention span.

Bill O'Reilly, Hastings on Hudson, New York

What Turnbull should have said to Trump

In a way, I had hoped Donald Trump would renege on the refugee deal. Why should Australia pass the responsibility of our asylum seekers to another country? We alone are responsible for taking in these people who have been held in limbo for far too long. We alone have to deal with the psychological damage we have caused by allowing Manus Island and Nauru to operate. Malcolm Turnbull should have straightened his spine, told Mr Trump where he could stick it and welcomed the refugees to Australia.

Nicola Philp, Apollo Bay

The issue is inhumanity, not rudeness

We should not be surprised at Donald Trump's rudeness to Malcolm Turnbull. We pioneered his punitive policies to refugees; now we want him to make an exception to his hard line so we can maintain the purity of ours. Why focus on rudeness when the issue is inhumanity?

Peter Rechner, Essendon

The death of alliance, the birth of a pact

ANZAC takes on a new meaning with the likely death of the American Alliance. An Australia, New Zealand and China defence pact has a certain allure.

Moray Byrne, Edithvale

The 'can do' leader

Freud would have a ball analysing how provoked the commentariat gets about President Trump exercising his power. Unlike Barack Obama and Malcolm Turnbull, whose main achievements were getting elected, Mr Trump is not content to merely preside over the status quo. He plans to change things, whether you like it or not. If you can suspend your envy of his power and your revulsion at his lack of empathy, he begins to look like the "can do" leader we all want. When did you last see a leader with so much self-confidence?

David Mackay, Macleod

Humanitarian bridges

What worth is the "alliance"? With the rapidly shifting loyalties in the world, and with little to choose among Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte, Xi Jinping and a host of other leaders, this is a good time to become neutral or join the non-aligned bloc. We will regain our sovereignty, no longer engage in wars that only fuel further terrorism and be free to have a compassionate engagement with the world. We should not focus on military alliance, but rather build economic and humanitarian bridges and turn our attention to the eradication of global poverty and the climate crisis.

Trichur Vidyasagar, Kew East

The US has used us

The United States makes each country feel that it is the only one with whom it has a "special relationship". When will Australians wake up to the fact that the US always acts in its own self-interest? It took World War II to make us realise that Britain was not going to be our protector. It may take Donald Trump to help us realise the US is not our protector and that it has been using us in shortsighted, foreign invasions since World War II.

Reg Polson, Ashburton

Not the most important

Why should Australia offload a bunch of asylum seekers to the US? We have the resources to look after them. Our two major parties are trying to advertise their tough refugee policies, but we do not need to advertise them internationally. Also, it was not such an important issue that the Prime Minister had to talk to the President about it. No wonder Mr Trump was unhappy. I thought that when heads of state talk, they discuss policy issues,  which then can be implemented by bureaucrats. If this agreement was the most important issue that Mr Turnbull could talk about, then Australia-US relations need to be looked at.

Gopal Gupta, Toorak

Play hard to get

Don't worry, Malcolm Turnbull. Donald Trump will have us at war in the Middle East within a year or two. In fact, he has even made overtures to that with his comment in regard to Iraq's oil that "we should have taken it. We may get a second chance". Then he will come crawling for allies and support. Hopefully you will not give it.

Rod Eldridge, Derrinallum

Keep the profits local

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union has called on the Labor government to use the 2017 expiration of the contracts for Metro and Yarra Trams to allow the state to once again operate the networks (The Age, 2/2). Yes, bring the profits from our public transport systems back to Victorians. We can run these services as well, if not better, than foreign companies and other governments.

Jane May, Toorak

Fair pay for a fair gig

Pamela Thursfield (Letters, 3/2) mourns the loss of old pubs and the bands who provided "free (or nearly free) entertainment". Why shouldn't musicians be well paid? They need to own good- quality equipment, which is invariably expensive. This is apart from the unpaid time spent writing and practising their songs, and sound checks before gigs. Not paying bands well  is exploitation. "Some gold coins (thrown) into a hat" by "frugal young dancers" does not go anywhere in recompense for the cost of putting on the show. Those people who say musicians do it for free because they love it are avoiding the issue of fairness, and are undermining the efforts of musicians who want to earn a living from their music.

Jill Dumsday, Ashburton

Remembering Fred

Back in 1961, at the age of 16, I had my first magical, aching-with-laughter experience of live theatre. A teacher took us to the Union Theatre at Melbourne University for The Importance of Being Earnest, with Frederick Parslow as Algernon Moncrieff. More than two decades, later I took hundreds of "under-privileged" students to the wonderful MTC School Days performances. There on stage was Fred Parslow in, for example, A Fortunate Life (1984) – and he happily stayed on for coffee afterwards, answering eager young questions. There are just two of many memories of an actor, who died on January 26, who gave so much to Melbourne.

Barbara Sharpe, Heidelberg

A price on carbon

We can achieve "technology-agnostic", reliable and affordable electricity. It requires both major parties to commit to maintaining a price on carbon that  is sufficient to achieve our Paris commitments in an orderly manner. The ideological battlefield can then go away and business, households and others can get on with delivering the reliable electricity we want at the lowest competitive prices. A price on carbon now, please.

Ralph Stevenson, Eltham

Flak, fame, passion

Claire Siracusa's article ('Women deserve due respect", Sport, 3/2) brought a defensive tone to the start of the AFL Women's League. The vast majority of people are supportive of it.

The only doubt many might have had is that it would be hijacked by the gender debate. The players are not shrinking violets and are capable of taking flak with fame. I look forward to seeing them put on a show. I am not expecting AFL-standard skills, but it could be more entertaining for that absence. Passion and enthusiasm are preferable to the negative tactics that detract from many a match. Bring it on.

Paul Spinks, Alma

Preserving our jobs

Peter Martin supports the removal of parallel imports on books, running the argument that it will reduce book prices (Comment, 2/2). There is no guarantee of this. Aside from publishers, the book print, collating and binding industry employs hundreds of Australian workers. It has flow-on benefits for the packaging industry. It invests in state-of-the-art equipment. If the current restrictions are ditched,  jobs will go overseas and industry investment in book production will be quashed.

Mary Jo Fisher, Printing Industries Association of Australia, Wayville, SA

Protecting our culture

Describing authors' rights as "tariffs" muddies the debate. Current copyright law allows authors to sell an exclusive franchise to publish their book in Australia, with very strict "use it or lose it" limits. That is the basis on which publishers invest more than $120million in Australian writers every year. The booksellers association and the publishers association provided complete lists of bestselling titles and their prices. The Productivity Commission's analysis is less transparent. Consumers will not be better off if authors have fewer, less well-defined property rights. Removing authors' rights will not make books cheaper, but it will mean fewer of them are written or made for Australian audiences.

Michael Gordon-Smith, Australian Publishers Association, Ultimo, NSW

Putting hip pocket first

The publishing industry will react badly to Peter Martin's call to lift restrictions on so-called parallel importing of books. For decades the industry and many leading authors have convinced the government that preserving the livelihood of Australian writers is more important than the public's hip pocket. But just because a story is Australian does not mean it is worth telling or worth reading, particularly at an inflated price. The government needs to tell the industry, and its precious writers, who feel they are a protected species, that the game is over.

Rod Wise, Glen Iris

Did it cost us money?

Malcolm Turnbull gave a generous, $1.75million donation to the Liberal Party, of which he is the leader. He was re-elected in a safe seat. Might his donation be considered as an expense in earning an income and, therefore, a deduction against this income? Does this mean the public funded his generosity?

John Harrison, Clifton Hill


TandbergTurnbull and Trump

Dear Australians and Prime Minister, I apologise for Mr Trump's boorish behaviour. I have no idea how we raised him so poorly.

Steven Miles, Minneapolis, USA

Trump is essentially a real estate salesman. Say no more.

Terry O'Connor, Avondale Heights

Cyclone Donald is headed towards Darwin.

 Ann Peers, Glen Iris

I'm with you on this one, Don. I too have a problem with Malcolm's refugee solution.

John Mosig, Kew

Poor Faust did an artless deal with the orange Lucifer. It will end in tears, for all of us. 

Tim Moore, Olinda

So Turnbull gives "frank advice, fearless advice", privately. Pull the other one, Malcolm.

Leigh Fitzpatrick, Daylesford

Paul Keating would have given Trump a short back and sides.

John Rawson, South Morang

Those who called Turnbull "spineless" should apologise. He stood up to Trump and they yelled at each other.

Dylan Bailey, Ormond

Differing accounts of that phone call? Just alternative facts.

Kim Smith, Hughesdale

Malcolm, how about we give the refugees a home in Australia?

Sally Gilder, Northcote

It might have helped if Australia hadn't (wrongly) called them "illegal immigrants".

Tim Durbridge, Brunswick

May God have mercy on 1250 broken people. Australia and the US won't.

Glenda Addicott, Ringwood East

Malcolm, the problem with arguing with idiots is that you lower yourself to their level. I feel for you dealing with Donald and Bill.

Peter Hall, Warrandyte

If Turnbull wants to gain Trump's attention, he should mutter "joint defence facilities".

David Smith, Mount Waverley